Hey Undergrads – Join Temple Libraries Student Advisory Board

You are an undergrad student. You use Temple Libraries. Or maybe not.

Either way, you’d like to be more involved in shaping the future of the Temple Libraries.

If so, we are looking for you.

We have openings for 3-4 undergraduate students to join our Temple Libraries Student Advisory Board.

Here’s what you need to know:

The Temple Libraries Student Advisory Board is comprised of a diverse group of undergraduate and graduate students who represent the various opinions and concerns of the entire student body regarding the libraries. The Board provides a forum for students to make suggestions to library administrators and for library administrators to solicit advice from students about library programs and services.

The Board includes the Dean of the Libraries, the Associate University Librarian and 6-8 students.

The Board meets two or three times a semester. Meetings are one hour. Advance preparation is rarely necessary.

While students who are familiar with the libraries are preferred, any student regardless of their degree of library use is welcome to serve on the Advisory Board. We are looking for students who care about their university library and wish to represent students on library-related issues.

If you’d like to get involved in the future of Temple Libraries submit an application for consideration.

While it’s still Spring: A recap of TUL @ Spring Fling


This gallery contains 9 photos.

On Wednesday, April 17th, Temple Libraries joined 200-plus Temple organizations and vendors at Spring Fling 2013.  It was delightful to participate in our second year at Spring Fling. Here’s a little recap, with big thanks to everyone who volunteered.  . . … Continue reading

It’s True. College Students Use the Library Website More Than Social Networking Sites

Not that we’d ever run through campus shouting “We’re Number One”, but a set of data from the latest Chronicle Almanac does lead one to conclude that the greatest majority of college students indicate they use the library website at least once a week. While the students indicate they use a social networking site daily – only 90% of them can make that claim. That’s good enough for us to proclaim that we’re tops. And if it’s published in the Chronicle of Higher Education then it must be true.

Chart listing percentage of students by internet and computer activity on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Activities include: using the libraries web site, using presentation software, text messaging, social networking sites, and learning management systems, (linked to larger version).

The Library Website Tops Social Networking Sites

Winners of 2010-2011 Library Prize for Undergraduate Research and Library Prize for Undergraduate Research on Sustainability and the Environment Announced

Temple University Libraries would like to congratulate the student winners and honorable mentions for this year’s Library Prize for Undergraduate Research and Library Prize for Undergraduate Research on Sustainability and the Environment. The winners of the Library Prize are:

  • Melissa Garretson, “The Dancing Intelligence of the Age: Women of the Institute of Colored Youth, 1852-1903,” for History 4296 with professor Bettye Collier-Thomas
  • Karl McCool, “A Pornographic Avant-Garde: Boys in the Sand, LA Plays Itself, and the Construction of a Gay Masculinity,” for LGBT Studies 3400 with professor Whitney Strub
  • Cara Rankin, “Cracking Consensus: The Dominican Intervention, Public Opinion and Advocacy Organizations in the 1960s,” for History 4997 with professor Petra Goedde Winners of the Library Prize for Sustainability and the Environment are:
  • Tom Gallen, Jennifer Huber, Paloma Vila, “Harvesting Stormwater for Urban Farm Irrigation,” for Engineering 4296 with professors Joseph Picone and Robert J. Ryan
  • Derek T. Lichtner, “Can the Global Economy Afford to Preserve Biodiversity? The Econosphere-Biosphere Connection,” for Earth and Environmental Sciences 2096 with professor Laura Toran Congratulations also to our honorable mentions.

These noteworthy papers for the Library Prize for Undergraduate Research are:

  • Wajeeha Choudhary, “The Loose Threads of ‘Rag Head’ Phobia,” for American Studies 2900 with Professor Kelly Shannon
  • Anna Dini, “Reconciling Faith and Astrology in Early Modern Europe: Marsilio Ficino’s Influence on John Milton’s ‘On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity’,” for English 4597 with Professor Susan Wells For the Library Prize for Sustainibility and the Environment:
  • Bonnie Evans, “Correlates of Intrinsic Extinction Risks of Lemur Species,” for Biology 4391 with professor Brent Sewall

Please join us next Tuesday, May 3 at 4PM in the Paley Library Lecture Hall to hear more from all of this year’s winners and celebrate the accomplishments of all of the 2010-2011 applicants. The Library Prize for Undergraduate Research on Sustainability and the Environment is made possible by Gale, part of Cengage Learning.

We would like to thank John H. Livingstone, Jr., SBM ’49 for his generous support of the Library Prize for Undergraduate Research.

2010 Library Prize Winners Announced

Congratulations go to all Library Prize applicants. The honorees this year are:

Winners (alphabetical order)

Donald Bermudez – Keystone of the Keystone: The Falls of the Delaware and Bucks County 1609-1692 (History 4997) – Faculty Sponsors: Dr. Rita Krueger and Dr. Travis

Glasson Brian Hussey – Setting the Agenda: The Effects of Administration Debates and the President’s Personal Imperatives on Forming Foreign Policy During the Reagan Administration (History 4997) – Faculty Sponsors: Dr. Rita Krueger and Dr. Richard H. Immerman

Charise Young – African American Women’s Basketball in the 1920s and 1930s: Active Participants in the “New Negro” Movement (History 4296) – Faculty Sponsors: Dr. Bettye Collier-Thomas and Dr. Kenneth L. Kusmer

Honorable Mentions (alphabetical order)

Adam Ledford – A Research Based Studio Practice in Ceramics (Crafts 4162) – Faculty Sponsors: Nicholas Kripal and Chad D. Curtis

Hung Pham – The Identification of Transcription Factors Mediating Homocysteine Pathology in Human Endothelial Cells (Biology 3396) – Faculty Sponsors: Dr. Deborah Stull and Dr. Hong Wang


Library Prize Info Sessions

Would you like to win $1,000 and a prestigious award from Temple Libraries? The deadline for submitting your work to the 2010 Library Prize for Undergraduate Research is Monday, March 29, 2010. Learn more about the Library Prize at two upcoming info sessions: 1) Monday, March 22 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Paley Library, Room 130 (mezzanine level) 2) Thursday, March 25 from 10:00 a.m. to noon in Paley Library, Room 130 (mezzanine level) These sessions are your opportunity to ask questions and get a leg up on the competition! Don’t forget to check out our Library Prize website, especially our How to Apply and FAQ pages.

New Students Gather for ceLIBration 2009

On the afternoon of Friday, August 28th it was not business as usual at Paley Library. As it has for the past two Welcome Week Fridays, the Library was the scene of a party for our new students. With a DJ spinning the tunes, the students gathered for food, games, raffles, and other entertainment. ceLIBration is designed as a fun, non-library way to learn about the library. Several hundred students, some with their parents, visited Paley Library, and many explored all that the Library has to offer.


This year students were invited to participate in several arcade game tournaments that featured popular games such as air hockey, foosball, basketball toss and skeeball. The Library also offered a variety of board games for students who wanted to have fun with their friends. Jimmy Johns generously brought over lots of samples of their sandwiches. So while it was uncharacteristically noisy in the Library, it was for a good cause – and a good time was had by all.


Web Service Makes Corrupted Files Easy to Send

In this day and age it is often surprising to receive a corrupted document from a student or colleague. Most of us know how to properly save our documents and either send them as e-mail attachments or upload them to an external site, such as a Blackboard course. But a new web business sells corrupted files that can then be sent in order to meet a deadline, but which the receiver won’t be able to use. The site, Corrupted-Files.com charges $3.95 for a corrupted file. The information on the site makes it clear that it is intended for students who need to buy more time to complete their work. The idea is that the student submits the corrupted file to meet the assignment deadline. Then, after a few days, when the professor is unable to read the garbled document he or she e-mails the student to request a working version of the file. The student feigns surprise about the corrupted file and then proceeds, several days later, to send a working file. Thus the student technically meets the assignment deadline yet actually has extra time to complete the work.

News about Corrupted-Files.com was originally reported in InsideHigher Ed, and it was interesting to read that the site creator just set up the service as a joke and really didn’t expect anyone to take it seriously. Yet when he started getting requests from students and others for corrupted files he decided to make a profit off the service. It is worthwhile to review the comments to the story from faculty, some who are amazed that any student would go to such efforts to avoid an assignment deadline to others who offer advice on how to prevent getting duped this way, and yet others who point out that Microsoft products aren’t perfect and that sometimes files really do get corrupted. While the site is still up and appears to be doing business as usual, the “secret” the site asks you not to share is now out of the bag. It now is just a question of time as to whether or not students will realize their professors are going to be a bit more wary about the old “corrupted file” excuse.

Temple University Libraries Announce 2009 Library Prize Winners

Update: A ceremony to award the prize’s was held in Paley Library’s Lecture Hall at 4:00pm on Thursday April 30th, 2009. Temple University Libraries have announced the winners of the fifth annual Library Prize for Undergraduate Research. As this prestigious award entered its fourth year, 60 outstanding applications were received. Applications represented disciplines, schools and colleges across Temple’s campus. Congratulations to our winners (in alphabetical order):

Danielle Country – “Girl, Translated”- (Latin 4082) Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Laura M. Samponaro

George A. Keddie – “Catholic Eucharistic Theology and the Gospel of Judas: Exposing the Formative Value of Sethian Criticism” (Religion 4882) Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Vasiliki M. Limberis

Cara Shay – “The Neurobiology and Development of Compulsive Hoarding and Its Relationship to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder” (Psychology 3306) Faculty Sponsors: Dr. Diana S. Woodruff-Pak (primary) and Dr. Ingrid Olson And our honorable mentions (in alphabetical order)

James H. Baraldi – “Gangliosidosis” – (Psychology 3306) Faculty Sponsors: Dr. Diana S. Woodruff-Pak (primary), Dr. Luis Del Valle, and Dr. George P. Tuszynski

Megan Donnelly – “More than Whores and Housewives: Reconsidering Judith Leyster’s The Proposition” – (Art History 2197) Faculty Sponsors: Dr. Jonathan Kline

The complete papers are available to download and interviews with the winners will be soon posted to the Library Prize site.

Feeling Students’ Research Anxiety

Did you know that when students were asked to associate one word with the way they feel when assigned a research project the responses included angst, tired, dread, fear, anxious, annoyed, stressed, disgusted, intrigued, excited, confused, and overwhelmed? That’s according to a new report titled “What Today’s College Students Say about Conducting Research in the Digital Age.” The report comes from an organization called Project Information Literacy. They conducted focus groups and one-on-one interviews with students to find out what it is like to be a college student these days. Their major finding is this: Research seems to be far more difficult to conduct in the digital age than it did in previous times.

Perhaps that is not completely unexpected. But this finding and many of the other insights in this valuable report can help those who assign research papers and projects to better understand the feelings and experiences of today’s student as he or she navigates their way through the electronic information landscape. For example, students report their growing dependence on Wikipedia because it provides them with the context they need to begin a research project; many students report not knowing where to begin their research. This is where the librarians at the Temple University Libraries can help.

They are experts on not only how to begin a research project, but how to acquire the necessary information and skills to finish it as well. They can help students to identify the appropriate resources, to select good research terminology, to structure a working search strategy and even how to capture and organize the content. That’s why librarians are now engaged in meeting every section of English 0802 (Analytical Reading & Writing) for two sessions in every semester. This is the perfect opportunity to learn how to conduct research in the digital age without the anxiety. Librarians are also available to developed customized research instruction sessions for any course – and many Temple faculty already take advantage of this. If you would like to do more to reduce your students’ research anxiety – to reduce their dependence on Wikipedia – and to start seeing better research papers – contact your department’s liaison librarian or contact Steven Bell for more information.