Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 1987)


The Obligation to Withdraw Recognition from Pretoria as the Government of South Africa
Henry J. Richardson III

Refugeeism, A Dilemma in International Human Rights: Problems in the Legal Protection of Refugees in West Africa
Paul Kuruk

Notes & Comments

Diplomatic Asylum: An Inappropriate Solution for East Germans Desiring to Move to the West
John Benjamin Roberts

Beyond Asylum and Withholding of Deportation: A Framework for Relief Under Geneva Convention IV of 1949
Ronald S. Kravitz

Book Review

The State and the Working People in Tanzania
Edited by Issa G. Shivji

Volume 1, Number 1 (Fall 1985)


The Advent of the Temple International and Comparative Law Journal
Henry J. Richardson III

Interrogation and the Admissibility of Confessions in Northern Ireland
J. J. Eisenhower

Notes & Comments

Reaction Sanctions and Foreign Incorporated Subsidiaries: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Jan Malia Lundelius

The Responsibility of States for Private Acts of International Terrorism
Jeffrey Allan McCredie

In re Doherty: Distinguishing Terrorist Activities from Politically Motivated Acts under the Political Offense Exception to Extradition
Linda Gerstel Feder

Recent Developments

The First World Industry Conference on Environmental Excellence
Linda A. Rinaldi