Category Archives: statistics

On Citizen Science and Library Assessment

I first got hooked on watching birds when living on Peaks Island, Maine. Sitting at my kitchen table one morning and gazing out a window to the back yard, a flock of cedar waxwings settled onto a tree. I never … Continue reading

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We’re Getting Social

Reaching out to students where they are is a critical part of our communication and outreach program, and our new assistant director for editorial, Ella Lathan, is expert at creatively using social media platforms to connect with our community. She … Continue reading

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Improving on the Charles Library Welcome 

Walking into the vast atrium space of Charles Library is awe-inspiring. It can also be overwhelming, particularly to new students when the semester first starts.  While we have many ways of counter-acting that feeling – helpful security guards, Emily Schiller’s … Continue reading

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Access Services in the 21st Century: The Assessment Chapter

Back in November of 2020, Michael Krasulski (Philadelphia Community College) approached Justin Hill and me about contributing to a new edition of ACRL’s Twenty-First Century Access Services. The 2013 edition was in desperate need of a refresh – so much … Continue reading

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The Numbers are Falling, the Numbers are Falling!

In the assessment world, we generally like to see numbers that trend upwards. Increases in gate count, use of study rooms, the number of programs and participants – all positive. But the reality is that numbers don’t always rise, and … Continue reading

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What Counts

To count (verb): to tally, to add up, to total, to recite numerals in ascending order To count (verb) : to matter, to be considered, to be included, to have importance I have posted multiple times in this space about … Continue reading

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What Counts as Reference?

Last month I completed six years of service on the editorial board of ACRL’s Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey. Our meetings involved much discussion on how best to provide clear instructions to survey participants, debates over wording of trends … Continue reading

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We All Make Mistakes

Last week I learned a lesson about making mistakes, and it was both humbling and helpful. Just one day before the deadline for locking the University’s numbers into the IPEDS system (Statistics for the U.S. Dept of Education) for FY18-19, … Continue reading

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Using Social Media to Engage Library Users

Today’s very special post is authored by Kaitlyn Semborski and Geneva Heffernan, from Library Outreach and Communications at Temple Libraries.  At Temple Libraries, we use social media to build and maintain relationships with library stakeholders. Daily, our Instagram, Twitter, and … Continue reading

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A New Day for Assessment Practice?

It is difficult to believe that in early March we convened the Assessment Community of Practice, joining Margery Sly and Matt Shoemaker to talk about changing needs for assessment measures as we develop new library services. The new Charles Library … Continue reading

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