Volume 11, Number 2 (Fall 1997)


Law, Lawyers, and Legality in the Third Reich: The Perversion of Principle and Professionalism
Matthew Lippman

Integration of the Americas: A Latin Renaissance or a Prescription for Disaster?
Mark B. Baker

Why a Demilitarized Palestinian State Would Not Remain Demilitarized: A View Under International Law
Louis Rene Beres & Zalman Shoval


Could This Be the Last Gasp? England’s First Case Against the British Tobacco Industry
Audra A. Albright

:-) Servie with a Smiley: The Effect of E-Mail and Other Electronic Communications on Service of Process
Frank Conley

Losing the Forest for the Trees: How Current Immigration Proposals Overlook Crucial Issues
Karen M. Longacher


Volume 11, Number 1 (Spring 1997)



Copyright and an Integrated European Market: Conflicts with Free Movement of Goods, Competition Law, and National Discrimination
Karl Ruping

Virtuous Ways and Beautiful Customs: The Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Japan
Andrew M. Pardieck


Knock, Knock, Who’s There?: Can Chemical Weapons Inspectors Enter U.S. Facilities Without a Search Warrant?
Debbie Ryan Bing-Zaremba

The National Security Revitalization Act: Is It “Reformation” or “Evisceration” of the Peacekeeping Function?
W. Glenn Jensen

The Great Democratizing Principle: The Effect on South Africa of Planning a Democracy Without a Jury System
Tracy Gilstrap Weiss

Book Review

Trade, Employment and Labour Standards: The OECD Study and Recent Developments in the Trade and Labour Standards Debate
Steve Charnovitz

Open Forum

Never Again: Questioning the Yugoslav and Rwanda Tribunals
Makau Mutua

Save the Tribunals: Salvage the Movement–A Response to Makau Mutua
Peter Rosenblum