Nature Journals – Back Files

We have added substantial back file access to Nature and several Nature Research Journals. Our online coverage for Nature is now from 1987 through the present, adding more than 37,000 articles that can be obtained online. Nature is the top ranked* multidisciplinary science journal. Nature Publishing Group journals are some of the world’s premier information resources for the basic biological and physical sciences.

The Nature research journals are:

Nature Biotechnology. v.1, 1983- present. Ranked #1 in Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology.

Nature Genetics. v.1, 1992 – present. Ranked #1 in Genetics and Heredity.

Nature Medicine. v.1, 1995 – present. Ranked #1 in the Medicine, Research and Experimental category, #2 in Cell Biology, and #2 in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. v.1, 1994 – present. Ranked #3 in Biophysics, #10 in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and #10 in Cell Biology.

All journals may be accessed via Journal Finder and Diamond.

*Rankings based on impact factors in the 2004 Journal Citation Reports.

–Laura Lane, Science Librarian

Easy Access to Databases via TUPortal

Here’s the number one question asked by students of library staff: “How do I access the Libraries’ restricted resources, such as the databases, from off campus?” A simple answer: TUPortal. Log into your TUPortal account as usual. Once logged in, click on the TULibraries tab near the top of the page. Enter your AccessNet password when prompted. If you utilize a “pop-up blocker” on your web browser you may need to manually click on the link provided. The Libraries’ website should now appear in a new browser window. From within the new window, navigate to EbscoHost, Lexis-Nexis, and other restricted electronic databases available on the Libraries’ site. Questions? Contact either Computer Services, 215-204-8000 or Ask A Librarian.

E-Resources at Temple

Occasionally we get comments from patrons expressing their opinion that we don’t have enough e-resources and how they are forced to use other university libraries (such as Penn) to find what they need. It is important to keep in mind a few things: Penn is a substantially larger university than Temple in regards to its library budget, having spent approximately twice as much as us on library materials in the 2003/04 fiscal year. The Temple Libraries do have access to over 27,000 electronic journals in all subject areas across numerous databases and publishers. Because of the variety of providers we encourage you to use our Journal Finder to help locate journals in our electronic and print collections. If you need an article from a journal that we do not have in our collections, we have an excellent (and speedy) Document Delivery unit that can get you almost anything, providing you include a complete citation. Here is an online form for requesting journal articles. We also always encourage you to contact your Subject Specialist with any questions or concerns.