Tell Your Affordable Textbook Story!

stack of textbooks
25/50 – textbooks” by THEMACGIRL* available via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Enter for a chance to win a day of a reserved study room during final exams!

Using your preferred medium (text, video, audio, photos, or designed graphic), tell a true story of a professor who saved you money by using free course materials or textbooks. What was the course? Who was the professor? How did that impact your learning in the class or your savings outside of it?

Five winners will be randomly selected from all entries. Winners may select their date and library location (Charles Library or Ginsburg Library). The study room must be used M–F, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, April 26–April 29 or on May 2.

Deadline to submit: March 28, 2022.

Use this form to submit your story