Category Archives: service assessment

“I Am the Content”: How and Why Instructors Discover and Share Course Readings

This post re-visits a project I blogged about several months ago. I interviewed Jenifer Baldwin (Head of Reference and Instruction Services) Anne Harlow (Librarian for Music, Dance, and Theatre) and Rick Lezenby (Librarian for Psychology and Political Sciences). They were … Continue reading

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Assessment Drives Decision-Making Process for Health Science Library’s Technology Offerings

Last year I profiled Cynthia Schwarz, Senior Systems & Technology Librarian on her assessment of computer use at the Ginsberg Health Services Library. She was using the software LabStats to analyze the use of computers at the library – the … Continue reading

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The Library in the Life of the User

I had the privilege last week of attending the OCLC Research Partners Meeting on  The Library in the Life of the User – We shared reports on the current state of user research, with a particular focus on qualitative methods … Continue reading

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Drexel’s Service Quality Improvement Initiative Reaps Benefits for Users

John Wiggins, Director of Library Services and Quality, has been engaged with implementing service quality at Drexel University Libraries since 2012. This more systematic attention to quality improvement was initiated by the dean, Danuta Nitecki, and John has steadily built … Continue reading

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Assessment in the Real World

This post was made possible by the excellent notes and input from Laura Chance, temporary art librarian at Paley. Thanks, Laura! Last Friday 12 librarians gathered to talk about feedback received from students participating in the Analytical Reading and Writing … Continue reading

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Cynthia Schwarz explores the use of technology in libraries

Cynthia Schwarz is the Senior Systems & Technology Librarian at the Health Sciences Library. She recently moved into this position after 6 years on the Main Campus. In both these jobs,  Cynthia has used her technical expertise to address questions … Continue reading

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Survey of Teacher Education Faculty

Jackie Sipes is the Education Liaison and Emerging Technologies Librarian in Research and Instruction Services (Paley Library). Towards the end of the spring semester, Jackie conducted a survey of the faculty in the department of teacher education. Nancy Turner asked … Continue reading

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David Murray’s Experience as an Embedded Librarian

David Murray (librarian for History, Latin America, Spanish & Portuguese) in the RIS department partnered with faculty member Ron Webb to teach The Legacy of Mesoamerica this spring. In this conversation with Assessment Librarian Nancy Turner, he describes his work … Continue reading

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Exploring Faculty Preferences for E or Print

Fred Rowland (librarian for Classics, Religion and Philosophy) in the RIS department conducted a survey recently on the format preferences for reading scholarly materials. Assessment Librarian Nancy Turner asks him about his project. NT: What was your question? FR: I … Continue reading

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Assessing How We Process Special Collections

Katy Rawdon (Librarian and Coordinator of Technical Services) in the Special Collections Research Center initiated an assessment project in the technical services area of Special Collections. Assessment Librarian Nancy Turner asked her about this project. NT: What were you trying … Continue reading

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