Nighttime Light

What Are We Learning This Week?

The sun is a giant star that gives us light during the day.

This Week’s Big Questions

Why do we need the sun’s light?

Out on the Town

Pause with your child a few times each day to observe where the sun is in the sky. Talk about how the sun moves from morning through the afternoon and into the night. Talk about how the amount of light and shadow can change throughout the day.

Show Me! Our Words of the Week

Say It:

Explain It:
A star is a bright ball of hot gases that we can see on a clear night in the sky.

Talk About It:
Why do some stars look so bright in the sky, while others are just tiny dots of light?

Say It:

Explain It:
To glow is to shine with a bright light from being very hot.

Talk About It:
What are some things that glow in your home at night?

Say It:

Explain It:
A shadow is the dark shape made when something blocks light from a light source like the sun.

Talk About It:
(You may need a lamp or flashlight). What makes a shadow get bigger? Smaller?