Lake Lacawac, a pristine lake in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, is the first site where we tested electrical resistivity — both towed array and bottom array — as a method for locating preferential zones of groundwater/surface water exchange. We also collected GPR data, logged temperature changes in the lake bottom sediments, and made seepage meter measurements. Unfortunately, the data from collected at this beautiful lake where inconclusive because the underlying glacial sediments permitted minimal seepage.

Collecting Radar Data

Radar Section at Lake Lacawac
Nyquist, J. E., M. J. Heaney, and L. Toran (2009) Characterizing lakebed seepage and geologic heterogeneity using underwater resistivity and temperature measurements, Near Surface Geophysics, Near Surface Geophysics, 7(5-6) 487-498. doi: 10.3997/1873-0604.2009022.