Community Helpers Introduction

What Are We Learning This Week?

Community helpers make our neighborhoods cleaner, safer, and more fun.

This Week’s Big Questions

Ask your child: What community helpers work in our neighborhoods or communities? 

Fun at Home

Share a story with your child about a time when a community helper helped you or about a family member who is a community helper. If you are a community helper, share with your child why you chose your job.

Show Me! Our Words of the Week


Say It:

Explain It:
A community is a place where many people live and work together. Another word for community is neighborhood.

Talk About It:
What community helpers do you see every day?

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Say It:

Explain It:
A builder is a community helper who uses tools to make things such as houses.

Talk About It:
What would happen in your community if you did not have builders?


Say It:

Explain It:
An electrician fixes things with wires, like the lights in our house.

Talk About It:
What are some things around your house that electricians could help with?