Field Work at PSU – Geophysics in Support of Hydropedology

In July, Temple undergraduate Derek Lichtner and I joined forces with Dr. Henry Lin and his graduate student, Li Guo, to test some novel approaches geophysical monitoring of shallow infiltration experiments at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory near Penn State University.  Dr. Lin has a long-stand hydropedology research program at this site, and kindly agreed to let us try some new ideas including electrical resistivity tomography, ground wave GPR, and surface reflectance GPR. Undergraduate Jonathan Algeo, a student from Bucknell College where he is conducting research under the supervision of Dr. Rob Jacob, came for a day with the Bucknell GPR unit to test the ground-wave GPR approach to monitoring soil moisture.

Derek will spend the rest of the summer analyzing these data sets and plans to present at the Fall GSA Annual Meeting.

Water release monitored with ERT

Ground wave GPR

Moisture Probes

Spiders! Why did the site have to have spiders?

This research was supported by the National Science Foundation with supplemental support from the Temple University CST Undergraduate Research Program.


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