by Stephanie Fiore, PhD

One of my favorite parts about the start of the new semester is seeing students, their families, and faculty colleagues return for fall classes. The energy on campus changes from summer sleepiness to the sparkle of a new semester. The feeling of promise is palpable and the sense of anticipation almost physical. I draw strength from this yearly renewal, even as I (like you) enter one of the busiest times of the year because the community is again brought back together and connections are reforged (or perhaps newly forged). I truly enjoy connecting with the new faculty and teaching assistants at New Faculty Orientation and TA Orientation. And I feel a deep joy at seeing our faculty friends as they return to our workshops or when I run into them on campus. There is something powerful about a handshake, hug, or bright smile upon seeing someone you haven’t seen in a while.
In fact, it is that sense of community and connection that underpins everything we do at the CAT because it is only through discussions and brainstorming with our colleagues that we come to more elegant or more creative strategies for teaching our students (those new bright pennies that just arrived perhaps, or the ones who have already been with us) so that they all succeed. In fact, very busy faculty who put aside time to engage with what we offer at the CAT often comment that the time invested at the CAT re-energized them and made them feel supported by a community of colleagues. So while we all have responsibilities that get in the way of making time for connection and community, I encourage you to find at least one opportunity to join us for a workshop, drop into our spaces to work, or just sit in our lounge with a colleague and enjoy a chat and a coffee.
This semester promises to be filled with opportunities for collaboration, connection and growth. The Center for the Advancement of Teaching is here to support you with a range of resources and programs designed to enhance your teaching practices, enrich the learning experience for your students, and increase your joy in teaching. We invite you to check out our in-person and virtual workshop offerings for the semester, where you will have the opportunity to broaden your teaching skills in conversation with colleagues from across the university. If you need assistance with Canvas, Zoom, or any other educational technology tools, please drop into one of our faculty workspaces, where our expert staffers are available (no appointment needed). For extended conversations about your teaching, both our pedagogy and educational technology experts are available for one-on-one consultations.
As higher education continues to evolve its response to the challenges and opportunities afforded by generative AI tools, the CAT continues to support you in this endeavor. Now might be a good time to review our Faculty Guide to AI, our blog series on the topic, as well as our AI syllabus advice and our guidance on AI notetakers in Zoom sessions. We’ll continue to update these offerings as well as provide AI-related workshops throughout the semester. The other major challenge of the semester is the upcoming elections. We will be rolling out a series of advice and programming aimed at how to handle hot moments and difficult conversations in your classroom. Please consider checking out our 2024 election resource guide and/or signing up for one of our Can We Really Talk? series of events.
We are committed to fostering an environment where faculty feel they have a community they can connect with at the CAT. So come find us, join us, call us, email us….we are here for you!
Stephanie Laggini Fiore, PhD is Associate Vice Provost & Senior Director of Temple’s Center for the Advancement of Teaching.