Review Article on Early Christianity

This looks interesting, a review of five books, which should be of interest to students of religion and classics: “Remapping the Landscape: Early Christianity and the Graeco-Roman World. A Review ArticleJournal of Religious History ————————————————————————————————————– Subject Guides Classics // Islamic Studies // Jewish Studies // Philosophy // Religion ————————————————————————————————————–

e-Reference Trial: Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism

The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism, trial goes through 10/17/08. (For all current database trials, go here.) “Now expanded and updated, The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism is an indispensable resource for scholars and students of literary theory and discourse. Revised extensively in 2004 to reflect a decade of rapidly changing scholarship, the Guide currently features 52 new entries and subentries and is updated annually. Compiled by 275 specialists from around the world, the Guide presents a comprehensive historical survey of the field’s most important figures, schools, and movements. It includes more than 240 alphabetically arranged entries on critics and theorists, critical schools and movements, and the critical and theoretical innovations of specific countries and historical periods.” from the web site Have a look at it. Let me know what you think. Fred ————————————————————————————————————– Subject Guides Classics // Islamic Studies // Jewish Studies // Philosophy // Religion ————————————————————————————————————–

Free audio books at LibriVox

Try out the free audio books on LibriVox. You can listen to them on your computer, iPod, or MP3 player.

“LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain and release the audio files back onto the net. Our goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books.” 

I just downloaded the Anti-Federalist and the Federalist Papers to iTunes and plan to listen to them when I get a chance.  These are works I’ve been meaning to read forever.  I’ll try to listen to them instead.  I searched the catalog a bit and discovered audio works of Descartes, Plato, Martin Luther, Augustine, Aquinas, among others.

Subject Guides
Classics // Islamic Studies // Jewish Studies // Philosophy // Religion

Antikythera Mechanism

From the New York Times….

Discovering How Greeks Computed in 100 B.C.

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Published: July 31, 2008

After a closer examination of a surviving marvel of ancient Greek technology known as the Antikythera Mechanism, scientists have found that the device not only predicted solar eclipses but also organized the calendar in the four-year cycles of the Olympiad, forerunner of the modern Olympic Games.

Read the article here.

Subject Guides
Classics // Islamic Studies // Jewish Studies // Philosophy // Religion

Ancient Greek ship discovered

                                                                     » 2008-07-28 18:21

ancient greek ship.jpgAncient Greek ship fished from sea
Vessel found off Sicilian coast is the largest of its kind
(ANSA) – Gela, July 28 – An ancient Greek trading ship that had lain on the seabed off the coast of Gela in southern Sicily for 2,500 years was brought to the surface for the first time on Monday. The ancient Greek vessel is 21 metres long and 6.5 metres wide, making it by far the biggest of its kind ever discovered. Four Greek vessels found off the coasts of Israel, Cyprus and France are at most 15 metres long.

See complete article here.

Digital Classicist Podcast

From the Stoa Consortium blog:

“The Institute for Classical Studies and Digital Classicist Summer seminar series is about half-way through, and the first several audio recordings of the proceedings are now available as part of the Digital Classicist podcast. You can find a list of all seminars in this series, along with links for those that have audio and/or presentations uploaded, at:

Or you can subscribe to the podcast feed itself by pointing your RSS aggregator, iTunes subscription, aut sim., at:

We should welcome ideas for further events to add to this podcast series, and/or partnerships to podcast the results of seminar series of interest to Digital Classicists in the future.”

Subject Guides
Classics // Islamic Studies // Jewish Studies // Philosophy // Religion

Iliad Manuscript Online

The Venetus A manuscript of the Iliad is now available online at the Center for Hellenic Studies at Harvard. The modern versions of Homer are all based on this manuscript. General information is on the manuscript here. ————————————————————————————————————– Subject Guides Classics // Islamic Studies // Jewish Studies // Philosophy // Religion ————————————————————————————————————–