Supporting Your Students’ Mental Health and Wellness

Linda Hasunuma & Cliff Rouder This month the CAT partnered with the Dean of Students Office, Wellness Resource Center, and the CARE Team to provide a workshop for faculty to learn how they can support student mental health and wellness. Rachael Stark, Senior Associate Dean of Students; Megan McCloskey, Associate Director, CARE Team; Alison McKee, Director, … Continue reading Supporting Your Students’ Mental Health and Wellness

Being Proactive About Student Success: Six Easy Interventions to Support Students in Week Five

Dana Dawson, PhD and Linda Hasunuma, PhD /*! elementor – v3.18.0 – 20-12-2023 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} It’s common for faculty members to use midterm exams or projects to assess student progress, however, for students who are struggling, a midterm check-in may come too late to effectively address challenges. In this post, we’ll … Continue reading Being Proactive About Student Success: Six Easy Interventions to Support Students in Week Five

Full Disclosure of the Terms of Success: Nine Things to Tell Your Students

Dana Dawson, Ph.D. In a 1997 essay entitled “For Openers… an Inclusive Course Syllabus,” Terence Collins argues for the importance of what he calls “full disclosure of the terms of success” – making explicit the “befuddling mores, assumptions, work habits, background knowledge, key terms, or other markers of the academic subculture too often left implicit, … Continue reading Full Disclosure of the Terms of Success: Nine Things to Tell Your Students

From “Under-Prepared” to “At-Promise”: Reframing Student Preparedness

Jessica Babcock Throughout the recent semesters, as Temple and the world continued in pursuit of a “return to normal” after the pandemic, many of us found our classrooms to be anything but normal. Sentiments that years of disrupted learning, increased mental health concerns, social unrest, and various other factors have led to a new and more seriously … Continue reading From “Under-Prepared” to “At-Promise”: Reframing Student Preparedness

Resetting Learning for Spring 2022

Stephanie Fiore During the Fall semester, instructors reported high levels of disengagement and that students struggled with meeting course expectations both online and in-person. This is not entirely surprising since the effects of the pandemic are still with us. Students may be struggling to manage schedules that include online, hybrid and in-person classes. They may … Continue reading Resetting Learning for Spring 2022

Teaching Through Emotional Fatigue: Strategies for Student Well-Being

Kyle Vitale, Linda Hasunuma, Cliff Rouder & Janie Egan Student mental well-being has been significantly impacted by COVID-19 and the public health measures implemented to mitigate it. The prevalence of mental health symptoms is high among college students nationally, as it was prior to the pandemic too. According to an Active Minds survey, nearly 75% of student respondents indicated … Continue reading Teaching Through Emotional Fatigue: Strategies for Student Well-Being

Building Relationships with Students

Laurie Friedman “All change happens through human relationships.” This is a central value of the social work profession, embedded in our Code of Ethics and weaved through our curriculum. The importance of relationships has been an integral component in my effectiveness as a therapist, a manager, and, currently, an educator. Students come to us with a … Continue reading Building Relationships with Students

Everyone Can Contribute to Student Well-Being

Wellness Resource Center The scope of the faculty role is changing. Complex topics may come up more frequently and students expect that they will be discussed. Mental health and well-being is a growing concern among college students and is receiving national attention. While this larger conversation about mental health is helpful in reducing stigma and … Continue reading Everyone Can Contribute to Student Well-Being

Navigating AI: Essential EDvice Exchange Reads for Fall

by Dana Dawson, Ph. D. /*! elementor – v3.22.0 – 26-06-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} With the beginning of the fall semester steadily approaching, you may be pondering how you will address the use of generative AI in your courses. To help with your decision making, AI student guideline drafting as well as … Continue reading Navigating AI: Essential EDvice Exchange Reads for Fall

Supporting Students During Wellness Week

Kyle Vitale & Jeff Rients The CAT would like to share some classroom strategies that instructors can adopt to support student mental and physical health. These strategies revolve around four central pillars adapted from Rebecca Pope-Ruark that can help prevent burnout and energize students: Purpose, Compassion, Connection, and Balance. We invite you to peruse the strategies below and consider … Continue reading Supporting Students During Wellness Week