Google Book Previews Added To Library Catalog

Google Books may contain information about a title that can help in making decisions about a book’s value, and it might even contain needed text. Having access to even limited text may be helpful at times. To facilitate your access to Google book content for titles in the Temple University Libraries’ collections we have added the ability to quickly view Google book records for books we own. The icon for “Google Preview” is located in the individual record for each title for which it is available (not every book we own is found in Google Books). Here is an example: googbookprev.jpg Simply click on the Google Preview icon and the information will appear is a new browser window. We are looking for new ways to make our library catalog more valuable to you. Please share your suggestions.

Michael Jackson, 1958-2009: Primary Resources, Historical Perspectives, Scholarly Insights

Michael Jackson, known as “King of Pop”, died unexpectedly Thursday, June 25th in Los Angeles at age 50. His career began when he was 11 as part of the group the “Jackson Five”, the youngest of five brothers. He is known for his extraordinary talent in music and dance, and as a gifted entertainer. He was an innovator, most notably in the music video medium and early MTV. Jackson’s career was marred by controversy caused by allegations of personal sexual misconduct. In addition to being a musician, dancer, and entertainer, Michael Jackson was known for his philanthropy, particularly his work to help South Africa, and his composing and organizing the production of the song “We Are the World”, with proceeds going to African aid. Michael Jackson will always be known as a trailblazer in the field of pop music, and his recordings continue to break sales records.


Following are selected resources for more information about Michael Jackson. In addition to sources readily available through news media, also included are books in the library, encyclopedia articles, and scholarly articles, resources that most people may not have thought about in regards to a popular music figure. These resources give scholarly, insightful, and analytical perspectives of Michael Jackson such as the meanings of his dance movements, the sociological aspects of his music videos, the religious significance in “Earth Song”, and more. Articles in languages other than English are a testimony to Jackson’s worldwide fame and appeal. Here you will also find primary resources such as books by Michael Jackson, and interviews that he gave when he was in his teens. These in-depth perspectives you would not find anywhere else, but @ your library! Enjoy.

Books and More

Jackson, Michael. Moonwalk. New York : Doubleday, c1988. Blockson Collection ML420.J175A3 1988
Jackson, Michael.Number ones [videorecording]. New York : Epic Music Video, c2003. Paley Media Services ML420.J175 N863x 2003


Jackson, Michael. Thriller [sound recording] Library Depository EPIC QE 38112




Lull, James, and Stephen Hinerman, eds.Media scandals : morality and desire in the popular culture marketplace. New York : Columbia University Press, 1997.
Paley Stacks P96.S29M43 1997

Jefferson, Margo. On Michael Jackson. New York : Pantheon Books, c2006.
Paley Stacks ML420.J175 J44 2006






Taraborrelli, J. Randy.Michael Jackson : the magic and the madness.Secaucus, N.J. : Carol Pub. Group, 1991. Blockson Collection ML420.J175T3 1991

Online Encyclopedia Articles
*****Restricted to Temple University users only. Enter your AccessNet username and password.*****

“Michael Jackson.” Contemporary Musicians, Volume 44. G
ale Group, 2004. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale,   2009.
“Michael Jackson.” Contemporary Black Biography. Vol. 53. Thomson Gale, 2006.
Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2009.
“Michael Jackson.” St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture. 5 vols. St. James Press, 2000. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2009.
“Michael Jackson.” Notable Black American Men. Gale Research, 1998.
Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2009.

Selected Journal Articles and Book Chapters

*****Many are restricted to Temple University users only.  Enter your AccessNet username and password.*****

Baker, Danny.  The great Greenland mystery: Michael Jackson. Meaty beaty big & bouncy!” Classic rock and pop writing from Elvis to Oasis. London: Sceptre, 1997. 157-178 pp.
Abstract: An interview with Michael Jackson and his brothers first published in New musical express on 4 April 1981.

Burnett, Robert and Bert Deivert. Black or White: Michael Jackson’s Video as a Mirror of Popular Culture. Popular Music and Society 19:3 (Fall 1995) p.19-40. Paley Stacks ML1 .P69457

Buschmann, Gerd. Der Sturm Gottes zur Neuschöpfung: Biblische Symboldidaktik in  Michael Jacksons Mega-Video-Hit Earth Song. Katechetische Blätter. Vol. 121, no. 3, pp.187-196. 1996.
Abstract: Jackson’s 1995 video Earth song plays with central biblical themes including creation, the fall from grace, the prayer of lamentation, theophany, prophecy, and resurrection. In terms of form and content,the video corresponds to a psalm of lamentation, with three parts: lament, plea, and help. Jackson appears as a prophet and modern Christ-like figure.

Campbell, Melissa. Saying the Unsayable: The Non-Verbal Vocalisations of Michael Jackson. Context 26 (Spring 2003) p.17-26.

Dyson, Michael Eric. A postmodern Afro-American secular spirituality: Michael Jackson. The theology of American popular music: Proceedings of the first conference in theomusicology, 7-8 April 1989
Abstract: The achievements of Michael Jackson are viewed as representing a postmodern form of black American secular spirituality that is primarily televisual and performance-oriented in its medium of expression, and that wrestles in poignant fashion with moral themes that reflect black cultural and religious consciousness.

Dyson, Michael Eric. Wanna Be Startin’ Something? Two Sharp Minds Contemplate the Significance of the Michael Jackson Trial. VIBE 13:10 (October 2005) p.128-131.
Early, Gerald. Three notes on the roots of rhythm. Conjunctions. Vol. 16, pp.197-208. 1991
Abstract: The success of Chubby Checker’s The twist with white audiences and the role of music in Shirley Temple’s and Michael Jackson’s films help to explain the cultural context of American rhythm and blues.

Epstein, Debbie and Deborah Lynn Steinberg. The Face of Ruin: Evidentiary Spectacle and the Trial of Michael Jackson. Social Semiotics; Dec2007, Vol. 17 Issue 4, p441-458, 18p

Garry, George. At home with Michael Jackson. Very Seventies: A cultural history of the 1970s, from the pages of Crawdaddy New York, NY: Fireside/Simon &Schuster, 1995. 87-92 pp.
Abstract: Interview with a 13-year-old Michael Jackson originally published in
September 1972.

Harvey, Lisa St. Clari.Temporary insanity: Fun, games, and transformational ritual in American music video. Journal of popular culture. Vol. 24, no. 1, pp.39-64. (summer 1990)Abstract: Music video relies heavily on viewer reactions and perceptions. Video may be related to the masked ball, in which excess and indulgence in the usually forbidden are expected. Music video allows viewer participation at a vicarious level. The dream world of video may represent a collage of aspects of society. Videos of Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie, Tina Turner, Cyndi Lauper, and Duran Duran are summarized.

Hills, Mattl. Michael Jackson Fans on Trial? “Documenting” Emotivism and Fandom in Wacko About JackoSocial Semiotics; Dec2007, Vol. 17 Issue 4, p459-477, 19p

Ihlemann, Lisbeth. Michael Jackson: Monster, maskine, myte, menneske? Musik & forskning. Vol. 23, pp.110-25. Abstract: The pop star Michael Jackson draws attention not only to his music, but also to himself as a star and a person. Jackson’s image is explored in relation to star theories developed by media studies scholars. In contrast to most stars, Jackson’s persona seems to exhibit only the extraordinar
y: He is most often perceived as a freak or an alien. Jackson’s save-the-world attitude and obvious attraction to aggressive masculinity are explored.

Lau, Thomas. Idole, Ikonen und andere Menschen: Madonna, Michael Jackson und die Fans. “Alles so schön bunt hier”: Die Geschichte der Popkultur von den Fünfzigern bis heute. Stuttgart, Germany: Reclam, 1999. 241-253 pp. Abstract: In pop culture, the idol relies on the fan as much as the fan relies on the idol. Still, the relationship between the two has changed considerably in the past 20 years, also in light of the advent of techno culture.

Mayfield, Geoff. Over the Counter: Jackson Set Still Thrilling after All These Years. Billboard – The International Newsweekly of Music, Video and Home Entertainment 120:9 (1 March 2008) p.37.

Mittel,Jason. A Cultural Approach to Television Genre Theory Cinema Journal; Spring2001, Vol. 40 Issue 3, p3, 22p.
Abstract: Argues that genres are cultural categories that surpass the boundaries of media texts and operate within the industry, audience and cultural practices. Obstacle to the development of television-specific genre theory; Types of discursive practices; Goal in analyzing generic discourses; Genre analysis with Michael Jackson’s music videos; Principles of cultural genre analysis.

Nathan, David. Feature: Michael Jackson; A “Thriller” of a Career. Blues & Soul 1004 (6 March 2008)

Olligs, Ursula. Die rhythmisch-energetische Struktur von Michael Jacksons Tanz. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie. Vol. 9, no. 2, pp.72-86. 1998.
Abstract: As no other pop idol, Michael Jackson bases his success on dance. By means of three video-tapes, the dance-psychological research of his dancing and body language tracks sources and characteristics of this way of movement. Reference to the dance therapeutically aspects are made.

Paoletta, Michael. UpFront: Music – Michael Jackson: Now What? Billboard – The International Newsweekly of Music, Video and Home Entertainment 117:26 (25 June 2005) p.7-8.

Silberman, Seth Clark. Presenting Michael Jackson™. Social Semiotics; Dec2007, Vol. 17 Issue 4, p417-440.

Sonnega, William. Morphing borders: The remanence of MTV. TDR: The drama review. Vol. 39, no. 1, pp.45-61. spring 1995.
Abstract:World beat, a musical genre combining melodic and rhythmic features from various world cultures into a single form, has become commonplace in contemporary popular music, and has worked to break down cultural barriers. Implicit in its multilayered culturalism is the Futurist notion of a technologically generated utopia. In the past decade Music Television (MTV) has successfully capitalized on incorporating world beat into its programming, becoming a model that other artistic agencies have followed, as exemplified in the Michael Jackson music video Black and white and a recent theatrical production of Thornton Wilder’s play The skin of our teeth.

Stewart, Elizabeth and Theresa Buckland. Dance; music video. Parallel lines: Media representations of dance. London, England: Arts Council of Great Britain, 1993. 51-79 pp.
Abstract: The role of dance in music video extends across a spectrum. At one end of the spectrum is the dramatic mode, where dance operates prominently s an expressive tool; at the other end is the fragmentary dance mage, nondiegetic, unconnected to the musical producers, and perhaps nly flitting briefly across the scene. Here the moving body interacts ith video technology to form abstract visual and rhythmic patterning. his style is rarely used to present the dancing pop star, since ilmic treatment of the star is constrained primarily by the onstructive techniques of stardom. Videos featuring Kate Bush, Paula bdul, Michael Jackson, and Janet Jackson are analyzed.

Tischer, Rolf. “Heal the World”: Religion in der kommerziellen Rock- und Popmusik am  Beispiel von Michael Jackson.Gotteslob im Klang der Zeit: Rolf Schweizer zum 65. Geburtstag München: Strube, 2001. 122-142 pp. Abstract: The process of secularization would seem to be unstoppable in modern society, and yet there is a constant need for religiousness. This is reflected in contemporary pop and rock music. This is exemplified by a song and video clip by Michael Jackson: In Heal the world, he appears as a messiah. Such phenomena within supposedly superficial pop culture should be taken seriously.

Tucker, Mark. Behind the beat: Michael Jackson and Prince. ISAM newsletter. Vol. 14, no. 1, pp.12-14. Nov 1984 Abstract: An examination of recent songs performed by Michael Jackson and Prince (Prince Rogers Nelson), including Billie Jean (from Michael Jackson’s 1982 album Thriller) and When doves cry (from Prince’s 1984 release Purple rain).
RL: Resource Location

Walls, Richard C. Bruce Springsteen; Michael Jackson: Through time and space with the changeling gods. Creem. Vol. 19, no. 6. Feb 1988

Wenzel, Ulrich. Pawlows Panther: Zu Rezeption von Musikvideos zwischen bedingtem; Reflex und zeichentheoretischer Reflexion. VIVA MTV! Popmusik im Fernsehen.Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Suhrkamp, 1999. 45-73 pp.
Abstract: A discussion of the poststructuralist debate, which has been intensely connected with videos and music television, drawing on the description of Michael Jackson’s video Black or White.


New Paley Printers Will Improve Service and Save Paper

You asked – and suggested – and we listened. You wanted more reliable printers. You wanted more efficient printers. And you wanted printers with two-sided printing to save paper and institutional resources. Today we replaced our two aging and not-so-efficient Dell printers with two brand new HP printers. The new black & white printers are more efficient, have greater paper capacity (less empty trays) and we’ve instituted default two-sided printing to save paper and resources. We hope these two new printers will make your time in the library more effective and enjoyable. If you have any comments or concerns about our computer printing please contact Steven Bell, Associate University Librarians for Research & Instructional Services.

Grand Opening of the Simmy and Harry Ginsburg Health Sciences Library

Friday, June 19, marks the opening day of the new Simmy and Harry Ginsburg Health Sciences Library. This stunning facility, located in the new Medical Education and Research Building at 3500 Broad Street, will serve the health sciences community at Temple. Practitioners, researchers and students can access study space, reference help and a rich collection of electronic and print resources at the new library space. Some highlights of the new Ginsburg Health Sciences Library include:

  • over 175 public workstations;
  • seating for nearly 1,000 throughout the library;
  • two classrooms to meet the library’s instructional needs, one of which can be converted into a conference room;
  • over 30 group study rooms;
  • wireless access throughout the entire library space;
  • flat-screen panels with directory information, hours, and other essential information for navigating the Ginsburg Library;
  • ten collaborative learning rooms that include flatscreen panels for displaying and reviewing electronic information.

We welcome the entire community to visit this wonderful new facility.

Stone Reader Interview

Mark Moskowitz sat down for an interview with librarian Fred Rowland after discussing books and filmmaking in an appearance at the Paley Lecture Hall on March 24, 2009. Moskowitz is the producer and director of the non-fiction narrative film The Stone Reader, in which he tracks down the elusive author of The Stones of Summer, Dow Mossman, a young writer who slipped into obscurity after publishing his first novel. The Stone Reader won awards at both the 2002 Slamdance Film Festival and the 2003 Philadelphia Film Festival. In this interview, Moskowitz talks about the book, his film, its reception, and his current projects.

[ensemblevideo contentid=F1FcJ4mZoEyZN5JLltDCVg audio=true]

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Important Announcement – Health Science Kresge Library Closes Wed. June 17 – New Facility Opens Fri. June 19

This Friday, June 19th, the new Simmy and Harry Ginsburg Health Sciences Library will open its doors to the health sciences community at Temple. Located in the New Medical Education and Research Building, this stunning new facility offers a centralized location for the resources and services formerly found at the Kresge and South Branch Libraries. The process of closing our old facilities and opening a new one has been complex, and we must truncate services for this week only.

Please keep in mind the following while accessing library services and resources over the course of this week:

  • Kresge Library is closing as of Wednesday, June 17th.
  • The only library facility that will be open on Wednesday, June 17th and Thursday, June 18th, is the South Branch Library, which will offer the following services:
    • Book Requests and Paging: requested materials will be acquired from any point in the relocation path. Once the material is retrieved, patrons will be contacted by telephone or email. If, for some reason, the material cannot be found quickly, library staff will request it on interlibrary loan
    • Reference services
    • Thirteen computer workstations for patron use
  • The Simmy and Harry Ginsburg Health Sciences Library and South Branch Library will be open concurrently from June 19th through June 26th.
  • As of Friday, June 26th, South Library will be closed and all health sciences services and resources will be available at the Simmy and Harry Ginsburg Health Science Library, located at Broad and Tioga Streets.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we look forward to seeing you in our new library. If you have any concerns about the move of the Health Sciences Libraries or need special assistance during the move please contact either Mark Allen Taylor, Library Director, at ext. 2-2402 or any member of the Health Sciences Library staff at ext. 2-book.

Krystal Lewis is new Coordinator of Information Literacy and Reference

I am delighted to welcome Krystal Lewis to Temple University Libraries. Krystal joined us as the Coordinator of Information Literacy and Reference on June 8. In this new position, Krystal will coordinate the Libraries’ various information literacy initiatives and the broad array of virtual and in-person reference services based at Paley Library.

Krystal comes to us from the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she served as an Assistant Librarian and Assistant Professor in the Reference Department of the Richard J. Daley Library. Prior to that, she was an Acting Assistant Special Collections Librarian and Academic Resident Librarian and Instructor at the Library of the Health Sciences-Chicago.

Krystal earned a B.A. in History and her MLS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In addition to her extensive reference experience, Krystal also has also worked with special collections and archives at the Library of the Health Sciences-Chicago. Please join me again in welcoming Krystal Lewis to Temple University Libraries.

With warm wishes,

Larry P. Alford

Vampire Huntress Interview

Leslie Banks appeared at the Temple Book Club on March 4, 2009 to talk about her new book, The Thirteenth, and her new projects including a forthcoming graphic novel. In an engaging presentation with many fans in the audience, she discussed the final book of her Vampire Huntress series, as well as her journey to becoming a writer, the publishing industry, and the challenge of writing as a career. Afterward, she kindly agreed to an interview with librarian Fred Rowland, who engaged her on many of these same issues.  Take some time to listen to this interesting interview.

[ensemblevideo contentid=QVBxLw1sgUqQZpA_yVZ-NA audio=true]

iTunes U link (for downloads)

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Interviews: Library Prize Winners 2009

The interviews with the winners of the 2009 Library Prize for Undergraduate Research are now available for download. Take some time and listen to these engaging young scholars.

Interview (mp3, 13:06): Danielle Country and Faculty Sponsor Laura Samponaro

[ensemblevideo contentid=BQDifhIa_USuPl2dU8J-yA audio=true]

iTunes U link (for downloads)

Interview (mp3, 21:36): George Keddie and Faculty Sponsor Vasiliki Limberis

[ensemblevideo contentid=i_qCykNno0e-wA9NXjLS3w audio=true]

iTunes U link (for downloads)

Interview (mp3, 15:05): Cara Shay and Faculty Sponsor Diana Woodruff-Pak

[ensemblevideo contentid=GAFLSIb5sEO2ieVsk0nZpQ audio=true]

iTunes U link (for downloads)


For more information on this year’s winners and honorable mentions, go to the Winners page.

Temple University Libraries Announce 2009 Library Prize Winners

Update: A ceremony to award the prize’s was held in Paley Library’s Lecture Hall at 4:00pm on Thursday April 30th, 2009. Temple University Libraries have announced the winners of the fifth annual Library Prize for Undergraduate Research. As this prestigious award entered its fourth year, 60 outstanding applications were received. Applications represented disciplines, schools and colleges across Temple’s campus. Congratulations to our winners (in alphabetical order):

Danielle Country – “Girl, Translated”- (Latin 4082) Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Laura M. Samponaro

George A. Keddie – “Catholic Eucharistic Theology and the Gospel of Judas: Exposing the Formative Value of Sethian Criticism” (Religion 4882) Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Vasiliki M. Limberis

Cara Shay – “The Neurobiology and Development of Compulsive Hoarding and Its Relationship to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder” (Psychology 3306) Faculty Sponsors: Dr. Diana S. Woodruff-Pak (primary) and Dr. Ingrid Olson And our honorable mentions (in alphabetical order)

James H. Baraldi – “Gangliosidosis” – (Psychology 3306) Faculty Sponsors: Dr. Diana S. Woodruff-Pak (primary), Dr. Luis Del Valle, and Dr. George P. Tuszynski

Megan Donnelly – “More than Whores and Housewives: Reconsidering Judith Leyster’s The Proposition” – (Art History 2197) Faculty Sponsors: Dr. Jonathan Kline

The complete papers are available to download and interviews with the winners will be soon posted to the Library Prize site.