Exercising To Stay Strong

What Are We Learning About This Week?

Exercise helps our bones and muscles to be strong.

This Week’s Big Questions

What do we know about exercising? What are some exercises we can do at home or on the playground?

Out on the Town

Take a walk or jog around your neighborhood. Describe how exercising helps our bodies.

Show Me! Our Words of the Week

Say It:

Explain It:
Exercise is to move parts of your body to become strong and healthy. Running and swimming are good ways to exercise.

Talk About It:
What is your favorite type of exercise?

Say It:

Explain It:
Bones are the hard parts inside a person’s body. Our bones give our bodies shape and protect us.

Talk About It:
What do our bones do?

Say It:

Explain It:
Muscles are the soft pieces of flesh in our bodies that make our bones move.

Talk About It:
How does playing a sport help our muscles?