Volume 14, Number 2 (Fall 2000)


Freedom of Contract with Chinese Legal Characteristics: A Closer Look at China’s New Contract Law
Mo Zhang

Pinochet and the End of Immunity: England’s House of Lords Holds that a Former Head of State is Not Immune for Torture
Charles Pierson

Nigeria: The Need for an Effective Policy of Ethnic Reconciliation in the New Century
Philip C. Aka

Hegemonic and Centralized Political Party Systems: Undermining Egalitarian Principles of Federalism? A Cross-National Comparison of India, Mexico, and the United States
Robert Bejesky

Notes & Comments

Immigration Law: Criminal Penalties for Deported Aliens Who Illegally Reenter the United States–Hugo Roman Almendarez-Torres v. United States, 118 S.Ct. 1219 (1998)
Bindu Jacob

Much Ado About Noting: Problems in the Legal Translation Industry
Rose Kennedy

Recent Decision: Thomas Knight v. Florida; Carey Dean Moore v. Nebraska
Jennifer A. Padova

The Future of Spousal Abuse as a Gender-Based Asylum Claim: The Implications of the Recent Case of Matter of R-A-
Hannah R. Shapiro


Volume 14, Number 1 (Spring 2000)



Getting to Peace: Avoiding Roadblocks on the Path to Peace in Northern Ireland
Jeremy A. Colby

Permanent Replacement of Economic Strikers in the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Gregor Thüsing & Sven-Frederik Balders

Symposium: Recent Developments in East Timor Various Perspectives in Understanding the East Timor Crisis
Jani Purnawanty

East Timor, Indonesia, and the Internaitonal Community
Roger S. Clark

East Timor, Collective Action, and Global Order
Lynn H. Miller

A Critical Thought on Self Determination for East Timor and Kosovo
Henry J. Richardson

Notes & Comments

Putting the Terrorist-Sponsoring State in the Dock: Recent Changes in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and the Individual’s Recourse Against Foreign Powers
Richard T. Micco

A Tale of Two Statutes: Development of Euthanasia Legislation in Australia’s Northern Territory and the State of Oregon
Margaret M. Funk

Freedom Under Fire: The New Russian Religious Law
Irina G. Basova

A Proposal for Diplomatic Accountability Using the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court: The Decline of an Absolute Sovereign Right
Joshua D. Groff