Volume 6, Number 2 (Fall 1992)


Contract Formation Under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Commercial Code: Pitfalls for the Unwary
Burte A. Leete

Class Actions for Continental Europe? A Preliminary Inquiry
Richard B. Cappalli & Claudio Consolo

The Emerging Law of International Electronic Commerce
Amelia H. Boss

Tort Cases in the South African Appellate Division: A Top Ten of the Eighties
Peter B. Kutner


Physician-Assisted Lethal Injection vs. the Plastic Bag: Will Euthanasia Legislation Ever Come? A Comparison of Standards in the Netherlands and the United States
Ute Angelique Joas

The Legality of Croatia’s Right to Self-Determination
Elysa L. Teric

The Effects of Boureslan v. Aramco: Silencing Congressional Action
Mark D. Simon

Addressing the Legal Problems of International Electronic Data Interchange: The Use of Computer Records as Evidence in Different Legal Systems
Kevin J. Kotch


Volume 6, Number 1 (Spring 1992)



John M. Lindsey

Keynote Address: Just Wars and Unjust Means
Russell F. Weigley

Recent Struggles for Democracy Under Protocols I and II to the Geneva Conventions
Henry J. Richardson, III

Human Rights and Peace Law in the United States
Ann Fagan Ginger

Just and Unjust Wars: The Future of U.S. Policy
Alberty R. Coll

Problems and Paradoxes of the Laws of Warfare
Mark L. Sacharoff


The Rights of Newly Emerging Democratic States Prior to International Recognition and the Serbo-Croation Conflict
M. Kelly Malone

Defining “Fundamental Breach” Under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
Andrew Bobiak

The United States’ Denial of the Immigration of People with AIDS
Douglas Scott Johnson

State Recognition Under the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act: Who Decides, the Judiciary or the Executive? Klinghoffer v. Palestine Liberation Organization, 937 F.2d 44 (2d Cir. 1991)
Eric T. Smith