Volume 17, Number 2 (Fall 2003)


Post-Colonial Studies: Terrorism, A History, Stage Two
Sharon Harzenski

The Three Big Rounds of U.S. Unilateralism Versus WTO Multilateralism During the Last Decade: A Combined Analysis of The Great 1994 Sovereignty Debate, Section 301 Disputes (1998-2000), and Section 201 Disputes (2002-Present)
An Chen

The Modern Foreign Investment Laws of the Philippines
Van V. Mejia

Immigration Law Reform After 9/11: What Has Been and What Still Needs to be Done
Jan Ting


Adjudication, Politics, and International Law
Right Honorable Sir Geoffrey Palmer

The Making of International Law: The Role of Small Island States
Tuiloma Neroni Slade

Notes & Comments

The First Amendment Right of Access Challenged on the Homefront: Detroit Free Press v. Ashcroft and North Jersey Media v. Ashcroft
Karen E. Anderson

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000: Defining the Problem and Creating a Solution
Theresa Barone

Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. v. NLRB: Empowering the Unscrupulous Employer and Stigmatizing the Undocumented Worker
Beth L. Throne

Politicians and Paramilitaries: Is Decommissioning a Requirement of the Belfast Agreement?
Heidi L. Wushinske


Volume 17, Number 1 (Spring 2003)



African-Americans Within the Context of International Oppression
Kevin D. Brown

U.S. Hegemony, Race, and Oil in Deciding United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 on Iraq
Henry J. Richardson, III


Justice Without Borders: The International Criminal Court
Ambassador Pierre-Richard Prosper Roger Clark

U.S.-China WTO Roundtable: The 2002 U.S.-China WTO Roundtable: Introduction and Overview
Amelia H. Boss & Jeffrey L. Dunoff

Comment on China’s Participation in the World Trade Organization
Steve Charnovitz

The World Trading System: In Dire Need of Reform
Sylvia Ostry

The Law Applied by World Trade Organization Panels
Rao Geping

Chinese Procurement Law: Current Legal Framework and a Transition to the World Trade Organization’s Government Procurement Agreement
Tong Xinchao

Are Safeguard Measures Permitted Under the World Trade Organization System
Yang Guohua

Dispute Settlement Under the TRIPS Agreement from the Perspective of Treaty Interpretation
Zhang Naigen

The Effects of the WTO Dispute Settlement Panel and Appellate Body Reports: Is the Dispute Settlement Body Resolving Specific Disputes Only or Making Precedent at the Same Time?
Zhu Lanye

Notes & Comments

Informed Consent for All? Not Quite! A Comparison of Informed Consent in the United States and Japan
Agatha Lambris

International Jurisdiction Over the Internet: A Case Analysis of Yahoo!, Inc. v. La Ligue Contre Le Racisme et L’Antisemitisme
Michelle Love

AIDS Vaccines: Balancing Human Rights with Public Health
Chari Alson Maddren

Sampson v. Federal Republic of Germany and Claims Conference: Shutting the Door on Reparations for Holocaust Survivors Living in the United States
Amanda Roberts

NAFTA Chapter 11: A Step Forward in International Trade Law or a Step Backward for Democracy?
Andrew J. Shapren