Tag Archives: culture of assessment

The Ways of the Teacher, Leader, and Assessment Practitioner

  Ways of the teacher This summer I am teaching a class in leadership at Drexel’s College of Computing and Infomatics, a required course in their masters program for Library and Information Science. What a thrill! To be in the … Continue reading

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On Inquiry, Innovation and Leadership

Say the word innovation, particularly in libraries, and we tend to think of technology. At the Ginsburg Library, this association is explicit — the space set aside for technology-rich services like 3-D printing and virtual reality application is called the … Continue reading

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The Year in Assessment at TULUP: A Celebration

This week I submitted the Libraries’ annual report on assessment activities to the University’s Office of Assessment and Evaluation . It’s a requirement that I don’t particularly relish, as I often feel our approach to assessment at the Libraries is … Continue reading

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Avoiding New Year’s Resolutions, or Not

I may be turning cynical, but I’ve stopped making personal New Year’s resolutions. The U.S. News & World Report says that 80% of resolutions fail by February. That’s depressing! While there may be a rational, statistically valid reason for not making … Continue reading

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Setting the Path towards a New Library

Last week I had an unexpected 12 hours to spend at the Calgary International Airport, providing me plenty of time to consider all that I learned at the Designing Libraries conference.  While the airport provided fun rides between terminals and … Continue reading

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An Interview with Gina Calzaferri: Temple’s Director of Assessment & Evaluation

Assessment at Temple University Libraries is part of a robust institutional culture of assessment, fostered by offices like Institutional Research and Assessment. I visited the IRA office last week to talk with Gina Calzaferri, just promoted as Director of Assessment … Continue reading

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It’s All About Continuous Improvement

Developing an organization-wide culture of assessment is a slow, incremental process. I  get frustrated by this fact at times, particularly when I imagine a perfect world of systematic, routine plans put into place for assessing and demonstrating the value of … Continue reading

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Meet Mary Marissen: Swarthmore’s Emerging Library Assessment Professional

This summer, on a sweltering July morning, I had a Saxby’s coffee with Mary Marissen, librarian at Swarthmore College. She’s taking on some new roles in assessment at the library and we met to talk about emerging trends in this … Continue reading

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Assessment & Analytics Community of Practice “Kick Off” : A Recap

Yesterday here at Temple University Libraries we kicked off a new approach to developing our culture of assessment, an Assessment & Analytics Community of Practice discussion to which all staff were invited. The Kick Off  focused on two recent research … Continue reading

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Grounded or Toppling Over? The Three-Legged Stool of Assessment Culture within the Organization

Today marks my third year at Temple University Libraries – a good time for reflection on how the organization has developed a culture of assessment. One thing I have learned. An assessment librarian does not a culture of assessment make. … Continue reading

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