- 12/29/2024 Dr. Zhang Elected to Two Array Signal Processing Committees
- 08/16/2024 Dr. Zhang Co-edits a Book on Information-Theoretic Radar Signal Processing
- 09/21/2023 Dr. Zhang Named IEEE SPS Distinguisher Lecturer
- 07/24/2023 Dr. Zhang Awarded Grants to Develop Array Processing Techniques
- 06/29/2023 Dr. Zhang Elected as Fellow of AAIA
- 03/07/2023 Dr. Ahmed and Dr. Zhang Awarded US Patent
- 04/05/2022 Ms. Vaishali Amin Defends Her PhD Dissertation
- 04/02/2022 Dr. Zhang Appointed Senior Area Editor for IEEE Trans. Signal Processing
- 12/24/2021 Dr. Zhang’s Publication Recognized by IEEE SPS Young Author Best Paper Award
- 08/25/2021 Mr. Asif Haider Joins ASP Lab with Temple Presidential Fellowship
- 06/15/2021 Dr. Zhang Helps Found Two IEEE Groups on ISAC
- 05/07/2021 ASP Lab Receives EURASIP Best Paper Award
- 02/15/2021 Mr. Ammar Ahmed Defends His PhD Dissertation
- 01/20/2021 Mr. Chowdhury and Mr. Pavel Join ASP Lab with Temple Presidential Fellowship
- 12/14/2020 Ms. Shuimei Zhang Defends Her PhD Dissertation
- 09/28/2020 Dr. Zhang Appointed Associate Editor for IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems
- 07/08/2020 Fourteen Papers Included in Google Scholar Metrics
- 06/09/2020 Ms. Zhang Wins Best Student Paper Award at IEEE SAM Workshop
- 01/06/2020 Dr. Zhang Elevated to SPIE Fellow
- 11/26/2019 Dr. Zhang Receives Premium Award from IET Communications
- 09/27/2019 Dr. Zhang Awarded Air Force Contract for Distributed RF Sensing
- 08/31/2019 ASP Lab Publications Recognized for High Citations
- 05/20/2019 Dr. Zhang Participates in Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program
- 05/15/2019 Dr. Qin Receives IEEE SPS Young Author Best Paper Award
- 11/21/2018 Dr. Zhang Elevated to IEEE Fellow
- 11/09/2018 Dr. Zhang Elected Member of IEEE SPTM Technical Committee
- 08/09/2018 Nine papers included in Google Scholar Metrics
- 07/12/2018 Dr. Zhang Co-Organizes IEEE SAM Workshop
- 04/27/2018 Dr. Zhang Receives IEEE AESS Mimno Award
- 07/25/2017 Dr. Zhang Awarded DURIP Grant from Navy
- 07/07/2017 ASP Lab Publications Recognized for Highly Cited Papers
- 05/15/2017 Mr. Ahmed Wins Student Paper Award at IEEE RadarCon
- 09/18/2016 Dr. Zhang Awarded Air Force Contract for Over-the-Horizon Radar
- 06/26/2016 Dr. Zhang receives IET Radar Sonar and Navigation Best Paper Award
- 06/20/2016 Ms. Shuimei Zhang Receives Temple University Presidential Fellowship
- 06/01/2016 Dr. Zhang Awarded Navy Grant for RFID Based Tracking
- 05/29/2016 Dr. Zhang Organizes Special Sessions on Assisted Living
- 03/02/2016 Mr. Qin Wins Second Place at DIG Annual Research Symposium
- 09/12/2015 Dr. Zhang Awarded NSF Grant to Develop Wireless Coexistence Strategies
- 08/26/2015 Dr. Zhang Serves as Guest Editor for DSP Special Issue
- 08/02/2015 Dr. Zhang Appointed Associate Editor for IEEE Trans. Signal Processing
- 08/01/2015 Dr. Zhang joins the ECE Department of Temple University
- 05/15/2015 Mr. Subedi Awarded Student Paper Award at IEEE Radar Conference
- 12/01/2014 Dr. Zhang Elected Member of IEEE SAM Technical Committee
- 10/01/2014 Mr. Qin Awarded Student Paper Award at IEEE Conference
- 01/15/2014 Dr. Zhang Awarded Navy Contract for Autonomous Deck Operation