Volume 5, Number 2 (Fall 1991)


The South African Judiciary and the Protection of Human Rights: A Strategy for a New South Africa
Lynn Berat

The Permissibility of State-Sponsored Assassination During Peace and War
Louis R. Beres

Demolition and Sealing of Houses in the Israeli Occupied Territories: A Critical Legal Analysis
Usama R. Halabi


The Repatriation of the Haitian Boat People: Its Legal Justification Under the Interdiction Agreement Between the United States and Haiti
Mary Frances Nevans

Changes in United States Foreign Trade Policies: Implications on Korean-American Trade Relations
Soo Kyung P. Kim

Integrating the Legal Profession in the European Community: The Problems with a Reactionary Directive
Robert C. Layne

Congress’ Spending Power and the Deployment of Troops to Saudi Arabia– “The Purse and the Sword” Revisited
Victoria Scharuda

Future Developments

Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer: Conference Calling for Accelerated Phase-Out of Ozone Depleting Chemicals is Planned for 1992
Glenn B. Raiczyk


Volume 5, Number 1 (Spring 1991)



Canadian Gun Control: Should the United States Look North for a Solution to Its Firearms Problem?
David B. Kopel

The New European Order: Restructuring the Security Regime Under the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Jeffrey S. Palmer

Recent Developments

An Observation of Hungarian Law and Development: Problems and Opportunities
Jerome M. Sloan


United States Participation in the Madrid Protocol: What is the Price of Admission?
Norm J. Rich

Conflicting Interests in Antarctica: People or Nature? Who Decides?
Stephen A. Seach

The Act of State Doctrine–Recognizing an Exception in Wrongful Death Suits– Liu v. Republic of China
Anne con Scheven

Book Review

International Securities Regulation: London’s “Big Bang” and the European Securities Markets
William W. Uchimoto