Volume 10, Number 2 (Fall 1996)


Genocide, Death and Anxiety, A Jurisprudential/Psychiatric Analysis
Louis Rene Beres

A Comparative Analysis of Community Mediation in the United States and the People’s Republic of China
Robert Perkovich

Advertising and Solicitation: A Comparative Analysis of Why Italian and American Lawyers Approach Their Profession Differently
Stefano Agostini


Twice Saved or Twice Stolen?: The Trophy Art Tug-of-War Between Russia and Germany
Sylvia L. Depta

Making the Desert Bloom: Competing for Scarce Water Resources in the Jordan River Basin
Daniel J. Epstein

Ireland’s Abortion Law: An Abuse of International Law
Natalie Klashtorny

Procedural Problems in the Adjudication of International Parental Child Abduction Cases
Susan Mackie

Creating the Standards of a Global Community: Regulating Pornography on the Internet—An International Concern
Robyn Forman Pollack

Open Forum

Mission Impossible? International Law and  Infectious Diseases
David P. Fidler

Mission Possible: The Future of the International Health Regulations
Bruce Jay Plotkin


Volume 10, Number 1 (Spring 1996)



“Failed States,” Self-Determination, and Preventive Diplomacy: Colonialist Nostalgia and Democratic Expectations
Jenry J. Richardson, III

Cutting the Gordian Knot: Why International Environmental Law Is Not Only About the Protection of the Environment
Elli Louka

The Extraterritorial Application of United States Law and the Protection of Human Rights: Holding Multinational Corporations to Domestic and International Standards
Mark Gibney & R. David Emerick


Is Brazil Complying with the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child?
Paul A. Goetz

A Dilemma in Cyberspace and Beyond: Copyright Law for Intellectual Property Distributed Over the Information Superhighways of Today and Tomorrow
Benjamin R. Kuhn

Libel Actions in England, A Game of Truth or Dare? Considering the Recent Upjohn Cases and the Consequences of “Speaking Out”
James Penzi

Barking Up the Right Tree: Proposals for Enhancing the Effectiveness of the International Tropical Timber Agreement
Phillip E. Wilson, Jr.