
Octavius Catto What he sees

Octavius Catto: Hello there fine sir, what brings you to the beautiful city of Philadelphia?

Enkidu: I’ve been looking for some change in scenery, I don’t feel at home in my city anymore. I was once an honored and revered citizen, but recently I feel like my days as a hero are long behind me.

OC: Do not despair, for all my services and work in this community was overlooked for awhile. Just now, well over a century after my lifetime, was a monument dedicated to me.

E: At least you have been remembered for so long, the citizens of Uruk seem to have forgotten all I have done for them. I have fallen in the shadow of my dear friend Gilgamesh. There is no shortage of monuments dedicated to him!

OC: Do not compare yourself to how others are celebrated, many of my fellow activists from my era were completely overlooked. I was the first African American in the entire city of Philadelphia to get a monument. Does that make anyone else’s work less important just because they do not have a statue? Of course not.

E: Right you are, Octavius. What is it you did to help this city?

OC: During the days of the Reconstruction Era and black voter suppression, I was extremely vocal about getting more blacks to register to vote, which changed the course of this city’s politics and got many black officials elected to office. My campaigns for equal rights helped many African Americans get education.

E: That certainly is a noble cause. I can only relate in helping citizens, for my quest was far different from yours.

OC: These days I am able to watch over the busy streets of Philadelphia, and get to witness many events right across the street at the Ritz Carlton. Considering during my time I saw the epitome of evil in the human race, watching the ordinary business in a modern city is a big upgrade.

Enkidu: I feel particularly out of place due to a lack of cause, my quest to slay Humbaba gave me real purpose. These days the Gods are absent. The world has become less spiritual here.

OC: Perhaps in terms of the Gods you once worshipped, but times have changed. Spirituality comes in many forms, and was most present among my people while we were captives under the white man. Even today, open minded people walk amongst us.

Enkidu: My brother Gilgamesh would be disappointed in how things have progressed. Him and I do not belong in this world. It is for the modern day heroes such as yourself. Science has brought the future, and you found your place in it. My time has long passed, perhaps it is time for me to be begotten and sink into obscurity. My people and my home are long gone.

OC: Just because people now do not know of the deeds you’ve done doesn’t mean they never mattered. They meant something to someone at one point.

E: Thank you for your kinds words and wisdom. You will reside here and be remembered for centuries

OC: Farewell my friend.