Volume 32, Number 2 (Fall 2018)


Beyond Norms:  Using International Economic Tools to Deter Malicious State-Sponsored Cyber Activities
Kathleen Claussen

The Use of Force and Cyber Countermeasures
Gary Corn & Eric Jensen

Cybersecurity, International Law, and The First Year of The Trump Administration
Brian J. Egan

Promoting International Cybersecurity Cooperation: Lessons from The Proliferation Security Initiative
Duncan B. Hollis & Matthew C. Waxman

Restricting Access to Services or Information Systems in Light of Trade in Services Commitments
Zine Homburger

Contours:  On the Policy of Consequences as Seen through Social Sciences
Mika Kerttunen

Will Cyber Consequences Deepen Disagreement on International Law?
Eneken Tikk

Volume 31, Number 2 (Fall 2017)


From the Hague to Timbuktu: The Prosecutor v. Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi; A Consequential Case of Firsts for Cultural Heritage and for the International Criminal Court
Daniel M. Cole

Innovative Product, Innovative Remedy: “Essential Facility” as a Compromise for the Antitrust Charges Against Google’s OneBox in the United States and the European Union
Nicholas Elia

Balancing Justice and Peace: A Historical and Hypothetical Exploration of Justice During Spain’s Post-Franco Transition From Dictatorship to Democracy
Christina Franzese

Increasing the Difficulty Level: China’s 2016 Mobile Game App Regulations, Another Restrictive Market Entry Barrier to Foreign Corporations
Michael Dean Krebs

What About the Clean Athletes? Refocusing International Sport’s Anti-Doping Approach Onto Equitable Remedies for Doping’s Victims, Particularly Clean Athletes from Developing Countries
Samantha Ramagano Myers

Rocks v. Islands: Natural Tensions Over Artificial Features in the South China Sea
F. Shannon Sweeney