Creating Research Assignments That “Stick” With Students

Why would the author of a paper start off by relating a story about a lab exercise involving the autopsy of a pig that she experienced as a college student? While it’s not particularly attractive imagery, it certainly does send a powerful message about the tremendous value that authentic learning has for college students. That new paper from EDUCAUSE is titled “Why Today’s Students Value Authentic Learning”.

The author readily admits that authentic learning methods have existed for decades, but with new technologies that can allow it to happen in virtual environments there is resurgence in interest. A 10-point list suggests what constitutes authentic learning:

“has real-world relevance;is ill-defined, requiring students to define the tasks and subtasks needed to complete the activity;

comprises complex tasks to be investigated by students over a sustained period of time;

provides the opportunity for students to examine the task from different perspectives, using a variety of resources;

provides the opportunity to collaborate;

provides the opportunity to reflect;

can be integrated and applied across different subject areas and lead beyond domain-specific outcomes;

is seamlessly integrated with assessment;

creates polished products valuable in their own right rather than as preparation for something else; and

allows competing solutions and a diversity of outcomes.” (3)


While creating a course or instruction program that offers opportunities for authentic learning is more time consuming for both the instructor and student, research supports that students cite relevance as the key value to authentic learning in the classroom. It creates the linkage between course content and how a student envisions and experiences a possible future career. As the report states, “students say they are more likely to engage with the material because they do not regard it as busy work.”

Two skills that all educators know students will need in the 21st century workplace are cross-disciplinary problem solving and critical thinking. Achieving success at both involves gaining proficiency as a researcher. You can’t solve problems or think critically about them if you don’t have high quality information with which to work. Temple University librarians are skilled in helping faculty to develop authentic research assignments that integrate real problem solving into coursework. Working collaboratively, faculty and librarians can develop research assignments that are far more than “busy work” for students. Great research assignments, like the research memories of the author, should be “sticky” so that they stay with students throughout their years at Temple and beyond. Talk to a librarian about constructing a research assignment that is made to stick.

-Steven Bell, Associate University Librarian

More Scholarly Communications Outreach Is Needed

recent study by the University of California’s Office of Scholarly Communicationprovides interesting insights into faculty perspectives and behavior on a range of issues within the scholarly communications arena. The study examines UC faculty members’ sense of the overall health of scholarly communication systems and their perspectives on tenure and promotion processes, copyright, alternative forms of publication, and key services that the University does or could supply (including those of eScholarship publishing). With 1,118 respondents the study is one of the largest surveys of faculty attitudes and behaviors regarding scholarly communication.

Some key findings from the report include:

*Faculty are strongly interested in issues related to scholarly communication.

*Faculty generally conform to conventional behavior in scholarly publication, albeit with significant progress on several fronts.

*The current tenure and promotion system impedes changes in faculty behavior.

*Faculty tend to see scholarly communication problems as affecting others but not themselves.

*The disconnect between attitude and behavior is acute with regard to copyright.

*Scholars are aware of alternative forms of dissemination but are concerned about preserving their current publishing outlet.

*Scholars are concerned that changes in the system might undermine the quality of scholarship.

*Outreach on scholarly communications issues and services has not yet reached the majority of faculty.

While the librarians at the Temple University Libraries acknowledge all these listed issues as important findings, we are particularly interested in the final one that concerns outreach on scholarly communications. As the study indicates, we need to do more to create awareness about these issues. The study found a striking lack of faculty knowledge about the potential for change in the scholarly communications system. One of our priorities is to create greater awareness about these issues among the Temple University faculty and the larger campus community. To that end we will be working to share information about challenges and change in the scholarly communications system, and promote activities and initiatives that we can undertake as an institution to create change.

Read the report and get more information about it.

Steven J. Bell
Associate University Librarian for Research and Instructional Services

Good Advice For Better Research Papers

While the librarians you’ll meet at the Temple University Libraries can offer valuable advice for producing better research results, some traditionally good ideas can be found in unexpected places. That’s why we wanted to share this article “Advice for Students: 10 Steps Toward Better Research” that we came across at the website. Most of the advice may be somewhat familiar, but the way it is presented makes it a good candidate to be a resource for sharing with your friends, colleagues, and students. It would be well worth the time to review these ten steps before starting a research project.

Advice such as “take it one piece at a time” and “have a system” are, as mentioned above, time-tested ideas that can be used to avoid becoming overwhelmed by research. But we like two particular items on this list of ten. As you might have guessed, we like them because they emphasize the importance of two things that are essential for research success: know your sources and ask for help. Temple University librarians are available to help with both steps. First, we can tailor individual or group meetings, instruction sessions, or resource lists to any class or assignment. This can provide significant time savings researchers can get directly to the resources that will provide the most help. Second, we offer multiple ways to ask for help. We have our friendly reference desk, an instant messaging service (AskTULibrary), traditional phone service (215-204-8212), sophisticated virtual chat reference, and students can even e-mail us their requests for help (see all options at our Ask a Librarian page).

As the article indicates in boldface “most librarians will be happy to help you find relevant material”. Nowhere is that more true than at the Temple University Libraries. Please let your friends, colleagues, or students know that the librarians are here to help. The only piece of advice we would want to add to the list is: “if you don’t ask, librarians can’t help you.”

-Steven Bell

Seven Things about Wikipedia

What more do you need to know about Wikipedia? It’s the sometimes controversial online encyclopedia of the people, and its content dwarfs that of conventional encyclopedias. What we also know is that college students all too often rely on Wikipedia entries without fully evaluating the accuracy of the content. Then perhaps there is something new to learn – how to leverage Wikipedia as an instructional technology to better equip students to read and gather information with a critical eye. To help educators and librarians to better understand the issues related to the use of Wikipedia by students, EDUCAUSE has focused the latest addition to the “Seven Things You Should Know” series on Wikipedia (pdf). The series introduces web and learning technologies and identifies how they might be best used for better pedagogy. The new Wikipedia document identifies how it can be used in this way:

In higher education, wikis have been put to use in courses ranging from humanities to science to business. With Wikipedia, students can take part in a collaborative process of creating and revising content in a global context, moving the opportunities for learning beyond the walls of the classroom or the university. An important part of academic training is seeing how knowledge is created and understanding that it is dynamic, evolving over time based on the contributions of many individuals.

Rather than banning the use of Wikipedia, faculty and librarians are working together to develop creative assignments and research exercises that engage students in the information creation process by having them create or edit Wikipedia pages. Through these learning experiences students come to understand that anyone can add to or edit Wikipedia and what the consequences are for those who base important decisions on this information. Faculty who would like to further explore how Wikipedia can be used to help students become more effective researchers should contact their Temple University Libraries subject specialist to begin the discussion. –Steven Bell

Shopping List for the Hungry Mind 4

Reading: Myths of the Archaic State (2005, Cambridge) by Norman Yoffee.

Solving the problem of the emergence of “pristine” complex societies — in other words, early states or “civilizations” — takes up lots of time and energy in archaeological circles. Two geographic areas have received the lion’s share of attention: Southwest Asia (Mesopotamia) / Egypt; and Mesoamerica (Mexico and upper Central America). Other important regions include China, the Andes, the Indus Valley, West Africa, and Southeast Asia (Khmer civilization). Many of the historical states and civilizations with which we are familiar, e.g. classical Greece and Rome, are in fact examples of “secondary” state development. In traditional models of primary state development, groups of people give up simple, egalitarian socioeconomic systems in favor of powerful new institutions such as kingship and markets (social and economic stratification), armies and police forces, codified laws, and bureaucracy. Wittfogel’s hydraulic hypothesis argued that state-like institutions emerged in Southwest Asia to control irrigation projects otherwise unmanageable by local villagers. Other models emphasized increasing warfare over limited resources as an important causal factor leading to organized societies. All models have in common both rising population pressure and some form of circumscription — geographic, social, or both — that prevented local populations from migrating out of areas under pressure. Many models also draw extensively from historic or ethnographic examples, the polynesian chiefdoms of Hawaii being a particular favorite. At the point of transition from tribe or chiefdom to state, fertility goddesses supposedly gave way to a hierarchy of male-dominated gods that ideologically mirrored the new patriarchal social structure.

The author attempts to go beyond traditional models by examining the “limits of power” in early complex societies (41). One of the strengths of Yoffee’s book is that it competently cites and discusses the literature from almost all of the areas of pristine state development: Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, China, the Andes, and Mesoamerica (including not only Teotihuacan but also Monte Alban and the Maya). Few authors are as comfortable as Yoffee outside their narrow geographic focus. Since I’ve only just begun this book, I can’t say much more at this point. But I do recommend Myths of the Archaic State to anyone who has taken at least one undergraduate archaeology course. Interested parties with little or no formal background might wish to first become familiar with key concepts and terms. Several archaeological reference works can be accessed online from the Libraries’ eBooks page. ABC-CLIO eBooks has two encyclopedias of archaeology; the Gale Virtual Reference Library includes the 5 volume Encyclopedia of Anthropology; and Oxford Reference Online makes available the Concise Dictionary of Archaeology.
Watching: Rome (HBO).

Eye candy abounds in this sensational series from HBO. The production values are incredible, outdoing most movies. Especially if you have hi-def access, the series is worth it for the sets alone (soak in the Julii villa to see what I mean). The costumes and jewelry are also stunning. I don’t care if the history is 100% accurate (it isn’t) ; the various directors follow known cultural and historical details far more carefully than, for example, Mel Gibson in his recent disappointment, Apocalypto. OK, I’m sure folks in Rome, be they nobles or plebs, didn’t spend every minute of every day scheming for position, or quite literally fighting for their lives. But Rome rather convincingly demonstrates the seedier side of life in this great Metropolis, and I think that’s rather novel and brilliant. Think about it: How many other shows about the ancient world have allowed you to imagine what it might have been like to live in an ancient, pre-industrial city of one million people! The series finale aired last night. I would recommend finding the DVD.
Listening: Gord’s Gold, 2 CD’s worth of Gordon Lightfoot’s greatest hits

One of my colleagues recently told me that Gordon Lightfoot holds iconic status in Canada, something akin to that held by Bob Dylan in the United States. While I somehow find that hard to believe, Gord’s Gold is well worth a listen if you appreciate seventies singer / songwriters. This 2-disc set of course includes all the big hits, such as Sundown (love it!), Carefree Highway, and the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. It also contains Cotton Jenny, Old Dan’s Records, and several other less-well-known gems. Cheesy? Who cares? Enjoy!!

David Murray

Reading: The Last Novel by David Markson (Shoemaker & Hoard, 2007).

My favorite living novelist? No question, it’s David Markson. Markson writes his own genre of “seminonfictional semifictions” which are “Nonlinear. Discontinuous. Collage-like.” In short bursts Markson mixes biographical bits about artistic and historical figures, unattributed quotations, and brief segments from the voice of the protagonist, here named “Novelist”. The collage-like assemblage of these elements read with an ongoing and building rhythmic pace that generates emotion and paints a picture (more real than any realist novel) of the true varieties of experience. Unlike anything you’ve ever read (except another Markson novel), the knowledge contained within is in itself an education but one that reads with the verve of the best of novels. This novel, hopefully not his last, is forthcoming in May (I have a copy for review), but the library has a few of his previous works.

Watching: The Office (NBC (Thursdays 8:30), DVD, or iTunes).

Ostensibly filmed as a documentary or reality television show (it’s never made clear), this sitcom, based on a British series of the same name, takes on the most banal of situations, the life in a small office, and proves that any setting can be the raw materials for great entertainment (dare I say, art?). The viewer is plunged into the small office of a paper company in Scranton, PA and, like a new employee, slowly learns about the habits and quirks of the employees as they go through their rather dreary existence. The show is hilariously funny but also laced with emotional moments that are the all the more moving for their sharp contrast to the humor.

Listening: “The Beautiful and the Afternoon” by Robert Sarazin Blake (Same Room Records, 2007).

I’ve seen Robert Blake perform twice over the past couple years. Once in the basement of a chaotic West Philadelphia house. Once in the a very tiny bar upstairs from an Indian restaurant. Both times he stood before the crowd with his guitar and no amplification at all. He is a modern day folkie, drawing on a style that is part Woody Guthrie, part punk rock. He sings songs of romance, travel, and politics in a rough yet melodic voice accompanied by an often off-kilter guitar strum. His last album “Still Kissing Last Night’ Smoke Stained Lips” beats out all other albums for number of times played in my iTunes library, and this new one is on it’s way to catching up.

Derik Badman

Teach to Conceptual Skills Not Specific Software

Jakob Nielsen, widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on website usability, usually addresses content and interface design issues in his Alertbox columns. In a recent column however, he provided some rather different advice for educators. Too often, he claimed, students are taught how to use specific versions of software. That’s certainly important for enabling students to use software to complete course assignments. The problem, pointed out Nielsen, is that instructors need to spend more time on deeper conceptual skills about computing both for when they enter the workforce and 10 to 15 years beyond that. He said:

Teaching life-long computer skills in our schools offers further benefit in that it gives students insights that they’re unlikely to pick up on their own. In contrast, as software gets steadily easier to use, anyone will be able to figure out how to draw a pie chart. People will learn how to use features on their own, when they need them — and thus have the motivation to hunt for them. It’s the conceptual things that get endlessly deferred without the impetus of formal education.

Where this column gets even more interesting is when he discusses search engines and information retrieval. If we can agree that search is going to change significantly in the next 10 years, then the value of teaching students how to formulate good search strategies, how to judge search results relevancy, and how to be adept at using multiple search engines that offer different technical features is going to be critical knowledge for today’s students. For students, these skills transcend knowing which search engine offers a certain feature or how to manipulate the search buttons. Temple University librarians are experts in understanding how electronic research systems, both the many commercial subscription databases provided by the library and free internet search engines, function and their underlying mechanics. They are knowledgeable about the appropriate conceptual skills needed to obtain high quality research results with these resources. We encourage faculty to seek out our subject expert librarians for assistance in developing assignments that will help students to build the critical conceptual research skills that will take them through their college years and well into their time in the workplace. –Steven Bell

The Benefits of Academia

Many New York Times readers were disappointed when the Times took away free access to editorials and commentaries and converted this content into the subscription-only TimesSelect. Well those of us who attend and work at higher education institutions are getting a break from the Times. They recently announced that as of March 13 students and faculty with an “edu” email address would be eligible to get free access to TimesSelect. From the press release:

Beginning on March 13, subscriptions to TimesSelect will be available for free to all registered college students and faculty with a .edu in their e-mail addresses. TimesSelect is’s paid offering that provides exclusive access to 22 columnists of The Times and the International Herald Tribune as well as an array of other services, including access to The Times’s archives, advance previews of various sections and tools for tracking and storing news and information. Current student subscribers will receive pro-rated refunds for their previously paid subscriptions. College students interested in registering for free TimesSelect subscriptions should go for more information.

Since the registration form provides options for only students or faculty, this does leave some questions for the rest of us. Are computer services, library, writing center, and other institutional personnel eligible for the complimentary access to TimesSelect? What about alumni who may have an institutional email address from the .edu domain? So far there is no word from the Times on these matters, so for now it may be best to review the registration information when deciding how to proceed.

While having access to the current editorials and commentaries is a tremendous benefit to faculty and students, we recommend that when you need to search the archives of the New York Times you use the library’s version of the archive rather than the Times’ own version (now also being made freely available to faculty and students). The ProQuest Historical Newspaper database offers the full-text of the New York Times from 1851 through 2003. Not only is the search system more robust and functional than the Times’ own interface, but the ProQuest version offers more text, such as classified advertisements. In addition, the Times has placed limits on the number of documents that can be retrieved from the archive. There are no limits for Temple faculty and students when using the Library’s ProQuest Historical Newspaper database.

Steven Bell

Shopping List for the Hungry Mind 3

(Recommendations from library staff.)

READING: The Medici Effect: What elephants & epidemics can teach us about innovation by Frans Johansson. It’s a business management book (yawn) celebrating the Intersection of ideas that makes me feel pretty good about being in a library (career choice!) — although I don’t think libraries are ever mentioned (hmmm.)

PLAYING: “Lost in Blue” for Nintendo DS. High school senior Keith and nearly blind Skye get tossed on a deserted island and have to keep themselves going with realistic tasks and on the lookout. It’s hard, it’s sometimes tedious, it’s great to stay alive.

LISTENING: The Big Bam : the life and times of Babe Ruth (paper version) by Leigh Montville as an abriged audio book. The guy was a true American phenomena of time and place and this is a great bio that works as a story being told.

WATCHING: The Wire. A David Simon and Edward Burns television creation that continues their amazing documentation and fictionalization of the shadows of urban Baltimore (Homicide: Life on the Streets, The corner: a year in the life of an inner-city neighborhood) that have universal appeal and relevance.

Rick Lezenby

READING: A companion to African-American Studies edited by Lewis Gordon and Jane Gordon. Essays on the difficulty and installation of African-American Studies in colleges and universities in the USA. We might take it for granted now, but there is still antagonism about this site. Gordon and Gordon (philosophy and political science) are editors, both at Temple University. Introduction by the editors sets up the playing field of this subject matter.

WATCHING: A Street Car Named Desire (1951) film. Janet Leigh, Marlon Brando, Kim Hunter, Karl Malden A must-see film; one of Brando’s first films. The DVD from circulation is a special edition with two discs: disc #2 has outtakes and screen tests of Brando. Do it! (Brando looks like a teen-ager, in the screen test.)

LISTENING: “Sing Sing Sing”. A famous jazz number, popularized by Benny Goodman (1939). I heard a performance from the Lincoln Center, with a contemporary band, and with commentary by Ed Bradle

Al Vara

Shopping List for the Hungry Mind 2

READING: A Prayer for the City: The True Story of a Mayor and Five Heroes in a Race Against Time by Buzz Bissinger. The inside-look at then Philadelphia mayor Ed Rendell as he combats budget gaps, unions, and fickle constituents during his first term in office. A story for the city of Philadelphia, especially as it approaches a mayoral election in the Fall.

WATCHING: Igby Goes Down (2002) directed by Burr Steers: In the vein of The Catcher in the Rye, this coming of age satire follows Igby as he stumbles down the paths of self-discovery and self-destruction amid his dysfunctional family upbringing.

LISTENING: Cake’s “Pressure Chief”. Catchy lyrics with a quiet, tongue-in-cheeck kind of humor mixed with multiple musical genres make this Indie band always a delight.

Kristina Devoe

READING: Dostoevsky, Fyodor: Notes from Underground, The Double and Other Stories: Existential Fiction at its dreariest. Dostoevsky is a master in this genre as well as a master writer in general. He portrays the mannerisms of polite society so well and really knows how to set a scene. These stories are not as involved or active as some of his other works (like The Brothers Karamazov) but they are great for their own reasons.

WATCHING: The X Files, all seasons: This show is the precursor to the types of crime dramas you see all over television now. Before The X Files television shows never bothered to include even portions of the science behind crime and detective work. Now, it’s included in every show. Even though it had a relatively low special effects budget, and took place in the early 90’s, The X Files still does a better job of telling a story and not being too dumb for normal audiences.

LISTENING: Phish and Dave Matthews Band: I happen to read an article in The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Rock History about the so-called “Jam Band” phenomena, and it mentioned both of these bands. I’ve always been a fan of both groups but never considered some of the possible philosophical motivations. I have been listening to both, especially the live recordings, and noting the spirit of the improvisations that they embark on while performing. I could listen to these two bands all day and never get tired.

Nik Barkauskas

READING: Jacques the Fatalist and His Master by Denis Diderot (1796) (a translation in English) (the original in French): Inspired by Sterne’s Tristam Shandy, philosopher Diderot wrote this funny novel about a master and his servant who believes in determinism. The real joy here is the author’s experimental approach to narrative, which prefigures the metafictional work of authors from the 20th century. First lines: “How had they met? By chance, like everyone. What were their names? What’s it matter to you? Where were they coming from? From the closest place. Where were they going? Does anyone know where they’re going? What did they say? The master said nothing, and Jacques said that his captain said that all that happens, good or bad, is written on high.”

WATCHING: Battlestar Galactica (Sci-Fi, Sundays at 10pm or download at iTunes): Barring names, this television series bears almost no relation to its campy 70s precursor. The creators have taken up the long tradition of social commentary in science fiction (usually absent from sci-fi television) and shaped an episodic narrative that is not only dramatically riveting but places contemporary ethical, social, and political issues onto a futuristic setting. From presidential elections to terrorism, collaboration, and torturing enemies, Battlestar Galactica is one of the bravest shows on television for allowing us to step back and look at these issues anew. The best show on television, period.

LISTENING: Freedom’s Road by John Mellencamp (2007): Probably best known for his small town pop hit “Jack and Diane”, Mellencamp has been putting out albums for years that blend rock, country, pop, and folk influences into a oeuvre that is often inconsistent but riddled with great songs. His latest album continues his tendency to political commentary with songs that are clearly directed at our current political climate. “Our Country”, which I’m sure you’ve heard on commercials for trucks, taken without its commercial baggage is a great Woody Guthrie-esque tune that harkens back to “This Land is Your Land”. “Freedom’s Road” addresses the glories and dangers of freedom.

Derik Badman

Shopping List for the Hungry Mind 1

Perhaps not unexpectedly, many of us in the library are great consumers of media: books, music, movies, etc. We’ve decided to introduce a new blog feature in which different staff members recommend three items they are currently or recently consuming. We call it “Shopping List for the Hungry Mind” and new posts should be appearing on a weekly basis.

READING: Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions by Gary Klein. Quote: “The analytical methods are not the ideal: they are the fallback for those without enough experience to know what to do.” p. 103

WATCHING: Six Feet Under television series. Tough love, but I don’t think I’ve found a more accessible way to the big questions. This is what I wanted philosophy to be– but didn’t find it there.

LISTENING: The music group Mascott, led by New York city-based songstress Kendall Jane Mead. Words with rich textures wrapped in pretty pop melodies.

Rick Lezenby

READING: The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time by Jeffrey Sachs. Harvard economist Sachs makes a convincing argument that the end of the most desperate, life-threatening type of poverty is possible within our lifetimes. Sachs details the basic infrastructures necessary for communities to pull themselves out of abject poverty, and provides details of how the wealthy nations of the world could easily fund this effort without much sacrifice. Reading this left me with two questions. First, will we do it? And second, how can we not at least try?

WATCHING: Happy Feet and March of the Penguins. Charming entertainment with a serious message about the environment.

LISTENING: Liadov’s piano music. Absolutely lovely by a lesser-known Russian composer.

Anne Harlow

READING: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night- time, by Mark Haddon (ISBN 0385509456). Haddon convincingly writes the narrative voice of an autistic teenager so that the world is seen through his eyes.

WATCHING: Letters From Iwo Jima, directed by Clint Eastwood. Powerful movie of the pivotal battle, told from the Japanese point of view.

LISTENING: Chamber music by Francis Poulenc, performed by Ensemble Wien-Berlin (Deutsche Grammophon, 427 639-2). If ever there was music that could be described as tongue-in-cheek, this is it. Has tender, poignant moments interspersed with vaudevillian raucousness.

Lisa Shiota