Tag Archives: organizational change

Creating Spaces for Community and Connection 

The crowds are back! For ALA’s annual conference, almost 16,000 registrants gathered at Chicago’s McCormick Place Convention Center. The return to fully in-person meetings, coupled with sessions on the new hybrid work environment, has me revisiting the question of how … Continue reading

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Envisioning our Future: The Constant is Change

Last week I shared some highlights of the Envisioning our Future interview project with TULUP staff. In this post I begin to pull together themes that emerged over the course of the project’s three phases: organizational communication, change and connection.   … Continue reading

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The Ways of the Teacher, Leader, and Assessment Practitioner

  Ways of the teacher This summer I am teaching a class in leadership at Drexel’s College of Computing and Infomatics, a required course in their masters program for Library and Information Science. What a thrill! To be in the … Continue reading

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We Don’t Want to Work with Mummies

At Charles Library we are experiencing a more open office environment. I saw an  extreme version at the Penn Museum this weekend ; the conservator’s workspace is actually in the gallery, on view several hours a day. But the office … Continue reading

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Stretching Boundaries, Crossing Thresholds

  Today I needed a metaphor to suit my photograph.  It’s the immersive artwork Flight Paths by Steve Waldeck installed at Atlanta’s airport, constructed of thousands of laser cut “leaves” and incorporating sounds and images of birds. The artwork makes … Continue reading

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Envisioning our future: Will the view forward ever be clear?

This was a thrilling week at Temple University Libraries, as many of the staff moved into their new office spaces at Charles Library. The windows provide an abundance of natural light throughout the building – at last we have escaped … Continue reading

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A Yogi’s Reflections on Change, and Charles

For a couple of years now I have been practicing yoga. I live near the studio and my routine is to have an early coffee then head over to the 6:30 session. It’s a good way to start the day … Continue reading

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Strategic Steering Team: Just a Fancy Word for Committee?

I promised a “provocative” discussion at yesterday’s Assessment Community of Practice gathering, and I think we met that goal. The attendance was good, at least, with 27 staff members from  across the library (13 departments represented). A few highlights and … Continue reading

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Setting the Path towards a New Library

Last week I had an unexpected 12 hours to spend at the Calgary International Airport, providing me plenty of time to consider all that I learned at the Designing Libraries conference.  While the airport provided fun rides between terminals and … Continue reading

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It’s All About Continuous Improvement

Developing an organization-wide culture of assessment is a slow, incremental process. I  get frustrated by this fact at times, particularly when I imagine a perfect world of systematic, routine plans put into place for assessing and demonstrating the value of … Continue reading

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