Travayè Konstriksyon / Construction Workers

Kisa N’ap Aprann Semèn Sa?
What Are We Learning This Week?

Travayè konstriksyon bati oubyen repare bagay nan kominote nou.
Construction workers build or repair things in our community.

Kesyon Prensipal Pou Semèn Sa
This Week’s Big Questions

Pale m de zouti ke yon travayè konstriksyon kenbe nan sentiwon zouti yo.
Tell me about the tools that a construction worker keeps in their tool belt.

Anviwon Vil La
Out on the Town

Fè yon ti mache nan katye w e chache yon bilding ke travayè konstriksyon ap repare. Dekri zouti ke travayè konstriksyon yo ap itilize pou yo repare bilding nan.
Take a walk around your neighborhood and look for a building that is being repaired by construction workers. Describe the tools the construction workers are using to repair the building.

Montre m! Mo Nou Pou Semèn Nan
Show Me! Our Words of the Week

Di li / Say It:
Travayè konstriksyon / Construction Worker

Esplike li / Explain It:
Yon travayè konstriksyon se yon moun ki bati oubyen ki ranje kay, wout, oubyen bilding. Travayè konstriksyon gen plizye diferan reskonsablite.
A construction worker is a person who builds or fixes homes, roads, and buildings. Construction workers have many different jobs.

Pale de li / Talk About It:
Kijan travayè konstriksyon ede kominote a?
How do construction workers help the community?

Di li / Say It:
Bilding / Building

Esplike li / Explain It:
Yon bilding se yon gwo edifis kote moun ka viv, travay, oubyen fè lòt aktivite. Kay, lekòl, magazen, ak ofis tout se yon kalite bilding.
A building is a large structure built for people to live, work, or do things in. Houses, schools, stores, and offices are all buildings.

Pale de li / Talk About It:
Dekri bilding yo.
Describe the buildings.

Di li / Say It:
Sentiwon zouti / Tool Belt

Esplike li / Explain It:
Yon sentiwon zouti se yon atik rad ki mete nan senti yon moun pou kenbe ekipman yo ak bagay yo bezwen pou fè travay yo. Yon travayè konstriksyon kenbe mato li nan sentiwon zouti li.
A tool belt is a piece of clothing worn around a person’s waist to hold equipment and things needed for their job. A construction worker keeps his hammer in his tool belt.

Pale de li / Talk About It:
Poukisa travayè konstriksyon bezwen yon sentiwon zouti?
Why do construction workers need a tool belt?