Library Prize Winners Announced

Please join the Libraries on Friday, April 28, at 4:30 p.m. in the lecture hall of Paley Library for the awarding of the 2nd Annual Library Prizes for Undergraduate Research. Everyone is encouraged to attend the reception.

Winners of the 2nd Annual $1,000 Library Prize for Undergraduate Research, Temple University (in alphabetical order)

Ryan Drummond
“Interstate Station Stop: A Voyage into the
American Frontier Myth”
Architecture 442
Professors John J. Pron, primary advisor
Sneha Patel, secondary advisor
Kate Wingert-Playdon
Kate Cleveland

Steven J. Horowitz
“As Boundaries Fade: The Social Contract in Cyberspace”
Philosophy 298
Professor Paul Taylor, Philosophy

Symbol Lai
“Defining Abolitionism: Antislavery Resistance among
Philadelphia’s African American Community and Women.”
History W397
Professor Elizabeth Varon, History
Honorable Mentions (in alphabetical order): 
These will receive $100 bookstore gift certificates.

Denene Michele Wambach
“Crimes Against Civil Liberty: An Analysis of the United
States Government’s Involvement in Guantanamo Bay.”
Political Science 391
Professors Mark Pollack & Megan Mullin, Political Science

Victoria White
“Queer Race in Herman Melville’s Billy Budd”
English 282
Professor Suzanne Gauch, English
The Library Prize was established by the Temple University Libraries to encourage more and better use of its resources and collections, to advance information literacy, and to promote academic excellence at Temple University. Hearty congratulations to all students who submitted their applications into the

Library Prize Awards Reception

The awards reception for the 2nd Annual Library Prize for Undergraduate Research will be held in Paley Library’s Lecture Hall at 4:30p.m. on Friday, April 28th. The winning students will be present to receive their awards, accompanied by their sponsoring professors. Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Everyone is invited. Direct questions to Gretchen Sneff at 215-204-4724 or –Derik A Badman

Imaging Culture – Latest Exhibit in Paley

“Imaging Culture” is the title and visual anthropology is the subject of the current exhibit on the main floor of Paley Library, from April 10 — May 31, 2006. Photography books, cameras, stereoscope photos and other items from the library’s collections and from the Visual Communication Laboratory of the Department of Anthropology are on display. The exhibit was designed to accompany the Mediating Practices conference held at Temple University on April 11-14, 2006 and was prepared by Anabelle Rodriguez Gonzalez, a Visual Communications student, in collaboration with librarian subject specialists Jenifer Baldwin and Gregory McKinney, and Tom Whitehead and Carol Ann Harris of the library’s Special Collections department. The Mediating Practices conference sponsors are Temple University’s Graduate School, The College of Liberal Arts, the School of Communications and Theater, the Center for the Humanities, and the Philadelphia Cinema and Media Seminar (PCMS). — Carol Ann Harris

Study Day Coffee Breaks in Paley

Take a break! Free coffee, tea, cookies, and danish will be available in Paley Library on Thursday and Friday, December 8th and 9th, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The study day coffee breaks are sponsored by Temple Student Government, TSG Academic Affairs Committee, and Temple Libraries. Good luck on your exams! — Carol Lang

Coffee with the Cops Dec. 5th, 8-10 a.m.

Drop in for an early morning cup of coffee on Monday, December 5th, as Paley Library begins its 24/7 schedule until the end of the semester! Provided by Campus Safety Services, the free coffee will be located on the first floor of Paley between the elevators and the walkway to Tuttleman. Captain Eileen Bradley and her assistant Karin Wolok will be on hand to chat and answer questions. — Carol Lang

Curious Looks at Artists’ Books

What would a book designed and made by an artist look like? Can glass, soap, plexiglass and other non-paper materials form a book? Why would one need a can-opener when opening a book? These and other questions may be answered by Paley Library’s exhibition of artists’ books from its Special Collections Department and the Tyler School of Art Library: “Curious Looks at Artists’ Books.”

Exhibition location: Main Lobby, Paley Library

Exhibition dates:  November 11-December 31, 2005

Latest exhibition: Placing Dance in New Communities

Placing Dance in New Communities: Preserving the Talley Beatty/Philadanco Legacy Philadanco-sm.jpgA special dance performance in Paley Library at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 28th, will highlight the opening of the latest exhibition mounted by the University Libraries’ Special Collections Department. The performance and opening will be followed by a small reception. The performance is of the solo, “Mourners Bench” from the 1947 masterwork, “Southern Lanscape,” choreographed by Talley Beatty. The exhibition and performance will be in the Lobby of the Samuel Paley Library with the reception in the Library’s Lecture Hall, Ground Floor. The afternoon program is one day of a week-long schedule of events which is the culmination of the project “Placing Dance in New Communities” produced by Temple Libraries’ Philadelphia Dance Collection, Bryn Mawr College, and Philadanco, with grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and Dance Advance (Pew Charitable Trusts). For more information about the Philadelphia Dance Collection and this grant-funded project, see the September 22nd issue of Temple Times. The exhibition, performance and reception are free and open to the public. For information, call 215-204-8230.

— Tom Whitehead