Tag Archives: statistics

On Citizen Science and Library Assessment

I first got hooked on watching birds when living on Peaks Island, Maine. Sitting at my kitchen table one morning and gazing out a window to the back yard, a flock of cedar waxwings settled onto a tree. I never … Continue reading

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Letters from the Field: Evidence-Based Research for Librarians

This month’s post is from Sarah Bauman, Head of the Charles A. Kraus Library at Temple’s Schools of Podiatric Medicine. Sarah was so excited by the recent conference she attended, I asked her to post about it. Here’s Sarah’s account: … Continue reading

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What Counts

To count (verb): to tally, to add up, to total, to recite numerals in ascending order To count (verb) : to matter, to be considered, to be included, to have importance I have posted multiple times in this space about … Continue reading

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What Counts as Reference?

Last month I completed six years of service on the editorial board of ACRL’s Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey. Our meetings involved much discussion on how best to provide clear instructions to survey participants, debates over wording of trends … Continue reading

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We All Make Mistakes

Last week I learned a lesson about making mistakes, and it was both humbling and helpful. Just one day before the deadline for locking the University’s numbers into the IPEDS system (Statistics for the U.S. Dept of Education) for FY18-19, … Continue reading

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Moving Forward: Lessons Learned from the Last 10 Years of Risk Modeling

Last week the Libraries’ Assessment Community of Practice kicked off the year by hosting Alexandra Yanovski-Bowers (Assistant Director for Undergraduate Strategic Initiatives) and Michele Lynn O’Conner (Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies). The discussion was Undergraduate Studies’ work to build a … Continue reading

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A New Year’s Reflections and Resolutions

The beginning of a new year is a somewhat artificial, but useful time to reflect on the past and look toward the future. Reviewing the 2017 archives of this blog reminds me of all that has happened this year.  One … Continue reading

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The Pain of Numbers

  I have just completed the Libraries’ submission of annual statistics to Temple University’s Office of Institutional Research & Assessment. I’ve been doing this kind of work for years, and it still pains me. This in spite of tremendous support … Continue reading

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