Volume 3, Number 2 (Fall 1989)


Rafael Porrata-Doria, Jr.

The Effects of 1992 Unification on European-American Relations
Dr. Thomas Fischer-Dieskau

Certain Institutional Aspects of “Europe 1992” and Their Effects on American Companies
Yves Quintin

The Effect of EC 1992 on U.S. Companies: A U.S. Government Perspective
Eleanor Lewis/Mark Goldstein

Comments on the “Europe 1992” Symposium
James D. Dinnage

Comments on the Temple University Symposium on “Europe 1992,” March 1989
Jane Restani


The EEC and the U.S.A.: Will the Gates Be Open for American Law Firms in 1992?
Todd Michael Saunders

Human Rights Concerns in the People’s Republic of China: An Appraisal of Recent Events
Jeffrey A. McCredie

Recent Developments

International Law and the Continuation of Sanctions Against South Africa
Henry J. Richarson, III


Immigration Law
James A. Georges

Book Review

Contract Law Today: Anglo-French Comparisons
Jerry Sloan


Volume 3, Number 1 (Spring 1989)



The Relations Between the Organization of the Judicature and Criminal Procedur
Professor Dr. Dionysios Spinellis

Copyright Protection in the United States: It’s All Berned Up
Michael L. Lovitz

Société Nationale Industrielle Aéorspatiale v. United States District Court— The Hague Convention on Taking Evidence Abroad: The “Optional” Treaty?
Mark T. Roomberg

Notes & Comments

Japanese Securities Regulations
Laura Merkler

Boos v. Barry: Balancing Diplomatic Inviolability with the Freedom of Speech
Diane Thompson

An Alternative Approach to Computer Pirating Disputes, the Mnookin-Jones Settlement: IBM v. Fujitsu
Shelley Albert

Book Review

An Introduction to International Law
N. C. M. Peck