Arenyen / Spiders

Kisa N’ap Aprann Semèn Sa?
What Are We Learning This Week?

Arenyen pa ensèk; yo se araknid. Yo gen wit pye e yo kreye twal pou yo viv.
Spiders are not insects; they are arachnids. They have eight legs and make webs to live in.

Kesyon Prensipal Pou Semèn Sa
This Week’s Big Questions

Kisa w konnen de arenyen? Pale m de kèlke bagay ke arenyen fè.
What do you know about spiders? Tell me about some of the things that spiders do?

Anviwon Vil La
Out on the Town

Pandan w’ap mache nan katye w, veye pou w wè si genyen arenyen pre kay ou, nan magazen, oubyen deyò nan lanati. Lè w jwen youn, ede pitit ou egzamine li e dekri li.
As you walk around in your neighborhood, keep an eye out for spiders near your home or shops, or outdoors. When you find one, help your child examine it and describe it.

Kesyon Prensipal Pou Semèn Sa
Show Me! Our Words of the Week

Di li / Say It:
Arenyen / Spider

Esplike li / Explain It:
Yon arenyen se yon bèt ki gen wit pye. Li file twal pou li viv e li manje ensèk. 
A spider is an animal with eight legs that spins webs to live in and catches insects to eat.

Pale de li / Talk About It:
Kijan arenyen sa parèt diferan de yon ensèk, tankou yon koksinèl?
How does this spider look different from an insect, like a ladybug?

Di li / Say It:
Twal / Web

Esplike li / Explain It:
Yon twal arenyen se yon estrikti fen ki fèt ak fil konekte. 
A web is a thin, open structure made of threads that connect to each other at points.

Pale de li / Talk About It:
Dekri twal arenyen a.
Describe the spider’s web.

Di li / Say It:
Filyè / Spinneret

Esplike li / Explain It:
Filyè a se pati nan kò yon arenyen ki pwodwi swa ki sèvi pou fè fil yo.
The spinneret is the part of the spider’s body that makes the sticky silk for their webs.

Pale de li / Talk About It:
Ki diferan kalite fòm fil arenyen ka fè ak filyè yo?
What are some different shapes of webs that spiders create with their spinnerets?