Tag Archives: assessment

A Better Understanding of Library Work Effort

Happy New Year! What a year we had in 2023. Tumultuous. I predict that 2024 will be equally filled with change and uncertainty. Before we move on to those new challenges, a brief update on an important assessment effort conducted … Continue reading

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Assessment in Research Libraries: Unlocking the Secrets to Success*

If you’ve ever set foot in a research library, you know that it’s a magical place filled with books, articles, and information galore. But what makes a research library successful? How do they know what their patrons need and how … Continue reading

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The Numbers are Falling, the Numbers are Falling!

In the assessment world, we generally like to see numbers that trend upwards. Increases in gate count, use of study rooms, the number of programs and participants – all positive. But the reality is that numbers don’t always rise, and … Continue reading

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A Critical Approach to Library Assessment and User Experience?

As the new year begins, I’ve been reflecting on the exciting changes 2019 will bring to both our physical and online spaces. Projects that previously felt distant or nebulous for some of us, like the creation of a new library website or … Continue reading

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Mapping Library Goals to Institutional Priorities: An Assessment Workshop

Last week two dozen library staff members took time out of busy schedules to participate in the Assessment Community of Practice. The session was structured a little differently (always experimenting here!) with small round tables, mixed department seating, and facilitators … Continue reading

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A New Year’s Reflections and Resolutions

The beginning of a new year is a somewhat artificial, but useful time to reflect on the past and look toward the future. Reviewing the 2017 archives of this blog reminds me of all that has happened this year.  One … Continue reading

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It’s All About Continuous Improvement

Developing an organization-wide culture of assessment is a slow, incremental process. I  get frustrated by this fact at times, particularly when I imagine a perfect world of systematic, routine plans put into place for assessing and demonstrating the value of … Continue reading

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Meet Mary Marissen: Swarthmore’s Emerging Library Assessment Professional

This summer, on a sweltering July morning, I had a Saxby’s coffee with Mary Marissen, librarian at Swarthmore College. She’s taking on some new roles in assessment at the library and we met to talk about emerging trends in this … Continue reading

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Library Assessment Repository Project

Over the last several years, the American Library Association’s LLAMA (Library Leadership & Management Association) Assessment Community of Practice has been exploring community interest in a repository for library assessment resources. The repository would provide open access to survey instruments, … Continue reading

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Assessment Anytime, Anywhere

Yesterday’s staff carnival was a fun affair – lots of opportunity to meet new colleagues and learn about all the different areas of the libraries and press. Thank you Continuing Education Committee! The Library’s Assessment Committee hosted a table, nicely … Continue reading

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