Category Archives: assessment methods

Library Space and Pot Plants: An Unexpected Connection

“Fall in love with your users” – Paul-Jervis Heath When Paul-Jervis Heath told the story of how pot plants improved occupancy rates at the Cambridge University libraries, the non-Brits at last week’s Library Assessment Conference were a bit confused. We would … Continue reading

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An Agile Approach to Assessment

Last week I had the pleasure of talking with Emily Toner, our Technology Projects Librarian, about how she works with developers in Library Technology Development to conduct ongoing assessment of their work on the Blacklight project. (Blacklight is the software … Continue reading

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Learning about Our Users: The Website Use Survey

Cynthia Schwarz, project manager for the Libraries’ Web Environment Redesign Project, contributed this post. She reports on the results and next steps of the team’s user survey conducted last month, providing us with a healthy return of 460 user responses. … Continue reading

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Assessment Community of Practice Focus: Faculty Survey on Undergraduate Instruction

Last week’s Assessment Community of Practice meeting focused on findings from the Ithaka S+R faculty survey, particularly those related to Undergraduate Instruction. Twelve librarians participated and we were lucky to be joined research project team members  (Rebecca Lloyd, Annie Johnson, … Continue reading

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Assessment & Analytics Community of Practice “Kick Off” : A Recap

Yesterday here at Temple University Libraries we kicked off a new approach to developing our culture of assessment, an Assessment & Analytics Community of Practice discussion to which all staff were invited. The Kick Off  focused on two recent research … Continue reading

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Improving our Understanding of Faculty Work: Two Research Projects

Over the last couple of years, Temple librarians have engaged in two significant research projects with potential for informing our work with faculty. This week’s kickoff for the Libraries/Press Assessment Community of Practice provides an opportunity to discuss these projects … Continue reading

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Library Assessment Repository Project

Over the last several years, the American Library Association’s LLAMA (Library Leadership & Management Association) Assessment Community of Practice has been exploring community interest in a repository for library assessment resources. The repository would provide open access to survey instruments, … Continue reading

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Assessment Anytime, Anywhere

Yesterday’s staff carnival was a fun affair – lots of opportunity to meet new colleagues and learn about all the different areas of the libraries and press. Thank you Continuing Education Committee! The Library’s Assessment Committee hosted a table, nicely … Continue reading

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Speaking of Scholarly Communication: Interviews with Faculty

Last week staff from Reference & Instruction, Access Services, the Press, Digital Scholarship Center, Special Collections,  Digital Library Initiatives, and Library Administration gathered for a conversation to share findings from a series of interviews we librarians had this past spring. … Continue reading

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“I Am the Content”: How and Why Instructors Discover and Share Course Readings

This post re-visits a project I blogged about several months ago. I interviewed Jenifer Baldwin (Head of Reference and Instruction Services) Anne Harlow (Librarian for Music, Dance, and Theatre) and Rick Lezenby (Librarian for Psychology and Political Sciences). They were … Continue reading

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