Volume 34, Number 1 (Fall 2019)


Addressing the Elephant in The Room: Discussing the Wto’s Controversial Question Regarding the Application of Article XXI of Gatt 1994
Sarah Boutros

Algorithms as Allies: Regulating New Technologies in The Fight for Workplace Equality
Jack Hensler

Avoiding the Third Tragedy: Evaluating Criminal Responsibility of Child Soldiers Under International Law
Layal Issa

The Bemba Acquittal: A Blow to The Icc’s Legitimacy in A Time of Crisis
Sarah Hibbert

Gross Miscalculation: Taxing Exempt Individuals on Gross Income
Marielle MacMinn

Reframing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Proposed Practices for An International Criminal Tribunal in Syria
Ayana A. Bowman

Volume 33, Number 2 (Spring 2019)


Introduction to the Symposium: Political and Legal Theory on the Legitimacy of International Courts
Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Silje Aambø Langvatn, & Martin Westergren

Authentic Interpretations and International Courts: Like Calvin and Hobbes or Tom and Jerry?
Monika Polzin

The Democratic Legitimacy of Evolutive Interpretation by the European Court of Human Rights
Lisa Sonnleitner

International Courts and the Politics of Legitimation and De-legitimation
Theresa Squatrito

The Complex Epistemology of Institutional Legitimacy Assessments, As Illustrated by the Case of the International Criminal Court
Allen Buchanan

Helping v. Hindering Sovereignty: The Differential Politicization of the European Court of Human Rights in the Austrian and Swiss Press
Katja Achermann & Klaus Dingwerth

A Rule of Law View on the Relations of International Courts and Tribunals
Dafina Atanasova

Response to Allen Buchanan’s “The Complex Epistemology of Institutional Legitimacy Assessments, As Illustrated by the Case of the International Criminal Court”, Manuscript, 2019
Alain Zysset

The International Criminal Court is Legitimate Enough to Deserve Support
Margaret M. deGuzman & Timothy Lockwood Kelly