Database Finder Debuts

While it’s great that the Temple University Libraries have added so many new electronic databases, journals and book collections, our list of databases was getting extremely long. Finding the right database for a research project was becoming a challenge, and scrolling our A-Z list a bit cumbersome. To improve student and faculty access to our rich collection of e-resources we introduce Database Finder. It’s a completely new way to find the right database. Instead of scrolling through the databases from A to Z, or examining subject groupings, Database Finder is a search engine that locates electronic databases, journal and book collections based on the words in the name of the database or by broad subject category. In time, Database Finder will feature a more robust keyword search capability. Here is a glimpse of the search interface:

dbfinder.jpg Note that if you do prefer the old A-Z list or subject browse of the databases, those approaches are still available. But we hope you’ll prefer the ability to quickly access your database of choice by searching its name or finding several to choose from based on your subject. If you have more questions about Database Finder, please contact your departmental library liaison. We look forward to your feedback and comments.