RT Wise Owls Database

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Types of Research Within the Database

  • Meta-analysis/Meta-synthesis: A statistical technique (meta-analysis) or integrative technique (meta-synthesis) for combining findings from multiple studies.

  • Systematic Review: A comprehensive literature review focused on a research question that identifies, appraises, and synthesizes evidence related to the question. This includes all types of reviews including rapid reviews, scoping reviews, and umbrella reviews.

  • Randomized Control Trial (RCT): A study where participants are randomly assigned to an experimental or control group to compare different interventions.

  • Other Quantitative: Any other quantitative design that examines the effectiveness of an intervention or relationship among variables. Types of studies within this category include quasi-experimental, single-subject, experimental without a control group, and survey studies. RCTs are identified separately.

  • Qualitative: A study that gathers information through observation, focus groups, and/or individual interviews to gain an understanding of the person/group perspective on a phenomenon (exploratory in nature, looking for trends/patterns).

  • Mixed Methods: A study that utilizes both quantitative and qualitative designs in the same study.

  • Synthesis: A review of a selected body of literature.

  • Synthesis (student): A review of a selected body of literature conducted by RT students under faculty mentorship and peer reviewed.

  • Guidelines: Statements that include recommendations intended to optimize client care that are informed by a systematic review of evidence and an assessment of the benefits and harms of alternative care options

Conducting a Systematic Review

If you are a recreational therapy student, professor, or researcher and you want to learn more about how to conduct a rapid or systematic review to strengthen recreational therapy evidence-based practice, take a look at this journal article and ATRA’s rapid review and systematic review guidelines.

Effects of visual arts-based interventions on physical and psychosocial outcomes of people with stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2023adults strokecreative-arts-activity physical-functioning psychosocial-functioning-factorsmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The effect of exercise on mental health and health-related quality of life in individuals with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2024adults multiple-sclerosismental-psychological-health physical-activity quality-of-lifemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Efficacy of aquatic therapy in people with spinal cord injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2023adults spinal-cord-injuryaquatics-swimming physical-functioning relaxationmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Application of augmented reality interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): A systematic review, , , , , 2023adults autism children-youth-adolescentscognitive-functioning emotion-feeling-recognition social-skills video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Benefits and harms of interventions to improve anxiety, depression, and other mental health outcomes for autistic people: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, , , , , 2023adults autism children-youth-adolescentsanxiety depression mental-psychological-healthmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Recreational screen time behaviour among ambulatory children and adolescents diagnosed with cerebral palsy: A cross-sectional analysis, 2024cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentsscreentimeother-quantitative
Participation in arts and culture among individuals with serious mental illnesses and its relationship to quality of life and recovery, 2023adults mental-illnesscommunity-integration-participation-transitionother-quantitative
Effect of doll therapy in behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: A systematic review, 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsdoll-therapysystematic-review
Positive youth development and adventure therapy with underserved youth: An evaluation of the Chicago Voyagers Program, , , , 2023children-youth-adolescentsmental-psychological-health outdoor-adventure-nature-experience positive-psychology resilience traumamixed-methods
Multimodal exercise programs may improve posttraumatic stress disorders symptoms and quality of life in adults with PTSD: An overview of systematic reviews with meta-analysis, , , 2024adults post-traumatic-stress-disorderphysical-activity quality-of-lifemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effectiveness of behavioral and pharmacologic interventions for depressive symptoms after spinal cord injury: Findings from a systematic review, , 2024adults older-adults spinal-cord-injurydepressionsystematic-review
Curating the self-identity: Tabletop game hobbyist online practices as an extended leisure experience, , , 2024adultsboard-games identity meaningful-activity-life-leisure non-digital-gamesmixed-methods
Effects of home-based exercise interventions on post-stroke depression: A systematic review and network meta-analysis, , , , 2024adults major-depressive-disorder-depression strokedepression physical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Socratic guided feedback therapy after acquired brain injury: A multicenter randomized controlled trial to evaluate effects of self-awareness, , , 2024adults stroke traumatic-brain-injuryself-awareness-insight socratic-guided-feedbackother-quantitative
The impact of outdoor therapeutic recreation on suicidality: A mixed-method systematic review, , , 2024adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsoutdoor-adventure-nature-experience suicidal-ideationsystematic-review
The influence of family functioning and social relationships on child participation after traumatic brain injury, , , 2024children-youth-adolescents traumatic-brain-injurycommunity-integration-participation-transition family-leisure-functioning social-support-relationshipsother-quantitative
Effect of exercise for depression: Systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, , , , , 2024adults major-depressive-disorder-depressiondepression martial-arts physical-activity yogameta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Riding waves to improve functioning: A quantitative evaluation of a surf week in individuals with chronic phase brain injury with six months follow-up, , , , 2024adults older-adults stroke traumatic-brain-injuryphysical-functioning surfingother-quantitative
Physical activity participation, quality of life, and behavioral health disorders for veterans with PTSD, , , , , 2024post-traumatic-stress-disorder veterans-militaryanxiety depression physical-activity quality-of-life substance-use-abuseother-quantitative
Exploring therapeutic nature-based programs for individuals who have experienced trauma: A scoping review, , , 2024adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsoutdoor-adventure-nature-experience traumasystematic-review
Virtual reality immerses you in your mind: The expeirences of stress-reduction benefits of VR mindfulness modules in persons with TBI, , , , 2024adults older-adults traumatic-brain-injurymindfulness stress video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymixed-methods
Compensatory cognitive training for people with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials, 2024adults traumatic-brain-injurycognitive-functioningsystematic-review
Leisure engagement among people living with acquired brain injury: A scoping review, , 2024adults stroke traumatic-brain-injuryplay-leisure-recreation-participationsystematic-review
Effect of action observation therapy in the rehabilitation of neurological and musculoskeletal conditions: A systematic review, , , , , , 2021adults amputation-limb-loss cerebral-palsy dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment multiple-sclerosis parkinsons-disease strokeobservation-trainingsystematic-review
Community reintegration after traumatic brain injury, , 2024adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultscommunity-integration-participation-transitionsystematic-review
What influences stroke survivors with physical disabilities to be physically active? A qualitative study informed by the theoretical domains framework, , 2024adults older-adults strokephysical-activityqualitative
Yoga plus mantram repetition to reduce chronic pain in veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder: Feasibility study, , , 2023adults post-traumatic-stress-disorder veterans-militarypain yogaother-quantitative
Adverse childhood experiences and trauma-informed care in rehabilitation clinical practice, , 2019adverse-childhood-experiences children-youth-adolescentsrehabilitation-habilitation-recovery traumaguideline
Barriers and facilitators during community reintegration of people with spinal cord injury: A qualitative study, , , 2024adults spinal-cord-injurybarriers community-integration-participation-transition facilitatorsqualitative
Association between participation and satisfaction with life over time in older adults with traumatic brain injury, , , 2024older-adults traumatic-brain-injurycommunity-integration-participation-transition life-satisfaction social-support-relationshipsother-quantitative
Effects of group exercise on motor function and mobility for parkinson’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2024adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasephysical-activity physical-functioningmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Investigating adaptive sport participation for adults 50 years or older with spinal cord injury or disease: A descriptive cross-sectional survey, , 2024adults older-adults spinal-cord-injurysportother-quantitative
Efficacy of serious games for chronic pain management in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2024older-adultspain video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Can a simple distraction lower fear levels during a sudden scary outdoor situation?, 2023adultsdistraction stressother-quantitative
Community-based programs for youth with mental health conditions: A scoping review and practical implications, , 2023children-youth-adolescents mental-illnesscommunity-integration-participation-transition play-leisure-recreation-participationsystematic-review
Introducing ‘everyday moments of leisure’: Highlighting enjoyable breaks and pauses, , 2024adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsplay-leisure-recreation-participationsystematic-review
Meta-analysis of cognitive rehabilitation interventions in veterans and service members with traumatic brain injuries, , , , 2024adults older-adults traumatic-brain-injury veterans-militarycognitive-functioning rehabilitation-habilitation-recoverymeta-analysis-synthesis
The effectiveness of aquatic therapy on motor and social skill as well as executive function in children with neurodevelopmental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2024autism children-youth-adolescentsaquatics-swimming physical-functioning social-skillsmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Do exercise programs improve fitness, mobility, and functional capacity in adults with lower limb amputation? A systematic review on the type and minimal dose needed
Momentary associations between purpose in life and cognitive function in everyday life, 2023older-adultscognitive-functioning sense-of-purposeother-quantitative
Exploring sport participation in individuals with spinal cord injury: A qualitative thematic synthesis, , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents spinal-cord-injurysportmeta-analysis-synthesis
Co-designing for behavioural change: Understanding barriers and enablers to addressing sexuality after traumatic brain injury and mapping intervention strategies in a multi-disciplinary rehabilitation unit, 2024adults traumatic-brain-injurysexualityqualitative
Are tai chi and qigong affective in the treatment of traumatic brain injury? A systematic review, , , , , 2024adults older-adults traumatic-brain-injurycognitive-functioning martial-arts mental-psychological-health physical-functioningsystematic-review
Purpose in life and stress: An individual-participant meta-analysis of 16 samples, 2024older-adultssense-of-purpose stressmeta-analysis-synthesis
Prosocial interventions and health outcomes, , , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsprosocial-behavior-actions-that-benefit-othersmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Physical activity and mental health in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , autism children-youth-adolescentsmental-psychological-health physical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Independence through community access and navigation: A supported leisure intervention for individuals with negative symptoms, 2024adults schizophreniacommunity-integration-participation-transitionrandomized-controlled-trial
Some types of exercise interventions are more effective than others in people with coronary heart disease: Systematic review and network meta-analysis
Effect of cardio drumming on stress and self-esteem in an inpatient psychiatric hospital, , , , 2023adults mental-illnessdrumming physical-activity self-esteem-self-acceptance stressother-quantitative
Biopsychosocial factors of quality of life in individuals with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: A scoping review, , 2024adults older-adults traumatic-brain-injuryquality-of-lifesystematic-review
What are the effects of pilates in the post stroke population? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, , , 2023adults older-adults strokephysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Change in purpose in life before and after onset of cognitive impairment, 2023older-adultscognitive-functioning sense-of-purposeother-quantitative
Rehabilitation of working memory after acquired brain injury and multiple sclerosis: A systematic review, , , 2024adults multiple-sclerosis older-adults strokecognitive-functioningsystematic-review
Purpose in life and markers of immunity and inflammation: Testing pathways of episodic memory, 2023older-adultscognitive-functioning sense-of-purposeother-quantitative
Effects of multicomponent exercise on quality of life, depression and anxiety among stroke survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2023adults older-adults strokephysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Balance between solitude and socializing: Everyday solitude time both benefits and harms well-being2023adultssocial-activities-participationother-quantitative
Clinical practice guideline for management of osteoporosis and fracture prevention in Canada: 2023 update, , 2023older-adults osteoporosisprevention rehabilitation-habilitation-recoveryguideline
Purpose in life and cognitive performance and informant ratings of cognitive decline, affect, and activities, 2023older-adultscognitive-functioning sense-of-purposeother-quantitative
Sensory hypersensitivity after acquired brain injury: The patient perspective, , 2023brain-tumors stroke traumatic-brain-injurysensory-processing-stimulationqualitative
Effect of rhythmically cued exercise interventions on functions in patients with parkinson disease: A meta-analysis, , 2024adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasecueingmeta-analysis-synthesis
Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for adults with heart failure, 2024adults cardiac-conditionsrehabilitation-habilitation-recoverysystematic-review
Effects of tai-chi on quality of life in people wiht neurodegenerative diseases: A systematic review of randomised clinical trials, , 2024adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasemartial-artssystematic-review
A systematic review of the efficacy of group social skills interventions on social functioning and social participation in children with acquired brain injury or cerebral palsy, , , , 2024cancer cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescents traumatic-brain-injurysocial-activities-participation social-skillssystematic-review
Family functioning, community participation, and rehabilitation barriers in the acquired brain injury community: An exploratory analysis, , , 2024stroke traumatic-brain-injurybarriers community-integration-participation-transition family-caregiver-trainingother-quantitative
The use of extended reality (XR) for people with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities (ID): A scoping review, , 2022adults children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilityvideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Family involvement in rehabilitation programmes for children and adolescents with acquired brain injury: A scoping literature review, , 2024children-youth-adolescents stroke traumatic-brain-injuryfamily-caregiver-trainingsystematic-review
Strength training as a non-pharmacological alternative to improve body composition, and quality of life in people with spinal cord injury: A systematic review, , , 2024adults spinal-cord-injuryphysical-activity physical-functioning quality-of-lifesystematic-review
The management of posttraumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder: Synopsis of the 2023 U.S. department of veterans affairs and U.S. department of defense clinical practice guideline, 2024adults post-traumatic-stress-disorderrehabilitation-habilitation-recoveryguideline
Program evaluation of an adapted PEERS social skills program in young adults with autism spectrum disorder and/or mild intellectual impairment and social skills difficulties, , 2023adults autism intellectual-developmental-disabilitysocial-skillsmixed-methods
Children’s social problem-solving skills in playing videogames and traditional games: A systematic review, , 2023children-youth-adolescentscognitive-functioning social-skills video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
A systematic review of psychosocial interventions for people with intellectual disabilities and dementia, , , , 2023dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment intellectual-developmental-disabilitybehavior-modification-management person-centered-care reminiscence-life-review technology-assistive-technologysystematic-review
Intervening from the “inside out”: Exploring the role of self-determination and mindfulness-based interventions for people with intellectual disabilities, , 2022adults intellectual-developmental-disabilitymindfulness self-determination-self-efficacysynthesis
Adapting psychological interventions for people with severe and profound intellectual disabilities: A behavioural activation exemplar, , 2024adults intellectual-developmental-disabilitybehavior-modification-management behavioral-activationsynthesis
The experiences and views of adults with intellectual disabilities accessing digital mental health interventions: A qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis, , 2023adults intellectual-developmental-disabilitymobile-technology telehealthsystematic-review
Psychosocial-behavioural interventions for school-aged children with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review of randomised control trials, , , 2023children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilitycognitive-functioning social-skills speech-communicationsystematic-review
Psychological and social outcomes of befriending inerventions for adults with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review, 2023adults intellectual-developmental-disabilityfriendshipsystematic-review
The LGBTQ+ people-animal bond: A systematic review of the effects of companion animals on LGBTQ+ people, , , 2024adults lbgtqanimal-assisted-therapy resilience stresssystematic-review
One cue does not fit all: A systematic review with meta-analysis of the effectiveness of cueing on freezing gait in parkinson’s disease, , , , , , , 2023adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasecueing-verbal demonstrative gestural physical-functioning pictorial tactilesystematic-review
Benefits of physical exercise and suitable types of exercise in alcohol-use disorders patients: A systematic review, 2023adults alcohol-use-disorderphysical-activitysystematic-review
Mindfulness-based interventions for chronic low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2024adults back-disordersmindfulnessmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Short-term effects of randomized mindfulness-based intervention in female breast cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2021adults cancermindfulnessmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Digital intervention in improving the outcomes of mental health among LGBTQ+ youth: A systematic review, , , 2023children-youth-adolescents lbgtqmental-psychological-health mobile-technology telehealthsystematic-review
The empirical status of mindfulness-based interventions: A systematic review of 44 meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials, , 2022adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsmindfulnesssystematic-review
Understanding the experience of initiating community-based group physical activity by people with serious mental illness: A systematic review using a meta-ethnographic approach, , 2020adults mental-illnesscommunity-integration-participation-transition physical-activitysystematic-review
A randomized controlled pilot study assessing feasibility and safety of a wilderness program for childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors: The WAYA study, , 2023adults cancer children-youth-adolescentsoutdoor-adventure-nature-experiencerandomized-controlled-trial
What is the impact of nature on human health A scoping review of the literature, , , , , , 2022adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsbarriers cognitive-functioning facilitators mental-psychological-health outdoor-adventure-nature-experiencesystematic-review
The effects of a mountain wilderness experience on combat veteran psychosocial wellness, , 2023adults post-traumatic-stress-disorder veterans-militaryoutdoor-adventure-nature-experienceother-quantitative
Evaluating the effectiveness of a psychological and adventure-based multicomponent therapeutic program for victims of intimate partner violence: A pilot study, , , 2023adults intimate-partner-violencedepression mental-psychological-health outdoor-adventure-nature-experienceother-quantitative
Impact of exercise training on symptoms of depression, physical activity level and social participation in people living with HIV/AIDS: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2022adults hiv-aidsdepression physical-activity social-activities-participationmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery in breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, , 2021adults cancerrelaxationmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The effects of positive psychology interventions on well-being and distress in patients with cardiovascular diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2023adults cardiac-conditionspositive-psychology stress well-beingmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effectiveness of preoperative therapeutic play on anxiety among children undergoing invasive procedure: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2022children-youth-adolescentsplay-therapy-medical-playmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Non-pharmacological interventions to reduce anxiety among children children undergoing surgery: A systematic review2022children-youth-adolescentsplay-therapy-medical-playsystematic-review
The physical and psychological outcomes of art therapy in pediatric palliative care: A systematic review, 2023cancer children-youth-adolescentscreative-arts-activitysystematic-review
The effect of play on pain and anxiety in children in the field of nursing: A systematic review, , 2021children-youth-adolescentsanxiety pain play-therapy-medical-playsystematic-review
Mediators of acceptance and mindfulness-based therapies for anxiety and depression: A systematic review, , , , 2022adults generalized-anxiety-disorder-anxiety major-depressive-disorder-depressionanxiety depression mindfulnesssystematic-review
Equine-assisted therapy in post-traumatic-stress disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents veterans-militaryanimal-assisted-therapymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Early visual training and environmental adaptation for infants with visual impairment2021children-youth-adolescentsvisionother-quantitative
Positive psychology interventions can improve mental health for chronic pain patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2023adults chronic-painmental-psychological-health positive-psychologymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Virtual reality for pediatric traumatic brain injury: A systematic review, 2020children-youth-adolescents traumatic-brain-injuryvideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Are positive psychology interventions efficacious in chronic pain treatment? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, , 2022adultspain positive-psychologymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Goal-setting and personalization under the international classification of functioning, disability, and health framework: Community reintegration program for post-stroke patients, , , 2023adults older-adults strokecommunity-integration-participation-transition goal-setting-attainmentqualitative
Interventions to improve executive functions in children and adolescents with acquired brain injury: A systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis, , 2024children-youth-adolescents traumatic-brain-injurycognitive-functioningmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The effects of virtual reality training in stroke and parkinson’s disease rehabilitation: A systematic review and a perspective on usability, , , 2022adults older-adults parkinsons-disease strokevideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
A tablet-based intervention for activating nursing home residents with dementia: Results from a cluster-randomized controlled trial, , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsquality-of-life technology-assistive-technologyrandomized-controlled-trial
Brain changes: Aerobic exercise for traumatic brain injury rehabilitation, , , , , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents traumatic-brain-injurycognitive-functioning physical-activity physical-functioning quality-of-lifesystematic-review
Systematic review of discourse and social communication interventions in traumatic brain injury, 2022adults traumatic-brain-injuryspeech-communicationsystematic-review
International classification of functioning, disability, and health-based rehabilitation program promotes activity and participation of post-stroke patients, , 2023adults older-adults strokecommunity-integration-participation-transitionother-quantitative
Use of virtual reality in patients with acquired brain injury: A systematic review, , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents traumatic-brain-injuryvideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
A review of the literature to inform the development of a practice framework for supporting children with cerebral visual impairment (CVI)2021children-youth-adolescentsvisionsynthesis
Physical activity interventions for adults with traumatic brain injury (2013-2020), 2022adults traumatic-brain-injuryphysical-activitysystematic-review
Leisure activities are associated with self-efficacy in childhood and adolescence, 2023children-youth-adolescentsplay-leisure-recreation-participation self-determination-self-efficacyother-quantitative
Systematic review of aquatic therapeutic exercise efficacy in breast cancer survivors, , , , 2022adults canceraquatics-swimming fatigue pain quality-of-lifesystematic-review
The relationship between children’s sensory processing patterns and their leisure preferences and participation patterns, , 2015children-youth-adolescents sensory-processing-disorderplay-leisure-recreation-participation sensory-processing-stimulationother-quantitative
Effects of behaviour change interventions on physical activity in people with spinal cord injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2023adults spinal-cord-injuryphysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effect of complementary and alternative medicine interventions on cancer related pain among breast cancer patients: A systematic review, , , , , 2020adults cancermartial-arts mindfulness music pain yogasystematic-review
Lifestyle modification interventions for adults with intellectual disabilities: Systematic review and meta-analysis at intervention and component levels, , , , 2024adults intellectual-developmental-disabilitydiet-nutrition physical-activity substance-use-abusemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effect of leisure activities on cognitive aging in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2022older-adultscognitive-functioning play-leisure-recreation-participationmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Music-based interventions for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities: A systematic review of the literature, , , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilitymusic social-skillssystematic-review
Association of music interventions with health-related quality of life: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2022adultsmusic quality-of-lifemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Auditory stimulation improves gait and posture in cerebral palsy: A systematic review with between- and within-group meta-analysis, , , 2022cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentsmusic physical-functioningmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Measuring the effects of listening for leisure on outcome after stroke (MELLO): A pilot randomized controlled trial of mindful music listening, , , , 2020adults older-adults strokecognitive-functioning mood-affect musicrandomized-controlled-trial
Effects of exercise training on obesity-related parameters in people with intellectual disabilities: Systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilityphysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Is exercise/physical activity effective at reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in adults – A systematic review, 2022adults post-traumatic-stress-disorderphysical-activitysystematic-review
Yoga and music intervention reduces inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and oppositional defiant disorder in children’s consumer with comorbid ADHD and ODD, , , , , 2023attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder children-youth-adolescents oppositional-defiant-disorders-conduct-disordersbehavior-modification-management cognitive-functioning music yogaother-quantitative
Art therapy as a treatment for adults with learning disabilities who are experiencing mental distress: A configurative systematic review with narrative synthesis, 2023adults intellectual-developmental-disabilitycreative-arts-activitysystematic-review
Effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy and pet-robot interventions in reducing depressive symptoms among older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2024older-adultsanimal-assisted-therapy depressionmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The effect of combined cognitive-behavioral psychoeducation and music intervention on stress, self-efficacy, and relapse rates in patients with alcohol and substance use disorders: A randomized controlled trial, , , , , 2022adults substance-use-disordersknowledge-education music relapse self-determination-self-efficacy stressrandomized-controlled-trial
The potential for person-centred planning to support the community participation of adults with an intellectual disability, 2022adults intellectual-developmental-disabilitycommunity-integration-participation-transitionmixed-methods
The effectiveness of a recreational behavioural programme in reducing anger among children with intellectual disabilities at the primary stage, , , , 2024children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilityanger-aggression-agitation behavior-modification-management group-games play-leisure-recreation-participationother-quantitative
Assistive technology for cognition to support executive functions in autism: A scoping review, , 2020adults children-youth-adolescentscognitive-functioning technology-assistive-technologysystematic-review
Physical activity intervention and posttraumatic growth: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , , , 2022adultshealth-outcomes-behaviors knowledge-education physical-activity sport trauma yogameta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Personal recovery in the postdischarge period for individuals with schizophrenia spectrum diagnoses: The role of community integration and social support, , 2022adults schizophreniacommunity-integration-participation-transition social-support-relationshipsother-quantitative
“We can do this!”: The role of physical activity in what comes next for dementia, 2023dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsphysical-activitysynthesis
Expressive arts interventions to improve psychosocial well-being in caregivers: A systematic review, 2024caregiverscreative-arts-activity well-beingsystematic-review
The effectiveness of music-movement integration for vulnerable groups: A systematic literature review, , , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsmusic physical-activitysystematic-review
Comparative efficacy of active group music intervention versus group music listening in alzheimer’s disease, , , 2021dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsbehavior-modification-management cognitive-functioning musicother-quantitative
Group-based music intervention in parkinson’s disease – Findings from a mixed-methods study, , 2020adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasemusicother-quantitative
Blindspot in the evidence base: A systematic review of psychological interventions for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities and co-occurring obesity, , , , , 2022adults children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disability obesitybehavior-modification-management mindfulness physical-activitysystematic-review
Effects of positive behaviour support delivered by direct staff on challenging behaviours and quality of life of adults with intellectual disabilities: A multicentre cluster-controlled trial, , 2024adults intellectual-developmental-disabilitybehavior-modification-management quality-of-liferandomized-controlled-trial
Scoping review on communication systems used by adults with severe/profound intellectual disability for functional communication, 2023adults intellectual-developmental-disabilityspeech-communicationsystematic-review
Effectiveness of interventions for improving social inclusion outcomes for people with disabilities in low and middle income countries: A systematic review, , , , , , , , , 2023adults cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disability mental-illnessbarriers community-integration-participation-transition facilitators inclusion play-leisure-recreation-participation social-activities-participationsystematic-review
Effects of music, dance and drama therapies for people with an intellectual disability: A scoping review, , , , 2021adults children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilitydance drama musicsystematic-review
Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural interventions for outwardly directed aggressive behaviour in people with intellectual disabilities, , , , , , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilityanger-aggression-agitation behavior-modification-management cognitive-behavioral-therapy mindfulness positive-behavioral-supportsystematic-review
Possible assistive technology solutions for people with moderate to severe/profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: Considerations on their function and long-term role, , 2024adults children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilitytechnology-assistive-technologysynthesis
The effect of mindfulness practice on aggression and violence levels in adults: A systematic review, 2019adultsanger-aggression-agitation mindfulnesssystematic-review
Effect of participation motivation in sports climbing on leisure satisfaction and physical self-efficacy, , , 2024adultsmotivation play-leisure-recreation-satisfaction self-determination-self-efficacy sportother-quantitative
Exploring the transformative power of dance: A scoping review of dance interventions for adults with intellectual disabilities, 2023adults intellectual-developmental-disabilitydancesystematic-review
“It’s about sharing a moment”: Parents’ view and experiences of home reading with their autistic children with moderate-to-severe intellectual disabilities, , 2022children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilityplay-leisure-recreation-participation readingmixed-methods
Effects of sport or physical recreation for adults with physical or intellectual disabilities: A systematic review with meta-analysis, , , , , , , 2023adults intellectual-developmental-disability multiple-sclerosis parkinsons-disease spinal-cord-injury stroke traumatic-brain-injurysportmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Intelligent assistive technology devices for persons with dementia: A scoping review, 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultstechnology-assistive-technologysystematic-review
Use of assistive technology for persons with psychosocial disability: Systematic review, 2023adults mental-illnesstechnology-assistive-technologysystematic-review
Intellectual disability and autism in adults influence psychological treatments for mental health comorbidities, , 2023adults autism intellectual-developmental-disabilitynon-pharmacological-interventionsother-quantitative
Assistive technology to facilitate children’s play: A scoping review2024children-youth-adolescentsplay-leisure-recreation-participationsystematic-review
A systematic literature review of peer-led strategies for promoting physical activity levels of adolescents, 2022children-youth-adolescentspeer-intervention-support physical-activitysystematic-review
Assistive technology for the inclusion of students with disabilities: A systematic review2022children-youth-adolescentstechnology-assistive-technologysystematic-review
Mindfulness and yoga for psychological trauma: Systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2020adults post-traumatic-stress-disordermindfulness trauma yogameta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Yoga as an intervention for the reduction of symptoms of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents: A systematic review, , 2020children-youth-adolescents generalized-anxiety-disorder-anxiety major-depressive-disorder-depressionyogasystematic-review
A map of assistive technology educative instruments in neurodevelopmental disorders, , , 2022attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder autism children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilitytechnology-assistive-technologysystematic-review
Efficacy of aquatic exercise in chronic musculoskeletal disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, , , , , , , , 2023adults arthritis back-disorders fibromyalgia older-adultsaquatics-swimming pain physical-functioning quality-of-lifemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Determinants of physical health management behaviours in adults with serious mental illness: A systematic review, , 2021adults mental-illnesshealth-outcomes-behaviors self-managementsystematic-review
Group lifestyle intervention with mobile health for young adults with serious mental illness: A randomized controlled trial, , 2022adults mental-illnessmobile-technology physical-activityrandomized-controlled-trial
Exercise as medicine for mental and substance use disorders: A meta-review of the benefits for neuropsychiatric and cognitive outcomes, , , , , , , , , 2020adults attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder eating-disorders generalized-anxiety-disorder-anxiety mental-illness mood-disorders post-traumatic-stress-disorder schizophrenia substance-use-disordersphysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Living well: An intervention to improve medical illness self-management for individuals with serious mental illness, , 2019adults mental-illnesspeer-intervention-support self-managementother-quantitative
The supporting role of dogs in the inpatient setting: A systematic review of the therapeutic effects of animal-assisted therapy with dogs for children and adolescents in an inpatient setting, 2023children-youth-adolescents mental-illnessanimal-assisted-therapysystematic-review
Effect of yoga on health outcomes in adults with chronic stroke, , , 2024adults older-adults strokehealth-outcomes-behaviors yogasynthesis-student
Promoting social participation and recovery using virtual reality-based interventions among people with mental health and substance use disorders: Qualitative study, , 2023adults mental-illness substance-use-disorderssocial-activities-participationqualitative
Effectiveness and safety of aerobic exercise for rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, , , 2022adults arthritis older-adultsphysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Yoga, meditation and mindfulness in pediatric oncology – A review of the literature, , 2021cancer children-youth-adolescentsmindfulness yogasystematic-review
The impact of mindfulness interventions for staff on the care, treatment, and experiences of people with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review
Yoga in the pediatric oncology population: A review of the literature, 2021cancer children-youth-adolescentsyogasystematic-review
A systematic review of dog-assisted therapy in children with behavioural and developmental disorders, , , 2022autism children-youth-adolescents incarcerated intellectual-developmental-disabilityanimal-assisted-therapysystematic-review
The efficacy of dance interventions for the activity and participation of individuals with cerebral palsy – A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , , , , 2023adults cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentscognitive-functioning dance mental-psychological-health physical-functioning social-support-relationshipsmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
External sources promoting resilience in adults with intellectual disabilities: A systematic literature review, 2022adults intellectual-developmental-disabilityresiliencesystematic-review
High satisfaction and improved quality of life with rock steady boxing in parkinson’s disease: Results of a large-scale survey, , , , 2022adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasephysical-activity quality-of-life sportother-quantitative
Self-esteem and its relationship with depression and anxiety with intellectual disabilities: A systematic literature review, , , 2023adults intellectual-developmental-disabilityanxiety depression self-esteem-self-acceptancesystematic-review
Nature-based interventions for autistic children: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , , 2023autism children-youth-adolescentsbehavior-modification-management cognitive-functioning outdoor-adventure-nature-experience sensory-processing-stimulationmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Nintendo wii therapy improves upper extremity motor function in children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review with meta-analysis, , , 2022cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentsphysical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Benefits of adaptive sport on physical and mental quality of life in people with physical disabilities: A meta-analysis, , , , , , , 2023adults cerebral-palsy multiple-sclerosis stroke traumatic-brain-injurycognitive-functioning mental-psychological-health quality-of-life sportmeta-analysis-synthesis
The effect of animal-assisted interventions on the course of neurological diseases: A systematic review, , , , , 2023adults multiple-sclerosis parkinsons-disease strokeanimal-assisted-therapy mental-psychological-health physical-functioningsystematic-review
Promoting self-determination of persons with severe or profound intellectual disabilities: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , , , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultscommunity-integration-participation-transition drama meaningful-activity-life-leisure self-determination-self-efficacymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
A systematic review of music interventions to support parent-child attachment, , 2022adults children-youth-adolescentsmusic social-support-relationshipssystematic-review
Effectiveness of mechanical horse-riding stimulator-based interventions in patients with cerebral palsy – A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentsanimal-assisted-therapy physical-functioningmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The impact of peer support group programs on psychosocial outcomes for burn survivors and caregivers: A review of the literature, , , , 2021adults burns children-youth-adolescentsmental-psychological-health peer-intervention-support social-support-relationshipssystematic-review
The effect of nature-based adventure interventions on depression: A systematic review, , 2023adults children-youth-adolescentsdepression outdoor-adventure-nature-experiencesystematic-review
Board game-based intervention to improve executive functions and academic skills in rural schools: A randomized controlled trial, 2023children-youth-adolescentsboard-games cognitive-functioningrandomized-controlled-trial
Burn camps for burns survivors – realising the benefits for early adjustment: A systematic review, , , , 2020burns children-youth-adolescentsmental-psychological-health play-leisure-recreation-participation social-skills social-support-relationshipssystematic-review
The use of virtual and computational technologies in the psychomotor and cognitive development of children with down syndrome: A systematic literature review, , , , 2022children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilitycognitive-functioning physical-functioning social-skills video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Psychological and functional outcomes following a randomized controlled trial of surf and hike therapy for U.S. service members, , , , 2023adults veterans-militarymental-psychological-health outdoor-adventure-nature-experience social-support-relationships sportother-quantitative
Creative art therapy for improving depression, anxiety, and stress in patients with stroke: A quasi-interventional study, , , , , 2023adults older-adults strokeanxiety creative-arts-activity depression stressother-quantitative
Effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy in improving PTSD symptoms among children, 2024children-youth-adolescents post-traumatic-stress-disorderanimal-assisted-therapysynthesis-student
Mixed martial arts training improves social skills and lessens problem behaviors in boys with autism spectrum disorder, , 2021autism children-youth-adolescentsmartial-arts social-skillsrandomized-controlled-trial
Nintendo wii balance board therapy for postural control in children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2021cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentsphysical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The effects of aromatherapy on anxiety and depression in people with cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2022adults canceranxiety aromatherapy depressionmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The effect of the art therapy interventions on depression symptoms among older adults: A meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials, , 2023major-depressive-disorder-depression older-adultscreative-arts-activity depressionmeta-analysis-synthesis
The efficacy of mindfulness-based therapy for anxiety, social skills, and aggressive behaviors in children and young people with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review, , , , 2023autism children-youth-adolescentsanger-aggression-agitation anxiety mindfulness social-skillssystematic-review
The effectiveness of activity pacing interventions for people with chronic fatigue syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2023chronic-fatigue-syndromefatiguemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effects of an inclusive physical activity program on the motor skills, social skills and attitudes of students with and without autism spectrum disorder, , , 2021autism children-youth-adolescentsphysical-activity physical-functioning social-skillsother-quantitative
The effect of music therapy on language recovery in patients with aphasia after stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2022adults older-adults strokemusic speech-communicationmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Dance rhythms improve motor symptoms in individuals with parkinson’s disease: A randomized clinical trial, , , 2022adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasedance physical-functioningrandomized-controlled-trial
Exergames for balance dysfunction in neurological disability: A meta-analysis with meta-regression
Effects of exercise programs on functional capacity and quality of life in people with acquired brain injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2022adults traumatic-brain-injuryphysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effects of recreational therapy and 3D ultrasonography for high-risk pregnancies on psychological well-being during hospitalization and in the puerperal stage, , , , 2023adults pregnancyanxiety creative-arts-activity depression well-beingother-quantitative
Effects of a health worker-led 3-month yoga interventions on blood pressure of hypertensive patients: A randomised controlled multicentre trial in the primary care setting, 2021adults hypertensionyogaother-quantitative
Systematic review of the effectiveness of innovative, gamified interventions for cognitive training in paediatric acquired brain injury, , 2023children-youth-adolescents traumatic-brain-injurycognitive-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Equine assisted services impact on social skills in autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analysis, , 2023autism children-youth-adolescentsanimal-assisted-therapy social-skillsmeta-analysis-synthesis
Multicenter randomized controlled trial of the effects of individual reminiscence therapy on cognition, depression and quality of life: Analysis of a sample of older adults with alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia, , , , 2021dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultscognitive-functioning depression quality-of-life reminiscence-life-reviewrandomized-controlled-trial
Aquatic exercise and mental health: A scoping review, 2022adultsaquatics-swimming mental-psychological-healthsystematic-review
Recommendations for the design and implementation of virtual reality for acquired brain injury rehabilitation: Systematic review, 2021adults traumatic-brain-injuryvideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Effects of horticulture therapy on health in the elderly: A review and meta-analysis, , 2023older-adultsgardening-horticulture health-outcomes-behaviorsmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effects of aquatic exercise on mood and anxiety symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2022adults older-adultsanxiety aquatics-swimming mood-affectmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Horticulture therapy for general health in the older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2022older-adultsgardening-horticulture health-outcomes-behaviorsmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Art-based emotion regulation in major depression: Framework for intervention, , , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultscreative-arts-activity depressionsynthesis
Engagement in leisure activities and depression in older adults in the United States: Longitudinal evidence from the health and retirement study, 2022older-adultsdepression play-leisure-recreation-participationother-quantitative
Effects of aquatic exercises for women with rheumatoid arthritis: A 12-week intervention in a quasi-experimental study with pain as a mediator of depression, , , 2023adults arthritis older-adultsaquatics-swimming depressionother-quantitative
Chinese flower and bird painting: A new form of art therapy for depression, , 2021adults major-depressive-disorder-depressioncreative-arts-activity depressionother-quantitative
Home-based virtual reality-enhanced upper limb training system in children with brain injury: A randomized controlled trial, , 2023cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentsphysical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realityrandomized-controlled-trial
The therapeutic effects of climbing: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2023adults children-youth-adolescentssport well-beingmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The impact of therapeutic community gardening on the wellbeing, loneliness, and life satisfaction of individuals with mental illness, , , , 2022adults mental-illnessgardening-horticulture life-satisfaction loneliness-social-isolation well-beingother-quantitative
The association of health-related factors with leisure-time physical activity among adult with COPD: A cross-sectional analysis, 2022adults chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-diseasephysical-activityother-quantitative
Physical exercise for people with parkinson’s disease: A systematic review and network meta-analysis, , , 2023adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasephysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Moving together is better: A systematic review with meta-analysis of sports-focused interventions aiming to improve physical activity participation in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy, , 2023cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentsphysical-activity sportmeta-analysis-synthesis
Leisure-time physical activity interventions for children and adults with cerebral palsy: A scoping review, , 2021adults cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentsphysical-activitysystematic-review
Evaluating the impact of community gardening on sense of purpose for persons living with dementia: A cluster-randomized pilot study, , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsgardening-horticulture sense-of-purposerandomized-controlled-trial
Effects of nature-based intervention in the treatment of depression: A multi-center, randomized controlled trial, , 2023adults major-depressive-disorder-depressiondepression outdoor-adventure-nature-experiencerandomized-controlled-trial
Physical activity intervention for leisure-time activity levels among older adults: A cluster randomized trial2023older-adultsphysical-activityrandomized-controlled-trial
Is environmental enrichment useful for stroke and other non-progressive brain injury? A cochrane review summary with commentary, , , , , 2022adults strokeboard-games creative-arts-activity environment music play-leisure-recreation-participationsystematic-review
Interventions to improve physical function for children and young people with cerebral palsy: International clinical practice guideline, 2022cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentsphysical-functioningguideline
Horticultural activities can achieve the same affect improvement effect of green exercise: A randomized field controlled trial, 2022adultsgardening-horticulture outdoor-adventure-nature-experiencerandomized-controlled-trial
The effect of virtual reality and physical exercise training on cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment, , 2023dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultscognitive-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realityrandomized-controlled-trial
An examination of video assisted leisure education in middle-aged and older adults, 2021adults older-adultsleisure-education-counselingother-quantitative
Promoting physical activity in everyday life of people with intellectual disabilities: An intervention overview, 2022adults intellectual-developmental-disabilityphysical-activitysystematic-review
Association between quality of life and physical functioning in gardening intervention for cancer survivors, , , 2022adults cancergardening-horticulture physical-functioning quality-of-lifeother-quantitative
Evaluation of a mindfulness and self-compassion-based psychotherapy incorporating horses for veterans who have experienced trauma, , , 2023adults veterans-militaryanimal-assisted-therapy mindfulness traumaother-quantitative
Interventions that aim to increase social participation through recreation or leisure activity for adults with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: A scoping review, , 2023adults traumatic-brain-injuryplay-leisure-recreation-participation social-activities-participationsystematic-review
“Talk and Chalk”: An emotion regulation intervention for anger after acquired brain injury, , , , 2023adults brain-tumors older-adults stroke traumatic-brain-injuryanger-aggression-agitationother-quantitative
“Michael’s Game,” a card game for the treatment of psychotic symptoms, 2011adults schizophreniacard-gamesother-quantitative
Effect of multicomponent exercise on cognition, physical function, and activities of daily life in older adults with dementia or mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2023dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsphysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Exercising autonomy – The effectiveness and meaningfulness of autonomy interventions engaged by adults with intellectual disability. A mixed-methods review, 2022adults intellectual-developmental-disabilityautonomysystematic-review
The relationship between rating of everyday arm-use in the community and home (REACH) scale affected arm-use assessment, activity, and participation after stroke, , 2023older-adults strokephysical-functioning play-leisure-recreation-participationother-quantitative
The impact of a 20-minute animal-assisted activity session on the physiological and emotional states in patients with fibromyalgia, , , 2020adults fibromyalgiaanimal-assisted-therapy mood-affect physiological-healthrandomized-controlled-trial
The role of extraversion in the effectiveness of leisure coping on depressive symptoms, , 2023adults major-depressive-disorder-depressioncoping-adjustment personalityother-quantitative
The relationships among executive functions, self-regulation, and physical exercise in children with autism spectrum disorder, , , , 2023autism children-youth-adolescentsbehavior-modification-management cognitive-functioning physical-activity self-determination-self-efficacyother-quantitative
Effects of video-assisted leisure education on leisure, loneliness, and affect in older adults, , 2022older-adultsleisure-education-counseling loneliness-social-isolation mood-affectother-quantitative
Infusing wellness opportunities into integrated youth services, , , , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents mental-illness substance-use-disordersplay-leisure-recreation-participation well-beingmixed-methods
The rehabilitative effect of chess on the visually impaired, , 2023adults vision-impairmentsboard-games rehabilitation-habilitation-recoveryqualitative
Exploring serious games for stroke rehabilitation: A scoping review, , , 2022adults older-adults strokerehabilitation-habilitation-recovery video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Climb up! Head up! Climbing improves posture in parkinson’s disease: A secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial, , , 2023adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasephysical-functioning sportother-quantitative
Virtual reality exercise programs ameliorate frailty and falls risk in older adults: A meta-analysis, , 2023older-adultsfalls physical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis
I paint, I sing, I dance; I also have a mental illness: The importance of personally meaningful leisure activities in recovery from severe mental illness, , , , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents mental-illness older-adultsmeaningful-activity-life-leisure play-leisure-recreation-participationsynthesis
Everything is awesome! Lego Serious Play (LSP) and the interaction between leisure, education, and mental health and wellbeing, 2023children-youth-adolescentsanxiety play-leisure-recreation-participationqualitative
Pediatric moderate and severe brain injury: A systematic review of clinical practice guideline recommendations, , 2023children-youth-adolescents traumatic-brain-injuryrehabilitation-habilitation-recoveryguideline systematic-review
Thriving through stress: Leisure satisfaction, hope, growth, and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic, , , 2023adultshope-optimism play-leisure-recreation-satisfaction stress well-beingother-quantitative
Factors influencing self-esteem after a traumatic brain injury, 2023adults traumatic-brain-injuryself-esteem-self-acceptanceother-quantitative
The mySELF group: Recreation- and art-based group therapy as adjunct treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder, , , 2023adults post-traumatic-stress-disorder veterans-militarycreative-arts-activity play-leisure-recreation-participationother-quantitative
Rehabilitation of social communication skills in patients with acquired brain injury with intensive and standard group interactive structured treatment: A randomized controlled trial, , 2023adults strokesocial-skills speech-communicationrandomized-controlled-trial
Leisure education in youth with developmental disabilities: Effects on individual quality of life, adaptive behavior, and family quality of life, 2023children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilityleisure-education-counselingother-quantitative
Quality of life priorities for people with traumatic brain injury: A scoping review, 2022adults traumatic-brain-injuryquality-of-lifesystematic-review
Effects of physical activity and exercise-based interventions in young adults with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review, 2023adults autismphysical-activitysystematic-review
Exploring the barriers and facilitators to community reintegration for adults following traumatic upper limb amputation: A mixed methods systematic review, , , 2023adults amputation-limb-lossbarriers community-integration-participation-transition facilitatorssystematic-review
Effects of videoconferencing intervention on stroke survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled studies, , , , 2023adults older-adults strokephysical-functioning telehealthmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
LoveYourBrain Mindset: Feasibility, acceptability, usability, and effectiveness of an online yoga, mindfulness, and psychoeducational intervention for people with traumatic brain injury, , 2023adults traumatic-brain-injurymindfulness yogaother-quantitative
Stigma following acquired brain injury and spinal cord injury: Relationship to psychological distress and community integration in the first-year post-discharge, , 2023adults spinal-cord-injury strokestigmaother-quantitative
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of active video games on postural balance., , , , , , , , 2023adults cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescents diabetes multiple-sclerosis older-adults parkinsons-disease strokephysical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Quality of clinical practice guidelines relevant to rehabilitation of knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review, 2023adults arthritisrehabilitation-habilitation-recoveryguideline
The impact of personal protective factors on quality of life after brain injury, , , 2023adults traumatic-brain-injuryquality-of-life resilience self-determination-self-efficacyother-quantitative
Physical exercise for people with parkinson’s disease: A systematic review and network meta-analysis, , , 2023adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasephysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Cognitive efficacy of neural mechanisms of music-based neurological rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury, , 2022adults traumatic-brain-injurycognitive-functioning musicother-quantitative
Strategies to support learning of gross motor tasks in children with autism spectrum disorder: A scoping review, 2022autism children-youth-adolescentsphysical-functioningsystematic-review
The effects of park-based interventions on health-related outcomes among youth: A systematic review, 2022children-youth-adolescentshealth-outcomes-behaviors outdoor-adventure-nature-experiencesystematic-review
Tailored sitting tai chi program for subacute stroke survivors: A randomized controlled trial, , 2022adults older-adults strokemartial-artsrandomized-controlled-trial
Therapy services for children and youth living in rural areas of high-income countries: A scoping review2022children-youth-adolescentsrehabilitation-habilitation-recoverysystematic-review
Facilitators of sense of belonging among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A systematic review, , , 2022adults children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilityfacilitators sense-of-belongingsystematic-review
Stay mindfully active during the coronavirus pandemic: A feasibility study of mHealth-delivered mindfulness yoga program for people with parkinson’s disease, , 2022adults older-adults parkinsons-diseaseyogamixed-methods
Community-based recreational therapy for veterans with behavioral health disorders: Impacts on quality of life, participation, and happiness, , , , , , , 2022adults generalized-anxiety-disorder-anxiety major-depressive-disorder-depression post-traumatic-stress-disorder substance-use-disorderscommunity-integration-participation-transition happiness play-leisure-recreation-participation quality-of-lifeother-quantitative
The CanPain SCI clinical practice guidelines for rehabilitation management of neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury: 2021 update, 2022adults spinal-cord-injurypainguideline
Evaluating the effectiveness of compensatory memory interventions in adults with acquired brain injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis of memory and everyday outcomes, , 2022adults strokecognitive-functioningmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Benefits of exergame training for female patients with fibromyalgia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, , , , , 2022adults fibromyalgiapain physical-functioning quality-of-life video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effectiveness of a multicomponent treatment based on pain neuroscience education, therapeutic exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, and mindfulness in patients with fibromyalgia (FIBROWALK Study): A randomized controlled trial, , , , 2021adults fibromyalgiacognitive-behavioral-therapy mindfulness pain physical-activityrandomized-controlled-trial
Yoga for treating low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022adults back-disorderspain yogameta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
What predicts persisting social impairment following pediatric traumatic brain injury: Contribution of a biopsychosocial approach, , 2022children-youth-adolescents traumatic-brain-injurysocial-activities-participation social-skillsother-quantitative
Group-based telerehabilitation intervention using wii fit to improve walking in older adults with lower limb amputation (WiiNWalk): A randomized control trial, , 2022amputation-limb-loss older-adultsphysical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realityrandomized-controlled-trial
Using smartphone technology to improve prospective memory functioning: A randomized controlled trial, , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsmobile-technology technology-assistive-technologyrandomized-controlled-trial
Environmental enrichment for stroke and other non-progressive brain injury, , , 2021adults stroke traumatic-brain-injuryenvironment play-leisure-recreation-participationsystematic-review
Effects of virtual reality in improving upper extremity function after stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, , , , 2022adults older-adults strokephysical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effectivity of play-based interventions in children with autism spectrum disorder and their parents: A systematic review, , 2023autism children-youth-adolescentsplay-leisure-recreation-participation play-leisure-recreation-skillssystematic-review
Leisure education and leisure counseling in adult stroke: A systematic review, 2023adults strokeleisure-education-counselingsystematic-review
Person-centered rehabilitation model: Framing the concept and practice of person-centered adult physical rehabilitation based on a scoping review and thematic analysis of the literature, 2022adultsperson-centered-care rehabilitation-habilitation-recoverysystematic-review
Efficacy of nonpharmacological interventions for individuals with fibromyalgia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, , , , , , 2022adults fibromyalgiadepression mindfulness pain physical-activity quality-of-lifemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Drama therapy for children and adolescents with psychosocial problems: A systematic review on effects, means, therapeutic attitude, and supposed mechanisms of change, , , , , , 2022children-youth-adolescents immigrants intellectual-developmental-disability mental-illness post-traumatic-stress-disorder sexual-abuse youth-at-riskdramasystematic-review
Identifying the outcomes of participating in peer mentorship for adults living with spinal cord injury: A qualitative meta-synthesis, 2022adults spinal-cord-injurypeer-intervention-supportmeta-analysis-synthesis
Community reintegration after rehabilitation for hip fracture: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022adults older-adults total-joint-replacement-fracturecommunity-integration-participation-transitionmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Scoping review of music therapy and music interventions in spinal cord injury, 2023adults spinal-cord-injurymusicsystematic-review
Dance/movement therapy as an intervention in breast cancer patients: A systematic review, 2021adults cancerdancesystematic-review
Effect of dance therapies on motor-cognitive dual-task performance in middle-aged and older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2021adults older-adultscognitive-functioning dance physical-functioningmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effects of exercise on positive symptoms, negative symptoms, and depression in patients with schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2023adults schizophreniaphysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Physical exercise improves quality of life, depressive symptoms, and cognition across chronic brain disorders: A transdiagnostic systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, , , , , , , , , , , 2021adults dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment huntingtons-disease major-depressive-disorder-depression multiple-sclerosis older-adults parkinsons-disease schizophreniacognitive-functioning depression physical-activity quality-of-lifemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Physical activity interventions in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials, 2022arthritis children-youth-adolescentsphysical-activitysystematic-review
The effects of tai chi and baduanjin activities on physical interventions with substance use disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2022adults substance-use-disordersmartial-artsmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effectiveness of horticultural therapy in people with schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2021adults schizophreniagardening-horticulturemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Video games as a complementary therapy for schizophrenia: A systematic review, 2022adults schizophreniavideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Family-based physical activity interventions and family functioning: A systematic review, , 2023adults children-youth-adolescentsfamily-leisure-functioning physical-activitysystematic-review
The effectiveness of visual art on the psychological response in stroke survivors: A systematic review, , , 2023adults older-adults strokecreative-arts-activity mental-psychological-healthsystematic-review
Recovery-oriented dance movement therapy group with adults coping with severe mental health conditions: A controlled trial, , 2021adults mental-illnesscoping-adjustment danceother-quantitative
Exercise in the treatment of addiction: A systematic literature review, 2022adults substance-use-disordersphysical-activitysystematic-review
A systematic review of exercise intervention program for people with substance use disorder, 2022adults substance-use-disordersphysical-activitysystematic-review
Effects of taijiquan and qigong exercises on depression and anxiety levels in patients with substance use disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2022adults substance-use-disordersanxiety depression martial-artsmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Behavior change techniques in physical activity interventions for adults with substance use disorders: A systematic review, , 2022adults substance-use-disordersbehavior-modification-management physical-activitysystematic-review
The potential benefits of dance movement therapy in improving couple relations of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: A review, , 2021adults autismdance social-support-relationshipssystematic-review
The effectiveness of group-based gardening interventions for improving wellbeing and reducing symptoms of mental ill-health in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022adultsgardening-horticulture mental-psychological-health well-beingmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Efficacy of nonpharmacological interventions for individual features of fibromyalgia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, , , , , , 2021adults fibromyalgiacognitive-behavioral-therapy depression mindfulness pain physical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Enhancing older adults’ well-being and quality of life through purposeful activity: A systematic review of intervention studies, , , 2022older-adultsplay-leisure-recreation-participation quality-of-life sense-of-purpose well-beingsystematic-review
Effectivity of play-based interventions in children with autism spectrum disorder and their parents: A systematic review, , , , , , , 2023autism caregivers children-youth-adolescentsbehavior-modification-management family-caregiver-training play-leisure-recreation-participation play-leisure-recreation-skills social-skills speech-communicationsystematic-review
Sensory-based interventions in the NICU: Systematic review of effects on preterm brain development, 2022children-youth-adolescentscognitive-functioning sensory-processing-stimulationsystematic-review
What are the effects of animals on the health and wellbeing of residents in care homes? A systematic review of the qualitative and quantitative evidence, , , 2023dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsanimal-assisted-therapy health-outcomes-behaviors well-beingsystematic-review
Digital storytelling as an intervention for older adults: A scoping review, , 2023older-adultscognitive-functioning mental-psychological-health storytellingsystematic-review
Benefits of cultural activities on people with cognitive impairment: A systematic review, , 2021dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultscommunity-integration-participation-transition play-leisure-recreation-participationsystematic-review
Behavior change techniques in physical activity interventions for multiple sclerosis, , 2021adults multiple-sclerosisbehavior-modification-management physical-activitysystematic-review
Impact of virtual reality technology on pain and anxiety in pediatric burn patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2021burns children-youth-adolescentsanxiety pain video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Disentangling intervention to reduce fear of falling in community-dwelling older people: A systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention components, , , 2021older-adultsfalls martial-arts mindfulnessmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
A systematic review of shared social activities for children on the autism spectrum and their peers, , , 2022autism children-youth-adolescentsinclusion play-leisure-recreation-participation social-skillssystematic-review
Exploration of combined physical activity and music for patients with alzheimer’s disease: A systematic review, , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsmusic physical-activitysystematic-review
The role of social network support in treatment outcomes for medication for opioid use disorder: A systematic review, 2021adults substance-use-disorderssocial-support-relationshipssystematic-review
Sensory-based interventions for the immediate de-escalation of agitation in people with dementia: A systematic review, , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsanger-aggression-agitation sensory-processing-stimulationsystematic-review
The effectiveness of exercise as an adjunct intervention to improve quality of life and mood in substance use disorder: A systematic review, , , 2022adults substance-use-disordersmood-affect physical-activity quality-of-lifesystematic-review
Effects of motivational interviewing and wearable fitness trackers on motivation and physical activity: A systematic review, , , 2021adultsmobile-technology motivational-interviewing physical-activity technology-assistive-technologysystematic-review
Effectiveness of drama-based intervention in improving mental health and well-being: A systematic review and meta-analysis during the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic period, , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2023adults attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder caregivers children-youth-adolescents dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment epilepsy generalized-anxiety-disorder-anxiety hearing-impairments major-depressive-disorder-depression older-adults post-traumatic-stress-disorder schizophreniacreative-arts-activity mental-psychological-health well-beingmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effect of virtual reality rehabiltiation on functional outcomes for return-to-work patients with Parkinson’s disease: An umbrella review of systematic reviews, , , , 2022adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasephysical-functioning quality-of-life video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Assessing the effectiveness of social network interventions for adults with a diagnosis of mental health problems: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of impact, 2022adults mental-illnesssocial-support-relationshipssystematic-review
Efficacy of psychosocial interventions for autism spectrum disorder: An umbrella review, , , 2022autism children-youth-adolescentsbehavior-modification-management family-caregiver-training social-skillssystematic-review
How do peer support interventions for the self-management of chronic pain, support basic psychological needs? A systematic review and framework using self-determination theory, , , , 2022adults chronic-pain older-adultsmental-psychological-health pain peer-intervention-supportsystematic-review
Reducing challenging behaviours among children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities in community settings: A systematic review of interventions, , , 2022autism children-youth-adolescentsbehavior-modification-management creative-arts-activity technology-assistive-technologysystematic-review
Exercise as a useful intervention to reduce alcohol consumption and improve physical fitness in individuals with alcohol use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2021adults alcohol-use-disorderphysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Physical exercise as treatment for PTSD: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022adults post-traumatic-stress-disorder veterans-militaryphysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effects of nordic pole walking in people with parkinson’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasephysical-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effects of cognitive stimulation therapy for people with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies, , , , , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultscognitive-functioning creative-arts-activity mental-psychological-health play-leisure-recreation-participationmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The experiences and perceived health benefits of individuals with a disability participating in sport: A systematic review and narrative synthesis, , , , , adults children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disability spinal-cord-injury vision-impairmentssportmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effects of an art-based intervention in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A randomised controlled trial, , , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultscognitive-functioning creative-arts-activity mental-psychological-healthrandomized-controlled-trial
Teaching social initiations to elementary-aged children with autism: A systematic review, 2022autism children-youth-adolescentssocial-skillssystematic-review
Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials on the effects of yoga in people with parkinson’s disease, , , 2022adults older-adults parkinsons-diseaseyogameta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effectiveness of home-based, non-exercise interventions for dementia: A systematic review, , , , , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsbehavior-modification-management music play-leisure-recreation-participation reality-orientation reminiscence-life-reviewsystematic-review
Nonpharmacological approaches reduce symptoms of depression in dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , , , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment major-depressive-disorder-depression older-adultsknowledge-education music play-leisure-recreation-participation reminiscence-life-reviewmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Winning the game against depression: A systematic review of video games for the treatment of depressive disorders, , , 2022adults children-youth-adolescents major-depressive-disorder-depression older-adultsvideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Digital bibliotherapy as a scalable intervention for suicidal thoughts: A randomized controlled trial, , 2022adults major-depressive-disorder-depressionbibliotherapy suicidal-ideationrandomized-controlled-trial
Impact of virtual reality-based therapies on cognition and mental health of stroke patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , , 2021adults older-adults strokecognitive-functioning mental-psychological-health video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effects of aquatic exercises for patients with osteoarthritis: Systematic review with meta-analysis, , 2022arthritis older-adultsaquatics-swimmingmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The influence of yoga on the cognitive function of people aged 60 years and older: A systematic review, 2023older-adultscognitive-functioning yogasystematic-review
Associations of multidomain interventions with improvements in cognition in mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsmindfulness music physical-activity play-leisure-recreation-participationmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The impact of greenspace or nature-based interventions on cardiovascular health or cancer-related outcomes: A systematic review of experimental studies, , , , 2022adults cancer cardiac-conditions children-youth-adolescents older-adultsoutdoor-adventure-nature-experiencesystematic-review
Digital interventions for depression and anxiety in older adults: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials, , , 2022older-adultsanxiety depression mobile-technology technology-assistive-technologysystematic-review
Resilience intervention for parents of children with autism: Findings from a randomized controlled trial of the AMOR method, , , , 2022adults caregivershope-optimism mindfulness resilience self-esteem-self-acceptancerandomized-controlled-trial
Therapeutic intervention with virtual reality in patients with parkinson’s disease for upper limb motor training: A systematic review, 2022older-adults parkinsons-diseasevideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Effectiveness of serious games for improving executive functions among older adults with cognitive impairment: Systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultscognitive-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The effect of multimodal non-pharmacological interventions on cognitive function improvement for people with dementia: A systematic review, , , , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultscognitive-functioning music physical-activity play-leisure-recreation-participationsystematic-review
The effects of virtual reality in stroke and parkinson’s disease rehabilitation: A systematic review and a perspective on usability, , , , , , 2022adults older-adults parkinsons-disease strokecognitive-functioning physical-functioning quality-of-life video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Effects of sensory interventions on fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review, , 2022adults multiple-sclerosisfatigue sensory-processing-stimulationsystematic-review
The efficacy of reminiscence therapy in cancer-related symptom management: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2023adults cancer older-adultsreminiscence-life-reviewmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effectiveness of virtual reality games in improving physical function, balance and reducing falls in balance-impaired older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysi, , 2023older-adultsphysical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The effect of coloring therapy on patients wih generalized anxiety disorder, 2022adults generalized-anxiety-disorder-anxietycreative-arts-activityrandomized-controlled-trial
The value of social networks to individuals with a severe traumatic brain injury: A mixed methods approach, 2021adults traumatic-brain-injurysocial-support-relationshipsmixed-methods
The effects of relaxation techniques on pain, fatigue, and kinesiophobia in multiple sclerosis patients: A 3-arm randomized trial, , , 2022adults multiple-sclerosisfatigue pain relaxationrandomized-controlled-trial
Art interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder: A scoping review, 2022autism children-youth-adolescentscreative-arts-activitysystematic-review
Upper limb motor improvement after traumatic brain injury: Systematic review of interventions, , , , 2021adults traumatic-brain-injuryconstraint-induced-movement-therapy dual-task-training-task-training physical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Effectiveness of clown intervention for pain relief in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2022children-youth-adolescentsclowning painmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Cognitive and psychological improvements following CogSMART in veterans with mental health diagnoses, , 2022adults veterans-militarycognitive-functioning mental-psychological-healthother-quantitative
Effects of tai chi exercise on improving walking function and posture control in elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2021arthritis older-adultsmartial-arts physical-functioning
Exploration of the relationship between a group medical play intervention and children’s preoperative fear and anxiety2021children-youth-adolescentsplay-therapy-medical-playother-quantitative
Systematic review of yoga for symptom management during conventional treatment of breast cancer patients, 2022adults canceryogasystematic-review
Effects of physical activity on behaviour and emotional problems, mental health and psychological well-being in children and adolescents with intellectual disability: A systematic review, , , 2021children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilitybehavior-modification-management mental-psychological-health physical-activitysystematic-review
Effect of distraction interventions on anxiety in children undergoing surgery: A meta-analysis, 2022children-youth-adolescentsanxiety distractionmeta-analysis-synthesis
The effectiveness of reminiscence-based intervention on improving psychological well-being in cognitively intact older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2021older-adultsreminiscence-life-reviewmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Accessibility and social participation in urban settings for people with autism spectrum disorder or an intellectual disability, , , 2022adults autism intellectual-developmental-disabilitycommunity-integration-participation-transition play-leisure-recreation-participationsystematic-review
The effect of group art therapy on loneliness and hopelessness levels of older adults living alone: A randomized controlled study, , 2021older-adultscreative-arts-activity loneliness-social-isolation mental-psychological-healthrandomized-controlled-trial
Therapeutic horticulture as a potential tool of preventive geriatric medicine improving health, well-being, and life-quality: A systematic review, , 2022older-adultsgardening-horticulture quality-of-life well-beingsystematic-review
Understanding the priorities in life beyond the first year after stroke: Qualitative findings and non-participant observations of stroke survivors and service providers, , 2022adults older-adults strokecommunity-integration-participation-transitionqualitative
Adaptive sports in spinal cord injury: A systematic review, , 2022adults children-youth-adolescents spinal-cord-injurysportsystematic-review
A ‘network of understanding and compassion’: A qualitative study of survivor perspectives on unmet needs after traumatic brain injury in regional communities, , , 2021adults traumatic-brain-injurycommunity-integration-participation-transition mental-psychological-health social-support-relationshipsqualitative
A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on the effect of serious games on people with dementia, , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsvideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Serious games as a complementary tool for social skills development in young people: A systematic review of the literature, , 2021children-youth-adolescentsnon-digital-games social-skills video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Equine-assisted therapies for children with cerebral palsy: A meta-analysis, 2022cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentsanimal-assisted-therapymeta-analysis-synthesis
Effect of virtual reality in the early-stage stroke rehabilitation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, , , 2022adults older-adults strokevideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Piloting a photography program as recreational therapy for adults with spinal cord injury, , , 2021adults children-youth-adolescents spinal-cord-injurycreative-arts-activity photographyqualitative
Inducing positive emotions to reduce chronic pain: A randomized controlled trial of positive psychology, , 2022adults chronic-painpain positive-psychologyrandomized-controlled-trial
Efficacy of non-pharmacological interventions to reduce pain in people with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsaromatherapy music pain play-leisure-recreation-participationmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Non-pharmacological interventions for autistic children: An umbrella review, , , , , , 2023autism children-youth-adolescentsanimal-assisted-therapy behavior-modification-management cognitive-behavioral-therapy sensory-processing-stimulation social-skills technology-assistive-technologysystematic-review
Psychosocial interventions for older people with intellectual disabilities and the role of support staff: A systematic review, , , , , , , 2022intellectual-developmental-disability older-adultsbehavior-modification-management coping-adjustment mental-psychological-health quality-of-life social-skills social-support-relationships well-beingsystematic-review
A cluster-randomized trial comparing songwriting and recreational music therapy via craving and withdrawal in adults on a detoxification unit, 2022adults substance-use-disordersmusicrandomized-controlled-trial
Action observation for upper limb rehabilitation after stroke, , 2022adults older-adults strokephysical-functioningsystematic-review
A systematic review of music-based interventions to improve treatment engagement in mental health outcomes for adolescents and young adults, 2022children-youth-adolescents mental-illnessmusicsystematic-review
Effects of aquatic training in children with autism spectrum disorder, 2022autism children-youth-adolescentsaquatics-swimmingother-quantitative
Effects of wii fit rehabilitation on lower extremity functional status in adults with severe burns: A randomized controlled trial, 2022adults burnsvideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realityrandomized-controlled-trial
The impact of sport participation for individuals with spinal cord injury: A scoping review, 2022adults spinal-cord-injurysportsystematic-review
Dance for chronic pain conditions: A systematic review, , , , 2022adults children-youth-adolescents chronic-pain older-adultsdance painsystematic-review
Memory rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis, 2021adults multiple-sclerosiscognitive-functioningsystematic-review
Relaxation and related therapies for people with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review, 2022adults multiple-sclerosisrelaxationsystematic-review
A systematic review and meta-analysis exploring the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions on quality of life in people with multiple sclerosis, , , 2023adults multiple-sclerosismindfulness quality-of-lifemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of mindfulness training in people with upper motor neuron disorders: A systematic review, , , , , , , , 2022adults multiple-sclerosis spinal-cord-injury stroke traumatic-brain-injuryanxiety depression fatigue mindfulness quality-of-lifesystematic-review
Effects of forest walking on physical and mental health in elderly populations: A systematic review, 2022older-adultsmental-psychological-health outdoor-adventure-nature-experiencesystematic-review
Mapping the concept, content, and outcome of family-based outdoor therapy for children and adolescents with mental health problems: A scoping review, , , 2022children-youth-adolescents mental-illness substance-use-disordersfamily-leisure-functioning outdoor-adventure-nature-experiencesystematic-review
Effects of equine-assisted therapy on the functionality of individuals with disabilities: Systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2022cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentsanimal-assisted-therapymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Transition programs for adolescents and young adults with spina bifida: A mixed-methods systematic review, 2021adults spina-bifidacommunity-integration-participation-transitionsystematic-review
Dog training as a complementary intervention to support veteran mental health and well-being: A scoping review, 2021adults veterans-militaryanimal-assisted-therapysystematic-review
Leiure and leisure education as resources for rehabilitation supports for chronic condition self-management in rural and remote communities, , 2022chronic-illness-diseaseleisure-education-counseling rehabilitation-habilitation-recovery self-managementsynthesis
Predictors of treatment response to a psychoeducational intervention for anger in chronic moderate-severe traumatic brain injury, 2022adults traumatic-brain-injuryanger-aggression-agitationother-quantitative
Evidence-based, implementable motor rehabilitation guidelines for individuals with cerebral palsy, , , 2022adults cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentsphysical-functioning rehabilitation-habilitation-recoveryguideline
A scoping review of behavioral interventions for promoting social gaze in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities, , 2023adults autism children-youth-adolescentssocial-skillssystematic-review
Scoping review on play-based interventions in autism spectrum disorder, 2022autism children-youth-adolescentsplay-leisure-recreation-participationsystematic-review
Use of virtual reality in burn rehabilitation: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022adults burns children-youth-adolescentsvideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effectiveness of exercise in improving quality of life in patients with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review, , , , 2023adults children-youth-adolescents traumatic-brain-injuryphysical-activity quality-of-lifemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Recreational therapy modalities for treating survivors of intimate partner violence: A scoping review2022adultsabuse-maltreatmentsystematic-review
A scoping review of adapted physical activity interventions for children and youth with disabilities using international classification of functioning, disability, and health: Children and youth version as a reference2023children-youth-adolescentsphysical-activitysystematic-review
Impact of adapted bicycle riding on outcomes for children and adolescents with disabilities: A systematic review, , , 2022autism cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilitycycling-bikingsystematic-review
Young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who participate in special olympics are less likely to be diagnosed with depression, 2022adults intellectual-developmental-disabilitysportother-quantitative
Participation in arts and culture among individuals with serious mental illnesses and its relationships to quality of life and recovery, , 2022adults mental-illnesscommunity-integration-participation-transition play-leisure-recreation-participationsystematic-review
Virtual reality enhances the social skills of children with autism spectrum disorder: A review, , 2022autism children-youth-adolescentssocial-skills video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Physical activity and quality of life in people with visual impairments: A systematic review, , 2022adults vision-impairmentsphysical-activity quality-of-lifesystematic-review
Mind-body exercises for PTSD symptoms, depression, and anxiety in patients with PTSD: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022adults post-traumatic-stress-disordermindfulness yogameta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Role of arts therapy in patients with breast and gynecological cancers: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2021adults cancercreative-arts-activitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Identifying alternative mental health interventions: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials of chanting and breathwork, , , , 2022adults post-traumatic-stress-disorderanxiety depression mindfulness stresssystematic-review
Community-based interventions after acquired brain injury: A systematic review of intervention types and their effectiveness, 2022adults older-adultscommunity-integration-participation-transitionsystematic-review
Nonpharmacologic pain management in pediatric burn patients: A systematic review., , , , 2021burns children-youth-adolescentsmusic pain play-leisure-recreation-participation video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
A systematic review on serious games in attention rehabilitation and their effects, , , 2022adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultscognitive-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
The effect of meditation, mindfulness, and yoga in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, , , , , 2022adults arthritis older-adultsmental-psychological-health mindfulness physical-functioning yogasystematic-review
Towards a neurocognitive approach to dance movement therapy for mental health: A systematic review, , 2021autism mental-illnessdance mental-psychological-healthsystematic-review
Dance movement therapy for neurodegenerative diseases: A systematic review, , , 2022adults dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adults parkinsons-diseasedancesystematic-review
Dance therapy for parkinson’s disease: A systematic review, 2023older-adults parkinsons-diseasedancesystematic-review
Are movement-based mindful exercises (qigong, tai chi, and yoga) beneficial for stroke and parkinson’s disease? A scoping review, , , , , , 2023adults older-adults parkinsons-disease strokemartial-arts physical-functioning quality-of-life yogasystematic-review
The effect of mind-body exercise on memory in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2021older-adultscognitive-functioning martial-arts mindfulness yogameta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Adventure therapy for adolescents with complex trauma: A scoping review and analysis, , 2022children-youth-adolescents post-traumatic-stress-disorderoutdoor-adventure-nature-experience traumasystematic-review
A systematic review of active group-based dance, singing, music therapy and theatrical interventions for quality of life, functional communication, speech, motor function and cognitive status in people with parkinson’s disease, , , , , , , , , 2020adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasecognitive-functioning creative-arts-activity dance drama music physical-functioning quality-of-life speech-communicationsystematic-review
The impact of music, play, pet, and art therapies in managing pain and anxiety in paediatric patients in hospital: A systematic review, , , , , 2022children-youth-adolescents chronic-pain generalized-anxiety-disorder-anxietyanimal-assisted-therapy creative-arts-activity music play-leisure-recreation-participationsystematic-review
Non-pharmacological approaches o depressed elderly with no or mild cognitive impairment in long-term care facilities: A systematic review of the literature, , , , , 2021major-depressive-disorder-depression older-adultsanimal-assisted-therapy gardening-horticulture leisure-education-counseling physical-activity reminiscence-life-reviewsystematic-review
Efficacy of journaling in the management of mental illness: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2022adults mental-illnessbibliotherapymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Therapeutic writing for disordered eating: A systematic review, 2021adults eating-disordersbibliotherapysystematic-review
Effectiveness and acceptability of low-intensity psychological interventions on the well-being of older adults: A systematic review, , 2022older-adultsbibliotherapy cognitive-behavioral-therapy mental-psychological-healthsystematic-review
Therapeutic community gardening as a green social prescription for mental ill-health: Impact, barriers, and facilitators from the perspective of multiple stakeholders2022mental-illnessgardening-horticulturequalitative
Virtual reality intervention as a support method during wound care and rehabilitation after burns: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2022adults burns children-youth-adolescents older-adultsvideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The role of forest therapy in promoting physical and mental health: A systematic review, , 2022adultsmental-psychological-health outdoor-adventure-nature-experience physical-functioningsystematic-review
Nonpharmacological interventions for agitation in the adult intensive care unit: A systematic review2022adultsanger-aggression-agitationsystematic-review
Impact of sensory interventions on the quality of life of long-term care residents: A scoping review, 2021older-adultsquality-of-life sensory-processing-stimulationsystematic-review
Effectiveness of aquatic exercise in the treatment of inflammatory arthritis: Systematic review, , , , 2022adults arthritis older-adultsaquatics-swimming pain physical-functioningsystematic-review
Exercise in the aquatic environment for people with primary hip osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022adults arthritis older-adultsaquatics-swimmingmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Music intervention for pain control in the pediatric population: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2022children-youth-adolescentsmusic painsystematic-review
Virtual reality balance training to improve balance and mobility in parkinson’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasephysical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Smartphone-based computer vision travelling aids for blind and visually impaired individuals: A systematic review, , 2022adults vision-impairmentstechnology-assistive-technology travelsystematic-review
Randomized controlled trial of a video gaming-based social skills program for children on the autism spectrum, , 2021autism children-youth-adolescentssocial-skills video-games-computer-games-virtual-realityrandomized-controlled-trial
INCOG 2.0 guidelines for cognitive rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury, part V: Memory, , 2023adults traumatic-brain-injurycognitive-functioning rehabilitation-habilitation-recoveryguideline
INCOG 2.0 guidelines for cognitive rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury, part IV: Cognitive-communication and social cognition disorders, , 2023adults traumatic-brain-injurycognitive-functioning rehabilitation-habilitation-recoveryguideline
INCOG 2.0 guidelines for cognitive rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury, part III: Executive functions, , 2023adults traumatic-brain-injurycognitive-functioning rehabilitation-habilitation-recoveryguideline
INCOG 2.0 guidelines for cognitive rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury, part II: Attention and information processing speed, , 2023adults traumatic-brain-injurycognitive-functioning rehabilitation-habilitation-recoveryguideline
INCOG 2.0 guidelines for cognitive rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury, part I: Posttraumatic amnesia, , 2023adults traumatic-brain-injurycognitive-functioning rehabilitation-habilitation-recoveryguideline
A systematic review of research on robot-assisted therapy for children with autism, 2022autism children-youth-adolescentstechnology-assistive-technologysystematic-review
Could you give me the blue brick? LEGO-based therapy as a social development program for children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review, 2021autism children-youth-adolescentssocial-skillssystematic-review
Examining the effects of social stories on challenging behavior and prosocial skills in young children: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022children-youth-adolescentsbehavior-modification-management social-skills social-storiesmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Autism spectrum disorder and social story research: A scoping study of published, peer-reviewed literature reviews, 2021autism children-youth-adolescentssocial-storiessystematic-review
Mindfulness-based interventions for military veterans: A systematic review and analysis of the literature, 2021adults veterans-militarymindfulnesssystematic-review
Tai chi and qigong for trauma exposed populations: A systematic review, 2022adults post-traumatic-stress-disordermartial-artssystematic-review
Effects of physical activity on behaviour and emotional problems, mental health and psychosocial well-being in children and adolescents with intellectual disability: A systematic review, , , , 2022children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilitybehavior-modification-management mental-psychological-health physical-activity well-beingsystematic-review
The effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review, 2023autism children-youth-adolescentsanimal-assisted-therapysystematic-review
Equine-assisted activities in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review, 2021attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder children-youth-adolescentsanimal-assisted-therapysystematic-review
Creative arts therapy among children with cancer: Symptom assessment reveals reduced anxiety, , 2023cancer children-youth-adolescentsanxiety creative-arts-activityqualitative
Effectiveness of horticultural therapy on physical functioning and psychological health outcomes for older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022older-adultsgardening-horticulture mental-psychological-health physical-functioningmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Virtual and augmented reality in social skills interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A scoping review, , , 2022adults autism children-youth-adolescentssocial-skills video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Social skills group training in adolescents with disabilities: A systematic review, 2022autism children-youth-adolescentssocial-skillssystematic-review
The effect of augmented reality on social skills in children with an autism diagnosis: A preliminary systematic review
The effect of sports activities on motor and social skills in autistic children and adolescents: A systematic review, , , 2023autism children-youth-adolescentsphysical-functioning social-skills sportsystematic-review
Effects of emotional music on facial emotion recognition in children with autism spectrum disorder, , 2021autism children-youth-adolescentsemotion-feeling-recognition musicother-quantitative
Effects of aromatherapy with Rosa damascene and lavender on pain and anxiety of burn patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2023adults burnsanxiety aromatherapy painmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Medical clowning in hospitalized children: A meta-analysis, , 2023children-youth-adolescentsanxiety clowning stressmeta-analysis-synthesis
Social participation interventions targeting relational outcomes for young people with physical and developmental disabilities: An umbrella review and narrative synthesis, , , , 2022adults autism children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilitysocial-activities-participation social-support-relationshipssystematic-review
A systematic review of psychosocial interventions for older adults living with HIV, 2021hiv-aids older-adultspsychosocial-functioning-factorssystematic-review
Friendship interventions and measurements in children with ASD: A systematic review, 2022autism children-youth-adolescentsfriendshipsystematic-review
Strategies for enhancing social skills of individuals with intellectual disability: A systematic review, 2022children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilitysocial-skillssystematic-review
Improving social knowledge and skills among adolescents with autism: Systematic review and meta-analysis of UCLA PEERS for adolescents, , 2021autism children-youth-adolescentssocial-skillsmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Video models and the transitioning of individuals with developmental disabilities: A systematic literature review, , 2021children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilitytransitioning-task-to-task video-modellingsystematic-review
The efficacy of visual activity schedule intervention in reducing problem behaviors in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder between the age of 5 an 12 years: A systematic review, , 2022attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder children-youth-adolescentsactivity-schedules behavior-modification-managementsystematic-review
A systematic review of video-modelling interventions for children and adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, , , 2021attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder children-youth-adolescentsbehavior-modification-management social-skills video-modellingsystematic-review
Effects of therapeutic horseback-riding program on social and communication skills in children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2022autism children-youth-adolescentsanimal-assisted-therapy social-skills speech-communicationmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The effectiveness of exercise interventions to improve gait and balance in individuals with lower limb amputations: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2022adults amputation-limb-loss older-adultsphysical-activity physical-functioningmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The influences of tai chi on balance function and exercise capacity among stroke patients: A meta-analysis, , 2021older-adults strokemartial-arts physical-functioningmeta-analysis-synthesis
Effectiveness of horticulture therapy on physical functioning and psychological health outcomes for older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022older-adultsgardening-horticulture mental-psychological-health physical-functioningmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effect of horticulture therapy on mental health: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, , 2022adults older-adultsgardening-horticulture mental-psychological-healthmeta-analysis-synthesis
Cognitive rehabilitation in people with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review of emerging virtual reality-based approaches, , , 2022adults autism children-youth-adolescentscognitive-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Effects of music participation for mild cognitive impairment and dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2021dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsmusicmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Creative art therapy as a non-pharmacological intervention for dementia: A systematic review, 2021dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultscreative-arts-activitysystematic-review
How effective are pictures in eliciting information from people living with dementia? A systematic review, 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultscueingsystematic-review
Virtual reality exergames for improving older adults’ cognition and depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control trials, , , 2021older-adultscognitive-functioning depression video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The use of virtual reality for managing psychological distress in adolescents: Systematic review, 2021children-youth-adolescentsstress video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Commercial video games as a resource for mental health: A systematic literature review, , , , , , , , 2022adults autism children-youth-adolescents dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment generalized-anxiety-disorder-anxiety major-depressive-disorder-depression obsessive-compulsive-disorder older-adults post-traumatic-stress-disordervideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Massively multiplayer online games and well-being: A systematic literature review, , , 2021adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsvideo-games-computer-games-virtual-reality well-beingsystematic-review
Effects of aromatherapy on agitation and aggression in cognitive impairment: A meta-analysis, , 2021dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsanger-aggression-agitation aromatherapymeta-analysis-synthesis
The effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions including outdoor mobility on older adults’ physical activity, endurance, outdoor mobility and falls-related self-efficacy: Systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , , , , , , , 2022arthritis cancer chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease hypertension major-depressive-disorder-depression older-adults stroke total-joint-replacement-fracturecommunity-integration-participation-transition mobility physical-functioningmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The non-fitness-related benefits of exergames for young individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review, 2022children-youth-adolescentsphysical-activity video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Dance intervention for negative symptoms in individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2022adults children-youth-adolescentsdancemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Experiences of recovery among adults with a mental illness using visual art methods: A systematic review, 2022adults mental-illnesscreative-arts-activitysystematic-review
Interventions associated with reduced loneliness and social isolation in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2022older-adultsloneliness-social-isolationmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Does forest therapy have physio-psychological benefits? A systematic review and analysis of randomized controlled trials, , , , 2022adults alcohol-use-disorder cardiac-conditions chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease strokeoutdoor-adventure-nature-experiencesystematic-review
The effects of social group interventions for depression: Systematic review, , , 2021adults major-depressive-disorder-depression older-adultsdepression social-activities-participationsystematic-review
Well-being benefits of horticulture-based activities for community dwelling people with dementia: A systematic review, 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsgardening-horticulturesystematic-review
Evidence of animal-assisted therapy in neurological diseases in adults: A systematic review, , , 2021adults dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment multiple-sclerosis strokeanimal-assisted-therapysystematic-review
Animal-assisted intervention and dementia: A systematic review, 2019dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsanimal-assisted-therapysystematic-review
Animal-assisted interventions with dogs in special education: A systematic review, 2022children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilityanimal-assisted-therapysystematic-review
Mindfulness-based interventions for social anxiety disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2021adults social-anxiety-disorderanxiety mindfulnessmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Can mindfulness help to alleviate loneliness? A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2021adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsloneliness-social-isolation mindfulnessmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Mindfulness-based positive psychology interventions: A systematic review, , , 2021adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsmindfulness positive-psychologysystematic-review
Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions for people with recent-onset psychosis: A systematic review, 2021adults schizophreniamindfulnesssystematic-review
The impact of mindfulness on suicidal behavior: A systematic review, , , 2022adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsmindfulness suicidal-ideationsystematic-review
Military-related posttraumatic stress disorder and mindfulness meditation: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2021adults post-traumatic-stress-disordermindfulnessmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effects of mindfulness-based interventions on psychological distress and mindfulness in incarcerated populations: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022adults incarceratedmindfulness stressmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
A systematic review of nature-based counseling interventions to promote mental health and wellness, 2022adults children-youth-adolescentsoutdoor-adventure-nature-experiencesystematic-review
Effects of music therapy on anxiety: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, 2021adultsanxiety musicmeta-analysis-synthesis
Effectiveness of dance/movement therapy in individuals with intellectual disability: A systematic review, 2022adults intellectual-developmental-disabilitydancesystematic-review
Nature’s role in outdoor therapies: An umbrella review, 2021adults children-youth-adolescentsoutdoor-adventure-nature-experiencesystematic-review
Animal-assisted therapy in eating disorder treatment: A systematic review, , 2022adults children-youth-adolescents eating-disordersanimal-assisted-therapysystematic-review
Digital storytelling in older adults with typical aging, and with mild cognitive impairment or dementia: A systematic literature review, 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsstorytellingsystematic-review
Digital storytelling for health-related outcomes in older adults: Systematic review, , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultshealth-outcomes-behaviors storytellingsystematic-review
Effects of reminiscence therapy on cognition, depression and quality of life in elderly people with alzheimer’s disease: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials, , , , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultscognitive-functioning depression quality-of-life reminiscence-life-reviewsystematic-review
Mind-body and creative arts therapies for people with aphasia: A mixed-method systematic review, , 2022adults aphasiacreative-arts-activity mindfulnesssystematic-review
Horticulture-based interventions to enhance health and wellbeing of people living with dementia in the community, , , 2021dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsgardening-horticulture health-outcomes-behaviors well-beingsystematic-review
The experience and perspective of people with spinal cord injury about well-being interventions: A systematic review of qualitative studies, 2022adults spinal-cord-injurywell-beingsystematic-review
Arts and humanities interventions for flourishing in healthy adults: A mixed studies systematic review, , 2021adultscreative-arts-activity health-outcomes-behaviors well-beingsystematic-review
Community-based social interventions for people with severe mental illness: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of recent evidence, 2022adults mental-illnesscommunity-integration-participation-transitionsystematic-review
Effectiveness of tai chi for health promotion for adults with health conditions: A scoping review of meta-analyses, , , , , , , 2021adults arthritis cancer cardiac-conditions chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease osteoporosis parkinsons-disease strokemartial-artssystematic-review
Commercial videogames in stroke rehabilitation: Systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , , 2022adults older-adults strokecognitive-functioning physical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Arts-based interventions to improve cognition in older persons with mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials, 2021older-adultscognitive-functioning creative-arts-activitysystematic-review
Virtual reality rehabilitation in children with brain injury: A randomized controlled trial, , 2021cerebral-palsy children-youth-adolescentsphysical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realityrandomized-controlled-trial
Psychosocial outcomes of dyadic arts interventions for people with a dementia and their informal caregivers: A systematic review, , 2021caregivers dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultscreative-arts-activitysystematic-review
A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological interventions to improve mental wellbeing, , , 2021adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultswell-beingmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effects of nature (greenspace) on cognitive functioning in school children and adolescents: A systematic review, 2022children-youth-adolescentscognitive-functioning outdoor-adventure-nature-experiencesystematic-review
A systematic review and meta-analysis of nature walk as an intervention for anxiety and depression, , , , 2022adults older-adultsanxiety depression outdoor-adventure-nature-experiencemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Immersive virtual reality application in schizophrenia spectrum therapy: A systematic review, 2020adults schizophreniavideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
The effects of virtual reality in stroke and parkinson’s disease rehabilitation: A systematic review and a perspective on usability, , , 2022adults older-adults parkinsons-disease strokevideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Virtual reality among individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities: A systematic literature review, , , 2022adults autism children-youth-adolescents intellectual-developmental-disabilityvideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Benefits of aquatic exercise in adults with and without chronic disease: A systematic review with meta-analysis, , , , , , , 2022adults cardiac-conditions diabetes fibromyalgia hypertension multiple-sclerosis parkinsons-diseaseaquatics-swimmingmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Does physical activity in natural outdoor environments improve wellbeing? A meta-analysis, , 2022adultsoutdoor-adventure-nature-experience physical-activity well-beingmeta-analysis-synthesis
Therapeutic use of serious games in mental health: Scoping review, , , , , , , adults attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder children-youth-adolescents generalized-anxiety-disorder-anxiety major-depressive-disorder-depression mood-disorders older-adults schizophreniavideo-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Effects of tabletop games on cognition in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022older-adultsboard-games cognitive-functioning non-digital-gamesmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effectiveness of equine-assisted therapies for improving health outcomes in people with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2021adults multiple-sclerosisanimal-assisted-therapymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Nature-based interventions for vulnerable youth: A scoping review, 2021children-youth-adolescents youth-at-riskoutdoor-adventure-nature-experiencesystematic-review
Commercial off-the-shelf video games for reducing stress and anxiety: Systematic Review, , , , 2021adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsanxiety stress video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
An integrative review considering the impact of storytelling and sharing interventions in stroke, , , , 2021adults older-adults strokeloneliness-social-isolation mental-psychological-health storytellingsystematic-review
New approaches to the effectiveness of inhalation aromatherapy in controlling painful conditions: A systematic review with meta-analysis, , , , 2022adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsaromatherapy painmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effectiveness of music intervention on cognitive function and neuropsychiatric symptoms in the elderly with dementia: A meta-analysis, , , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsbehavior-modification-management cognitive-functioning musicmeta-analysis-synthesis
Serious games for upper limb rehabilitation after stroke: A meta-analysis, , , 2021adults older-adults strokephysical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis
Nature-based interventions for psychological wellbeing in long-term conditions: A systematic review, , , , , 2022adults cardiac-conditions chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease diabetes older-adults strokeoutdoor-adventure-nature-experiencesystematic-review
Effects of exergaming on functional outcomes in people with chronic stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2022adults older-adults strokephysical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Wii fit for balance training in elderly: A systematic review, 2021older-adultsphysical-functioning video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
Efficacy of sensory interventions on school participation in children with sensory disorders: A systematic review, , 2021attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder autism children-youth-adolescentssensory-processing-stimulationsystematic-review
Interventions for social and community participation for adults with intellectual disability, psychosocial disability or on the autism spectrum: An umbrella systematic review, , , , 2022adults autism intellectual-developmental-disability mental-illnesscommunity-integration-participation-transition social-activities-participationsystematic-review
Forest therapy can prevent and treat depression: Evidence from meta-analyses, , , , 2021adults children-youth-adolescents major-depressive-disorder-depression older-adultsdepression outdoor-adventure-nature-experiencemeta-analysis-synthesis
Use of equine-assisted services to improve outcomes among at-risk and indigenous youth: A scoping review, 2022children-youth-adolescents youth-at-riskanimal-assisted-therapysystematic-review
Benefits of equine-assisted therapies in people with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review, 2022adults multiple-sclerosisanimal-assisted-therapysystematic-review
Effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy on pain in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2021children-youth-adolescentsanimal-assisted-therapy anxiety pain stressmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effects of animal-assisted therapy on patients with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsanimal-assisted-therapymeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Clinical evidence of Tai Chi exercise prescriptions: A systematic review, , , , , , , , , , , , 2021adults arthritis cardiac-conditions children-youth-adolescents chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease diabetes fibromyalgia hypertension major-depressive-disorder-depression older-adults parkinsons-disease strokemartial-arts rehabilitation-habilitation-recoverysystematic-review
Tai Chi and Qi Gong therapies as a complementary treatment in Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review, , 2021adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasemartial-artssystematic-review
Tai Ji Quan as antihypertensive lifestyle therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2021adults hypertension older-adultsmartial-arts vital-signsmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effectiveness of reminiscence therapy in reducing agitation and depression and improving quality of life and cognition in long-term care residents with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , , , 2021dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsanger-aggression-agitation cognitive-functioning depression quality-of-life reminiscence-life-reviewmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The effectiveness of reminiscence therapy on alleviating depressive symptoms in older adults: A systematic review, 2021older-adultsdepression reminiscence-life-reviewsystematic-review
Effects of reminiscence therapy in people with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , 2022dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsreminiscence-life-reviewmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Virtual reality intervention for managing apathy in people with cognitive impairment: Systematic review, , , 2022adults dementia-mild-cognitive-impairment older-adultsbehavior-modification-management video-games-computer-games-virtual-realitysystematic-review
A systematic review of arts-based interventions delivered to children and young people in nature or outdoor spaces: Impact on nature connectedness, health and wellbeing, , , 2022children-youth-adolescentscreative-arts-activity health-outcomes-behaviors outdoor-adventure-nature-experience well-beingsystematic-review
Nature-based outdoor activities for mental and physical health: Systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , , 2021adults children-youth-adolescents older-adultsmental-psychological-health outdoor-adventure-nature-experience physical-functioningmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The effectiveness of memory remediation strategies after traumatic brain injury: Systematic review and meta-analysis, , , , 2021adults children-youth-adolescents older-adults traumatic-brain-injurycognitive-functioningmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical effectiveness of self-management interventions in parkinson’s disease, , , , , , 2022adults older-adults parkinsons-diseasemental-psychological-health play-leisure-recreation-participation self-management social-support-relationshipsmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Effects of creative movement therapies on social communication, behavioral-affective, sensorimotor, cognitive, and functional participation skills of individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review, , , , , , , 2021adults autism children-youth-adolescentscreative-arts-activity dance drama martial-arts music yogasystematic-review
Dance movement therapy for clients with a personality disorder: A systematic review and thematic synthesis, , , 2021adults children-youth-adolescents personality-disordersdancemeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
Creative versus repetitive dance therapies to reduce the impact of fibromyalgia and pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , , 2022adults fibromyalgiadance painmeta-analysis-synthesis systematic-review
The effects of art therapy on anxiety, depression, and quality of life in adults with cancer: A systematic literature review,