Brill Journals

The library now has electronic access to most of the journals from Brill, including those from its imprints Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and VSP. The Brill list is particularly strong on religion, history, and area studies, while VSP publishes science, technology, and medicine journals and Martinus Nijhoff handles international law and human rights. Access is provided not from the Brill web site itself, but through the journal aggregator IngentaConnect (which is not very user-friendly, unfortunately). You will find links to all of these journals in Journal Finder. Once in IngentaConnect, full-text is available when you see an orange “S” icon next to the journal or article. Coverage goes back in some cases as far as 1995 and extends to the current issue. However there are journals that only offer the most recent few years. In most cases, we already have some electronic coverage of these journals through Academic Search Premier, ATLA, JSTOR, or other databases, but usually not the most recent year. Now you can get all the most recent issues hot off the press! —Fred Rowland

Diamond Dollars available for photocopying and printing starting August 1

Starting August 1 you can use Diamond Dollars to pay for photocopying and printing in the Temple Libraries. You can also pay cash for photocopying. The Office of Business Services has arranged with Xerox Corporation to provide paid copier service throughout Temple University beginning August 1. The current IKON cards will be accepted until July 31. On August 1st, photocopy machines machines will accept either Diamond Dollars or cash, or both. Plans to transfer balances that remain on IKON cards will be announced soon. — Penelope Myers

London Times Digital Archive (1785-1985)

The Times Digital Archive, another major newspaper acquisition by Temple Libraries, is a searchable, full-text and full-image archive of every page of the (London) Times from 1785 to 1985. This database has obvious appeal to anyone studying the history of Britain and her Empire. The database complements Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO), an important new resource recently discussed in the Library Blog. —David C. Murray

E-Resources for June

Another round of new e-resources:

Biography Resource Center: Integrates hundreds of thousands of biographies drawn from over 135 well-known Thomson Gale print sources including Contemporary Authors and over 300 full-text periodicals. Biographies of all kinds of people from history and government to the arts and sciences.

Knovel Library: Knovel Library provides Temple with online access to over 450 titles included in the following subject collections:

-Aerospace & Radar Technology
-Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
-Civil Engineering & Construction Materials
-Electrical & Power Engineering
-Environmental Engineering
-General Engineering
-Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering
-Metals & Metallurgy
-Oil & Gas
-Semiconductors & Electronics

(London) Times Digital Archive (1785-1985): Searchable, full-text and full-image archive of every page of the (London) Times from 1785 to 1985.

(London) Times Literary Supplement Centennary Archive (1902-1990): “This database offers a complete facsimile edition of the Times Literary Supplement, from 1902 through 1990, contains new information on anonymous contributors that allows students and scholars to explore in greater depth the literary activity and critical opinion makers of the 20th century.

More than 250,000 reviews, letters, poems and articles in more than 5,000 issues of the Times Literary Supplement, searchable by author and/or contributor, are available here in the context in which they were originally published. Users can access any page via the online version of the published index when executing a title, author or subject search.”

International Financial Statistics of the International Monetary Fund: Provides approximately 32,000 financial time series covering most countries in the world. The data available for each country includes data on exchange rates, international liquidity, interest rates, prices, production, national accounts and population. In many cases the data extend back to 1948.

–Derik A Badman

Paley Library To Move Materials to the Depository

On Thursday June 22nd we will start to move designated materials from Paley Library to the Library Depository in the Kardon Building. The move of approximately 400,000 volumes from Paley Library will take 3 weeks. This move has to be done first to make room for materials moving from the libraries on main campus that are scheduled to be closed over the summer, including Zahn (already closed), Math, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, as well as to create more study space in Paley. Materials being moved from Paley will show their new location in Diamond and the location will link to the form requesting materials from the Depository. For more information on this important project see the Library Depository FAQ.

compactshelving_sm.jpg Jonathan LeBreton, checking progress on the installation of compact shelving in early June.

— Penelope Myers

Encyclopedia of Anthropology

The 5 volume Encyclopedia of Anthropology, edited by H. James Birx and available in the Paley Reference stacks (GN11 .E63 2006), is now also available online as part of the Gale Virtual Reference Library. The Encyclopedia features “over 1000 entries that focus on topics in physical/ biological anthropology, archaeology, cultural/social anthropology, linguistics, and applied anthropology. Also included are relevant articles on geology, paleontology, biology, evolution, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and theology.” All articles conclude with a short bibliography with suggestions for further reading; many articles also include a sidebar. Articles are available as PDF files, which provide an exact reproduction of pages from the print edition, or as e-books displayed on a webpage. An eTable of Contents, an eBook Index, and a List of Illustrations are available on the main search page of the Encyclopedia. “The contributions are authored by 300 internationally renowned experts, professors, and scholars from some of the most distinguished universities, institutes and museums in the world. Special attention is given to: hominid evolution, primate behavior, genetics, ancient civilizations, cross-cultural studies, social theories, and the value of human language for symbolic communication.” All databases are listed in the A-Z database listing linked from the Temple University Libraries website. Please contact me if you have any questions. If you would like to have the Gale Virtual Reference Library / Encyclopedia of Anthropology and other social science databases demonstrated to a class, please call me at 215-204-4581 or email me to set a date for a Library User Education class. Gregory McKinney

Literature Resource Center

The Library is pleased to announce the addition of Literature Resource Center (LRC) to its collection of databases.

A superb resource for the undergraduate literary scholar, LRC is a complete reference literature database, providing access to not only biographical, bibliographical, and contextual information on over 127,000 literary figures from all time periods in every literary genre, but also a rich collection of full-text critical analyses spanning diverse literary movements.

Integrating Gale Group’s three core literary databases — Contemporary Authors Online, Dictionary of Literary Biography, and Contemporary Literary Criticism Select — LRC also comprises critical material from known literary resources, such as Children’s Literature Review, Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism, Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, Poetry Criticism, Short Story Criticism, and Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism — in addition to over 200 prominent literary journals.

Searching is seamless. The “Authors By Type” search mode permits the most creative searches, allowing users to search by author ethnicity or nationality, genre, literary movement, or time period. Themes may also be searched, ranging in topics from American identity and dystopia to rites of passage and tragic heroes.

Because of its comprehensive biographical and contextual information, LRC is a truly valuable literary resource and complements well with the Library’s subscription to MLA International Bibliography, the premiere bibliographic database for researching literature and language.

Please feel free to contact me for further information about the resource.

Kristina DeVoe

Importing into RefWorks from Diamond

I was asked about importing from Diamond, our library catalog, to RefWorks. It can be a little tricky, so I offer a few abbreviated steps:

1) When you’re ready to export the records from Diamond, you should select “End-Note/RefWorks” as the format from the list at the left.

2) On the right select “Local Disk.”

3) Click “Submit” and save the file to an easily accessible location.

4) Log-in to RefWorks.

5) From the “References” menu at the left of the RefWorks menu bar, select “Import”.

6) Select “EndNote View” as the “Import Filter/Data Source” and the “Database”.

7) If you want all the imported references to go into a specific folder you can select it next under “Import References into.”

8) Under “Import Data from the Following Text File” click on “Browse” and then find the file you just exported (probably called “export.txt”) and click “OK”.

9) Click “Import” at the bottom.

10) Your records should then be imported. You can view them by clicking on the “Recently Imported” folder link.

If you have any question, ask.

Derik A Badman

Finding country information using Europa World

Let’s say you’re researching the Christian response to globalization in Latin America and you need some current information on the countries of Argentina, Chile, and Peru. Or you’re studying Judaism in contemporary Russia, or Islam in Indonesia, and you need to know more about those countries. Maybe the size of the economy and its major sectors are important, or the legal system and its support for civil and religious rights, or the size of the population and the number of different ethnic groups. For these and other reasons, there is often a need for up-to-date and reliable country information. Temple has just the source for you: Europa World (available from the A-Z database list), an online product based on the print Europa World Year Book which has been published since 1989. This online source covers over 250 countries and territories. Look up the entry for Peru from the dropdown box in the upper right corner of the homepage. You’ll get links to Country Map, Country Flag, Country Profile, Country Statistics, Directory: Government and Politics; Directory: Society and Media; and Directory: Business and Commerce. You can even choose Comparative Statistics to compare Peru to other countries. You can also find country information on the Web by searching for “country studies” or “country information” in any of the major search engines. Two web sites of particular note are Country Studies from the Library of Congress, and the CIA World Factbook.

Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)

For those of you, like me, who remember libraries prior to the advent of digital resources, ECCO will serve as a revelation. In a world of hype and spin, this is the real deal. Even younger, Web-savvy researchers will be utterly amazed by ECCO. According to Thomson-Gale’s “About” page, ECCO is the “most ambitious single digitization project ever undertaken”. It is based on the English Short Title Catalog, and contains the full-text of 150,000 book titles published in Great Britain between 1701 and 1800. ECCO provides, “in essence, [easy access to] every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom, along with thousands of important works from the Americas” (ibid.).

ECCO complements Early English Books Online (EEBO), another Temple database that contains the full-text of nearly 110,000 English-language titles published between 1475 and 1700. It has never before been possible to quickly and comprehensively search the corpus of printed works spanning the entire history of Early Modern Britain. This opens up possibilities for research virtually unimaginable before the creation of ECCO, EEBO, and other primary source databases. Scholars from every conceivable field of inquiry can potentially benefit from access to ECCO. Obvious examples are history (including the history of science & technology), literature, political science, and even music.

Important Note: The undergraduate researcher, especially, should work closely with his or her professor and/or a librarian to identify reference works and other secondary titles that can provide some context for the primary sources discussed in this post. It is important to understand wider social, political, economic, and military contexts in order to make sense of primary documents preserved in the historical record.

David C.Murray