A Look at May 2024 Theses and Dissertations 

Congratulations to all of Temple’s recent master’s and doctoral graduates! Temple University Libraries and University Press is proud to host these students’ outstanding research in Temple’s institutional repository TUScholarShare

We received 128 doctoral dissertations and 47 master’s theses this May. Of those, only 14% chose to embargo (i.e., delay access to) their work. This means that most of these important publications are freely available for the public to read now. 

In addition, almost 50% of these authors included their ORCiD, a unique persistent identifier that links a researcher to their work. No matter where these graduate students study or work after Temple or how their names might change, their iD will distinguish them from other researchers. All Temple faculty and graduate students can benefit from registering for one

The programs with the most dissertations deposited this year were Educational Leadership (12), Business Administration/Interdisciplinary (8), and Chemistry (8), while the Urban Bioethics (28,) and Oral Biology (9) programs deposited the most master’s theses. 

Medical ethics and urban bioethics were the most popular subjects written about by May graduates.  

Artificial intelligence (AI), a topic appearing in the news quite frequently these days, was a theme in five dissertations: 

Two works explored topics on Philadelphia

Finally, the award for the longest thesis/dissertation goes to Fintech in a Changing Market and Immersive Web 3.0 World (Musangi Muthui, D.B.A., Business Administration/Management Information Systems), which is a remarkable 969 pages long. 

Congrats again to all our graduates! And be sure to check out all the other excellent theses and dissertations in TUScholarShare

Congratulations to the 2024 Textbook Affordability Project Award Recipients!

Guest post by Kristina De Voe, English and communication librarian, with the Open Education Group 

The Temple University Libraries are happy to announce our 2024 Textbook Affordability Project grant award recipients:  

  • Cate Almon, English, College of Liberal Arts 
  • Richard Feder, Law, Beasley School of Law 
  • Alyson Hansbarger, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Public Health 
  • Cheryl Hyde, Social Work, School of Social Work 
  • Xiuqi Cindy Li, Computer & Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology 
  • Ryan McKee, Social and Behavioral Sciences, College of Public Health 
  • Molly Pooler, Education, College of Education and Human Development 
  • Santosh Sali, International Business Studies, Temple University Japan Campus

These course instructors have all committed to introducing open educational practices in their classrooms during the upcoming academic year and will be moving forward with project plans to adopt zero-cost course materials into their courses.  

As part of the grant, awardees will complete training over the summer, participating in a learning community in which they will increase their awareness around open textbooks, open educational practices, and affordable learning materials. They will also have opportunities to develop their projects.  

The Textbook Affordability Project (TAP) is a grant program that awards funds to Temple faculty members who make their courses more affordable for their students by replacing costly educational resources with library-licensed materials or open educational resources (OER), including open textbooks. Alternatively, faculty can receive funds for engaging in other open educational practices, like creating learning objects or replacing traditional assignments with renewable assignments that center students as creators of knowledge. The call for applications goes out annually in the spring. 

Since 2011, The TAP has granted awards to over 100 faculty across nearly every discipline at Temple University and saved students over one million dollars. 

Opening Educational Resources for Behavioral Health Practitioners: An Interview with Sean E. Snyder

Happy Open Education Week! During this week, we celebrate and advocate for open educational resources. Open educational resources (also called OER) are defined by SPARC as “teaching, learning, and research resources that are free of cost and access barriers, which also carry legal permission for open use.” These teaching and learning materials — like videos, slide decks, podcasts, worksheets, and textbooks — are free to access, use, share, and modify in the digital environment without copyright concerns because their creators have given others permission to do so.  

Why are open educational resources so important? For students, their biggest appeal is they are zero or low cost. Open textbooks can save students hundreds of dollars each semester. For faculty, OER offer an opportunity to craft course materials that are highly relevant, current, and meaningful for their discipline. In addition to remixing and modifying existing materials, faculty can create new materials or textbooks. 

Temple University Libraries and University Press’s joint imprint North Broad Press provides Temple faculty with an opportunity to author their own open textbook. All North Broad Press titles are peer reviewed and freely available online. Check out a list of 15 open textbooks in progress.  

To learn more about why Temple faculty are driven to author an open textbook, we spoke with Sean E. Snyder, MSW, LCSW. Sean is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has taught courses on child emotional challenges at Temple University and Thomas Jefferson University and has lectured at the University of Pennsylvania. He’s the author a new open textbook, A Developmental Systems Guide for Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Practitioners, which provides clinicians with actionable evidence-based practices for the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of child and adolescent mental and behavioral health.   

Why did you choose to write A Developmental Systems Guide for Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Practitioners as an open textbook? 

I put myself in the shoes of a student first – how could a class text be helpful and useful to them as they learn to be a therapist or counselor? My thoughts were – it needs to be in very actionable terms and it needs to be available to them when they are done with the course. The hope was that students could come back to the book in their practice – and not be turned away by a paywall. 

Going beyond Temple University, we all know there is a crisis of mental healthcare service capacity in the United States. The hope with this textbook was to make what we know from the science and lived experience of how to best support the mental health of children free and easily accessible. It’s putting trustworthy information out in the meta-verse and anchoring some of the core concepts of mental healthcare for children. In the book, Dr. Bruce Chorpita calls this “therapeutic intelligence:”  

Therapeutic intelligence refers to the idea that at any given moment, if you knew everything in those 1200 randomized trials, what would you do at any given moment with a child, whether you were a therapist, or whether you were a teacher, or a bus driver, or a soccer coach or anyone else who comes into contact with children? How would you behave in a way that fosters the psychological development, the emotional intelligence, the health and wellness of that child?

An open access textbook is at least a small drop in the bucket towards that vision of therapeutic intelligence in our society.  

Your book features many contributing authors and voices. Tell us about this collaborative process and why it was important for this project. 

Democratization of knowledge is fundamental to education, learning, and culture, among other things. That means folks can access the knowledge we create but also have access to creating that knowledge base. Coproduction of knowledge requires dialogue of different voices – the partnership that this book required was my favorite part of the process. I got to interact with so many brilliant people from all walks of life, and they all pushed my ongoing learning and personal growth. I am so appreciative of everyone involved in this process. 

It was important when reaching out to coauthors that I had the value of access in mind – what voices have been marginalized in academia, how can this book create access in that space for them? How could being a coauthor on this book potentially contribute to their professional paths? The book has so many diverse voices across different aspects of identity- race, ethnicity, primary language, sexual/gender identity and expression, first-gen college student. Again, the best part of this book was working together. 

Tell us about the process of publishing this textbook with North Broad Press, the joint open access imprint of the Libraries and Temple University Press. 

The process was very collaborative with the folks at North Broad Press (NBP) – we set expectations at the beginning, then they let me “do my thing.” They were supportive of any changes I made to the format or other aspects of the book. I was happy to have two great peer reviewers look at the book as well, especially during a period where getting peer reviewers was hard!  Overall, the NBP team made the process feel easy. 

You chose a Creative Commons license for your textbook. Were you familiar with Creative Commons prior to this project? 

I was familiar with this kind of license because of my exposure to folks working in the “open science” space. The process of selecting a license was new to me – there is some nuance that can allow varying degrees of how someone can use, remix, and adapt. The NBP team walked me through the process and helped me ensure that the license supported the overall aim of increasing access and dissemination of the content.  

What advice would you offer faculty who might be considering authoring an open textbook?   

The process reminded me a lot of doing a research protocol – set up your SOP and make sure your protocol is set to keep you anchored during the writing process, especially if you have coauthors. Instead of updating an IRB to any changes you want to make to the protocol, you update the publishing team on the changes you hope to make. Give yourself a long enough time horizon to write and revise, knowing that literature can update over the course of writing the book.  And of course, let your passion come to life. A book allows you so much space to let that happen. 

Thank you, Sean! 

If you feel inspired to create an OER, Temple Libraries can support you! For more information about OER, visit our Discovering Open Educational Resources guide. Contact your subject librarian if you want help locating and implementing OER in your courses. If you’re interested in writing your own open textbook, contact Mary Rose Muccie (maryrose.muccie@temple.edu) and Alicia Pucci (alicia.pucci@temple.edu) for more information.   

Celebrate Open Education Week with the Libraries!

Temple University Libraries is celebrating Open Education Week from February 26 to March 1, 2024. Open Education Week is an annual celebration designed to raise awareness about open educational resources and practices. 

What are Open Educational Resources and Practices? 

Open educational resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that are free to read and reuse. Examples of OER include videos, images, lab activities, homework assignments, and textbooks. Open educational practices — also known as open pedagogy — use OER to support learning and invite students to be active participants in the teaching and learning environment, engaging in knowledge creation and sharing. 

Faculty who use OER instead of a commercial textbook can help save students hundreds of dollars a semester. Faculty who use OER can also revise, remix, and build upon the content created by others, customizing the material to meet the needs of their particular class. This can aid in bringing about a more inclusive teaching and learning experience. 

Open Education Week Events  

To mark Open Education Week, Temple University Libraries will be offering the following events and activities: 

Contest for Faculty

  • New this year is a contest for faculty! Attend our faculty open house or workshops for a chance to be entered. Attend more events = earn more tickets! Raffle prizes include a summer study room in Charles Library, a library swag bag, or lunch with Joe Lucia, Dean of Temple University Libraries. 

Waffle OPEN House for Faculty 

  • Our featured faculty event is a tasty one! You’ve heard of Waffle House. Join us on Thursday, February 29, at Charles Library for Waffle OPEN House.  
    Come to Suite 375 in Charles Library between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm for waffles, pancakes, coffee, and more – along with informal discussions with our librarians about open educational practices and how to incorporate them into your instructional practice.   

Online Workshops 

  • Textbook Affordability Project Application Information Session 
    Monday, February 26 | Noon | Register 
    Friday, March 1 | Noon| Register 
    Join us as we discuss the TAP grant award opportunities, application process, requirements, and answer any of your application questions. 
  • How to Promote Your Open Scholarship 
    Tuesday, February 27 | Noon| Register 
    This workshop will cover strategies on how faculty can promote their open scholarship. This will cover building a scholarly profile, where to store your work, how to showcase your work on social media, and how to express this hard work in the promotion and tenure process. 
  • Create, Reuse, Remix: An Intro to Creative Commons Licenses 
    Wednesday, February 28 | Noon | Register 
    Join us as we cover the basics of Creative Commons licenses—what they are, how to find CC-licensed material, and how to license your own work. 
  • Zero-Cost Course Material Options: Your Students Will Thank You! 
    Wednesday, February 28 | 1:00 pm | Register 
    Thinking about adopting course materials that are totally free to your students? Not sure where to find them? Join us as we cover multiple options for locating or developing zero-cost content, even when an existing open textbook is not readily available. 
  • Share Your Teaching and Learning Materials with TUScholarShare 
    Thursday, March 1 | Noon | Register 
    Temple’s institutional repository, TUScholarShare, provides free online access to textbooks, syllabi, slide decks, tutorials, videos and more created by faculty and staff. Learn about the benefits of sharing your materials, and how to make them open and freely available online to teachers and learners beyond Temple.

Apply for a Textbook Affordability Project Grant! 

Open Education Week is also a great time to learn more about Temple University Libraries’ Textbook Affordability Project, which provides grants ranging from $500 to $1,500 to faculty who adopt, adapt, or create free alternatives to commercial educational resources. Engaging in open educational practices, like replacing a disposable assignment with a renewable assignment, is also an option. Over 100 Temple faculty have been awarded grants since 2011. Applications will be accepted until April 5, 2024. 

We hope you will join us for our Open Education Week events! 

Scholarly Communication Internship Reflections

In this guest post, Sara Murphy, fall 2023 MLIS intern for the Center for Scholarly Communication and Open Publishing (SCOP), reflects on her experience so far with SCOP’s various services. These include TUScholarShare, North Broad Press, the Open Access Publishing Fund, and open access journals. 

During this year’s Open Access Week, I’m honored to get the chance to introduce myself to the Temple University community. I am pursuing a master’s degree in library and information science from Pennsylvania Western University at Clarion (formerly Clarion University), and I am currently interning with the Center for Scholarly Communication and Open Publishing at Temple University Libraries and University Press to prepare for a role in scholarly communication (ScholComm) and library publishing after finishing my degree.  

Why Scholarly Communication?

I already knew when I began the master’s degree program that I wanted to work in an academic library, but I wasn’t entirely sure what role would be the best fit. I wasn’t even certain of all the possibilities. To get some help from an experienced professional, I signed up for the Pennsylvania Library Association’s mentorship program last year. I was matched with the director of another university library in the Philadelphia region, and we met monthly over the course of the year. It was through our conversations that I zeroed in on scholarly communications and library publishing. Because I used to work for an academic publisher, I already had some knowledge of the workflow for publishing journals and books, but I knew the scholarly publishing landscape had changed significantly since I last worked in it. The best way to start getting up to date was going to be working in the ScholComm division of an academic library. I was fortunate to be accepted as an intern working under the guidance of Mary Rose Muccie, Director of Temple University Press and Scholarly Communications Officer, and Alicia Pucci, Scholarly Communications Associate, for the fall semester. 

What I’ve Learned 

The projects I’ve worked on so far have started to build my knowledge of open access and other scholarly communications issues. Here are just a few: 
In preparation for a Research Resources Day hosted at the library, I distilled an existing list of talking points about the benefits of having an ORCID iD into an elevator speech that librarians can use to encourage student and faculty researchers to sign up for one. While drafting the speech, I registered for my own ORCID iD, which really did take just 30 seconds. I hope to conduct research in the future, and I have been convinced that having an ORCID iD will make tracking my scholarly contributions easier. 

These past few months I’ve also worked on conducting CV reviews to identify open-access resources published by Temple University faculty that can be deposited in the library’s institutional repository, TUScholarShare. This work has increased my knowledge of Creative Commons licenses and the wide variety of bespoke policies that publishers have related to sharing intellectual property. It has been heartening to see that there are many fully open-access publishers who allow journal articles to be read by any interested reader from the moment they are published and many others that allow the accepted version of a manuscript to be shared in an institutional repository. I believe it is important to make research widely available so new developments can grow from it, and I’m proud to be assisting in expanding what TUScholarShare has to offer to its users.  

North Broad Press has been working on some new open textbooks authored by Temple faculty that I’ve gotten a chance to get involved with as well.  I cross checked all the images in two forthcoming lab manuals with the art notes and credits to ensure they were numbered and attributed properly. I’ve also been learning how to typeset a book using Pressbooks, an online software that allows users to create books for print-on-demand, EPUB, or webbook formats. As a parent of a college student, I have first-hand experience with how open educational resources can improve the affordability of higher education, and I’m delighted to have had a chance to help prepare these books for their future audiences. 

What’s Next? 

My internship with Temple University Libraries and University Press is helping me prepare to excel in what I’ve chosen as my second career. After I finish my field experience at Temple and receive my degree, I will begin searching for a position in an academic library. While I have a deep interest in ScholComm, I plan to stay open to other possibilities because there is plenty more for me to learn about academic librarianship, and I realize that having a breadth of experience could only help me be a better ScholComm librarian one day. But until then, I look forward to the experiences that still lie ahead during the second half of this semester.  

Congratulations to the 2023 Textbook Affordability Project Award Recipients!

Collage of headshots of the 2023 Textbook Affordability Project award recipients.
2023 Textbook Affordability Project award recipients

Guest post by Kristina De Voe, English and communication librarian, with the Open Education Group 

The Temple University Libraries are happy to announce our 2023 Textbook Affordability Project grant award recipients:  

  • Norma Corrales-Martin, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts 
  • Marni Cueno, Psychology, Temple University Japan 
  • Graham Dobereiner, Chemistry, College of Science and Technology 
  • Anne Frankel, Social and Behavioral Sciences, College of Public Health  
  • Shuchen Susan Huang, Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies, College of Liberal Arts 
  • Marian Makins, Greek and Roman Classics, College of Liberal Arts 
  • Peter Marshall, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts 
  • Mike McGlin, Greek and Roman Classics, College of Liberal Arts 
  • Adrienne Shaw, Media Studies and Production, Klein College of Media and Communication 
  • Jingwei Wu, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of Public Health 

These course instructors have all committed to introducing open educational practices in their classrooms during the upcoming academic year and will be moving forward with project plans to adopt zero-cost learning materials into their courses.  

As part of the grant, awardees will complete training over the summer, participating in a learning community in which they will increase their awareness around open textbooks, open educational practices, and affordable learning materials. They will also have opportunities to develop their projects.  

The Textbook Affordability Project (TAP) is a grant program that awards funds to Temple faculty members who make their courses more affordable for their students by replacing costly educational resources with library-licensed materials or open educational resources (OER), including open textbooks. Alternatively, faculty can receive funds for engaging in other open educational practices, like creating learning objects or replacing a traditional assignment with renewable assignments that center students as creators of knowledge. The call for applications goes out annually in the spring. 

Since 2011, The TAP has granted awards to over 100 faculty across nearly every discipline at Temple University and saved students over one million dollars. 

New Open Textbook: Economics for Life

North Broad Press, the joint Temple University Libraries and Press imprint, has published its fourth open textbook! Economics for Life: Real-World Financial Literacy, by Dr. Donald T. Wargo, is now available open access on the Press’s Manifold platform and on the Press website.

Wargo, Associate Professor of Instruction in the Economics department at Temple University, has for several years taught an undergraduate course on financial literacy as part of Temple’s general education program. In the process of planning for and teaching his course, Wargo realized that not only did his students lack an understanding of financial decision making—including credit card use, making large purchases such as a car or home, and retirement planning. Opportunities for guidance on these major decisions were limited.

Wargo found that the available textbooks on the subject lacked the breadth and depth he believed was necessary to prepare students for the numerous decisions they would be facing, This, coupled with the high cost of the commercial textbook he had been using, led him to submit a proposal for an original open access textbook to North Broad Press. As he noted in his proposal, “Economics for Life: Real-World Financial Literacy is designed to help soon-to-be college graduates emerge into the start of their ‘real lives’ with better comprehension of how to analyze the financial decisions that they will soon have to make.”

With chapters on creating and living within a budget, evaluating and managing debt, and the fundamentals of investing, Economics for Life’s approachable style and accessible content make it an ideal book for anyone looking for practical guidance. Readers will learn how to use financial data to make informed personal finance decisions. The book’s Manifold site also includes a supplemental resource—an article by Wargo on the explanation and impact of the “pandemic recession,” defined as mid-February to mid-April 2020.

About the author

Dr. Donald T. Wargo is an Associate Professor of Instruction in the Economics department at Temple University. His specializations are in Real Estate, Behavioral Economics and Neuroeconomics. Prior to his teaching career, he held executive positions in several large real estate companies in the Philadelphia area, including Vice President of Finance and President. For fifteen of those years, he ran his own development company, Wargo Properties, Inc.

About North Broad Press

North Broad Press publishes peer-reviewed open textbooks by Temple faculty and staff. It operates under the following core principles:

  • We believe that the Libraries and the Press are critical resources for publishing expertise on campus.
  • We believe that the unfettered flow of ideas, scholarship and knowledge is necessary to support learning, clinical practice, and research, and to stimulate creativity and the intellectual enterprise.
  • We support Temple faculty, students, and staff by making their work available to audiences around the world via open access publishing.
  • We believe that the scholarly ecosystem works best when creators retain their copyrights.
  • We believe in experimentation and innovation in academic publishing.
  • We work to decrease the cost of higher education and improve learning outcomes for students by publishing high quality open textbooks and other open educational resources.
  • We believe in the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and promote these values through our publications.
  • We commit to making our publications accessible to all who need to use them.
  • We believe place matters. Our publications reflect Temple University and the North Philadelphia community of which we are a part.

Tell Us Your Textbook Affordability Story for a Chance to Win a Personal Study Room for a Whole Day!

Image by Luisella Planeta Leoni from Pixabay

Textbook costs have long been a concern for students, and the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated that problem. U.S. PIRG found that 65% of students skipped buying a required textbook due to cost. A survey conducted by Temple Student Government in 2020 showed that in order to afford a textbook, 41% have worked extra hours at their job, and 14% have skipped meals.

Tell us your textbook affordability story for a chance to win a personal study room for a whole day during final exams! Submit a true story about the most money you spent on textbooks in one semester. In a paragraph, audio/video clip, graphic design, or some photos, briefly share how this expense impacted you and what that money would have gone towards if you didn’t have to pay for textbooks.

Five winners will be randomly selected from all entries. Winners may select their date and library location (Charles Library or Ginsburg Library). The study room must be used M–F, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, May 2–May 5 or on May 8.

Deadline to submit: March 17, 2023.

Use this form to submit your story

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Open Textbook Publishing: An Interview with Dr. Carmelo A. Galati

Image by Tom from Pixabay. 

Happy Open Education Week! During this week, we celebrate and advocate for open educational resources. Open educational resources (also called OER) are defined by SPARC as “teaching, learning, and research resources that are free of cost and access barriers, which also carry legal permission for open use.” These are teaching and learning materials — like videos, slide decks, podcasts, worksheets, and textbooks — that are free to access, use, share, and modify in the digital environment without copyright concerns because their creators have given others permission to do so. 

Why are open educational resources so important? For students, their biggest appeal is they are zero or low cost. Open textbooks can save students hundreds of dollars each semester. For faculty, OER offer an opportunity to craft course materials that are highly relevant, current, and meaningful for their discipline. In addition to remixing and modifying existing materials, faculty can create new materials or textbooks. 

North Broad Press logo

Temple University Libraries and University Press’s joint imprint North Broad Press provides Temple faculty with an opportunity to author their own open textbook. All North Broad Press titles are peer reviewed and freely available online. Check out a list of 17 open textbooks in progress

To learn more about why Temple faculty are driven to author an open textbook, we spoke with Dr. Carmelo A. Galati, Associate Professor of Instruction and the Co-Director of the Italian Studies Program at Temple University. Dr. Galati is the author a new open textbook, Gratis!: A Flipped-Classroom and Active Learning Approach to Italian, which is currently under review with North Broad Press. This textbook is intended for students with no previous knowledge of Italian.  

Why did you choose to write Gratis!: A Flipped-Classroom and Active Learning Approach to Italian as an open textbook?  

While leading a session on active learning for teachers of Italian at a professional workshop under the jurisdiction of the General Consulate of Italy in Philadelphia and the Italian Ministry of Education (October 2019), my colleague, Dr. Cristina Gragnani, and I discovered university students are not the only ones affected by the high and growing cost of language textbooks. High school programs are also facing issues and are unable to provide students with affordable educational tools to promote the Italian language and culture. Temple University’s Italian Studies program’s work within the Philadelphia community to disseminate Italian culture dates to the early 20th century. In support of that pioneering work educating students and promoting Italian culture, we created an open-access, introductory-level Italian textbook for Temple University students, as well as high school students in the greater Philadelphia area and beyond. Doing so makes foreign language study accessible to all and places Temple University at the forefront of internationalization at the secondary education and university levels. 

Tell us about the process of publishing this textbook with North Broad Press, the joint open access imprint of the Libraries and Temple University Press. 

Prior to Gratis! I did not have experience in textbook publications, as most of my writing projects dealt with peer-reviewed academic journals and edited volumes. Thanks to the guidance of Annie Johnson (former Assistant Director for Open Publishing Initiatives and Scholarly Communications), Mary Rose Muccie (Director, Temple University Press), and Alicia Pucci (Scholarly Communications Associate), the process has been a positive and rewarding experience. From the very first day of being contracted to author Gratis! everyone at North Broad Press has been very supportive and has shown great enthusiasm for the project. Whenever questions arose regarding copyright, formatting, use of videos, or anything in between, they were quick to respond by email and to schedule video conferences with me should I need further clarification.  

You chose a Creative Commons license for your textbook. Were you familiar with Creative Commons prior to this project?  

I was not familiar with Creative Commons (CC) prior to the project. As a language textbook, Gratis! is filled with lots of images to introduce, reinforce understanding of, and assess vocabulary knowledge of each lesson and unit. Creative Commons has made the inclusion of images much less stressful since I did not need to purchase individual licenses for the book’s photographs. Furthermore, in choosing a CC license for Gratis!, instructors who wish to adopt it are free to add more material. This may include new integrated grammar or vocabulary exercises that align with the context of each chapter. The CC license allows instructors to choose cultural reading materials to assess reading comprehension as well, since educators can write and add additional reading content to the book.  

You received an OER Development Grant from the PA GOAL program. Did this impact how you envision faculty and students using this textbook?   

The OER Development Grant supported the development of videos, images, and interactive H5P exercises that serve as ancillary materials and provide students with instant feedback. The grant provided funding for four undergraduate Italian majors (Aidan Giordano, Andrew Raker, Julia Rudy and Eileen Scanlan), studying at our Temple University Rome campus, working with two Italian faculty members and the Director of Student Activities (Daniela Curioso, Bruno Montefusco, and Gianni Marangio, respectively), to create original video content for each of the textbook’s chapters. The students’ contributions allow language learners to experience studying abroad virtually through videos that document their travels around Rome, provide a virtual campus tour of Villa Caproni (the building which houses the Temple Rome campus along the banks of the Tiber River), and record interviews with local Italian university students discussing differences between the American and Italian Educational system.  

Thanks to the OER Development Grant, Gratis! emulates the leading publishers in providing students with competencies that they will acquire by the completion of each chapter. Units include specific vocabulary that integrates grammar and culture lessons, while online ancillary materials provide students with additional support and instant feedback. 

All the unique videos, images, and H5P exercises that appear in Gratis! can be found in TUScholarShare’s Teaching and Learning Materials collection for download and reuse.    

What advice would you offer faculty who might be considering authoring an open textbook?  

If you are looking for a way to provide affordable educational tools for students and the opportunity to continuously reflect on and update best practices and initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, then authoring an open textbook is the way to go! Most Italian language textbooks contain microaggressions that endorse heteronormative culture and behaviors, promote traditional family planning, and ultimately present a false picture of the world in which we live. In writing Gratis! I have been able to represent diverse realities for Italian-language learners and to make the learning process inclusive to all! Gratis! does not promote stereotypes of traditionally conservative Italians. Instead, it teaches inclusive vocabulary regarding the LGBTQIA+ community. It presents students with language regarding places of worship for all faiths, not just Roman Catholicism. In its goal to represent Italy’s diverse realities, Gratis! depicts Italians of all cultures, races, and religions. 

Thank you, Dr. Galati! 

If you feel inspired to create an OER, Temple Libraries can support you! For more information about OER, visit our Discovering Open Educational Resources guide. Contact your subject librarian if you want help locating and implementing OER in your courses. If you’re interested in writing your own open textbook, contact Mary Rose Muccie (maryrose.muccie@temple.edu) and Alicia Pucci (alicia.pucci@temple.edu) for more information. 

Temple University Celebrates Open Education Week 2023

Temple University Libraries is celebrating Open Education Week from February 27 to March 3, 2023. Open Education Week is an annual celebration designed to raise awareness about open educational resources and practices. 

What are Open Educational Resources and Practices? 

Open educational resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that are free to read and reuse. Examples of OER include videos, images, lab activities, homework assignments, and textbooks. Open educational practices — also known as open pedagogy — use OER to support learning and invite students to be active participants in the teaching and learning environment, engaging in knowledge creation and sharing. 

Faculty who use OER instead of a commercial textbook can help save students hundreds of dollars a semester. Faculty who use OER can revise, remix, and build upon the content created by others, customizing the material to meet the needs of their particular class. This can aid in bringing about a more culturally responsive teaching and learning experience. 

Open Education Week Events & Activities 

To mark Open Education Week, Temple University Libraries will be offering the following events and activities: 

Contest for Students 

  • Tell Us Your Textbook Affordability Story 
    Submit a true story about the most money you spent on textbooks in one semester. In a paragraph, audio/video clip, graphic design, or some photos, briefly share how this expense impacted you and what that money would have gone towards if you didn’t have to pay for textbooks. 
    You can win a day’s reservation to a study room in Charles Library or Ginsburg Library during final exams! Five winners will be randomly selected from all entries. Deadline to submit: March 17, 2023

Event for Faculty 

  • Waffle OPEN House 
    Our featured faculty event is a tasty one! You’ve heard of Waffle House. Join us on Wednesday, March 1 at Charles Library for Waffle OPEN House.  
    Come to Suite 375 in Charles Library between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm for waffles, pancakes, coffee, and more – along with informal discussions with our librarians about open education practices and how to incorporate them into your instructional practice.   

Online Workshops 

  • Textbook Affordability Project Application Information Session 
    Monday, February 27, 2023 | 12 pm | Register 
    Join us as we discuss the TAP grant award opportunities, application process, requirements, and answer any of your application questions. 
  • Using Open Educational Resources in the Classroom 
    Tuesday, February 28, 2023 | 12 pm | Register 
    In this workshop aimed at faculty and teaching graduate students, we will provide an introduction to the world of open educational resources. We’ll discuss how to find high quality OER in your discipline and show you how these materials can be customized to suit the needs of your particular class and improve student success. 
  • Copyright and Creative Commons 
    Tuesday, February 28, 2023 | 1 pm | Register 
    Join us as we cover the basics of Creative Commons licenses—what they are, how to find CC-licensed material, and how to license your own work. 
  • Sharing Your Teaching and Learning Materials with TUScholarShare 
    Wednesday, March 1, 2023 | 1 pm | Register 
    Temple’s institutional repository, TUScholarShare, provides free online access to textbooks, syllabi, slide decks, tutorials, videos and more created by faculty and staff. In this workshop, you will learn about the benefits of sharing your materials and how to make them open and freely available online to teachers and learners beyond Temple. 
  • How to Promote Your Open Scholarship 
    Thursday, March 2, 2023 12 pm Register 
    This workshop will cover strategies how faculty can promote for promoting their open scholarship. This will cover building a scholarly profile, where to store your work, how to showcase your work on social media, and how to express this hard work in the promotion and tenure process. 

Accepting Applications for the Textbook Affordability Project Grant! 

Open Education Week is also a great time to learn more about Temple University Libraries’ Textbook Affordability Project, which provides grants ranging from $500 to $1,500 to faculty who adopt, adapt, or create free alternatives to commercial educational resources. Engaging in open educational practices, like replacing a traditional assignment with a renewable assignment, is also an option. Applications are being accepted until April 7, 2023. 

We hope you will join us for our Open Education Week events!