Come celebrate Welcome Week with TU Libraries!

Planning on hitting the TUFest tables on Liacouras Walk? We’ll be there, too, handing out bags, bubbles, buttons, and information about the libraries. Feel free to drop by and ask us any questions you may have about our services, and don’t forget to grab some candy before you leave!

Thumbnail link to larger version of librarians at an open air table at the TU Fest.

We’re here to answer your questions!

Paley Library will also be hosting CeLIBration, a party for students that will include fair-themed food (think: cotton candy, popcorn, and hotdogs), arcade games, & a DJ spinning jams. Stop by and bring your friends!

Welcome Class of 2016 – Join Us For ceLIBration

Hard to believe it but it’s already time for Welcome Week at Temple University. Temple University Libraries is ready! We’re looking forward to welcoming the Class of 2016 to the campus and our Libraries. We’ll have our table at TuFEST which is a great opportunity to pick up some information about the Libraries and all the services and resources we offer to Temple students. – and meet our staff.

The high point of Welcome Week for us is ceLIBration.. What is ceLIBration? It’s two-hours of music, games, activities, and free food that celebrates the arrival of our new class of freshmen. Did we mention FREE FOOD. We’re also having a scavenger hunt that offers some pretty good prizes – and there are raffles.

WHEN: Friday, August 24
TIME: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
WHERE: Paley Library, Main Level, East Side

ceLIBration 2012 poster featuring an owl reading a book.

Come to Paley Library for ceLIBration.








We hope you’ll join us for ceLIBration. You’ll be coming through Paley eventually. You might as well get started with ceLIBration.