Volume 20, Number 2 (Fall 2006)


A Comparative View of Copyright as Cultural Property in japan and the United States
Geoffrey R. Scott

Trasnational Comparative Analysis of Balancing Competing Interests in Counter Terrorism
Amos N. Guiora

Healthcare Systems and Quality of Care: Do International Measurement Standards Exist?
Lisa L. Dahm

Reframing Rights from the Ground Up: The Contribution of the New U.N. Law of Self-Determination to Recovering the Principle of Sociability on the Way to a Relational Theory of International Human Rights
Howard J. Vogel

Book Review

Watch What You Say: Defamation in Japan
Colin P.A. Jones

Notes & Comments

The Hague Convention and Exclusive Choice of Court Agreements: An Imperfect Match
Adam E. Kerns

Lessons from Iraq: Electoral Legitimacy in the Shadow of Ethnoreligious Conflict
Kristina Arvanitis

Declaratory by Nature: Ocalan v. Turkey and the European Court of Human Rights
Christopher Wiedemer

An Obligation to Act: When the U.S. Voices Concern About China’s Criminal Justice System
Sang Woo Lee

Volume 20, Number 1 (Spring 2006)


The Changing Role of the Israeli Supreme Court and the Question of Legitimacy
Joshua Segev

War Is Not Child’s Play! International Law and the Prohibition of Children’s Involvement in Armed Conflict
Nsongurna J. Udombana

A Sense and Sensibility of Legal Obligation: Customary International Law and Game Theory
Jun-sjik Hwang

Notes & Comments

Military Conscription and Human Rights in the Republic of Korea: The Right of Conscientious Objection
Christin Choi

Republic of Austria v. Altmann: A Flawed Attempt to Apply Retroactively the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976
James Chung

From Justice to Torture: The Dramatic Evolution of U.S.-Sponsored Renditions
Beth Henderson

Does U.S. Antitrust Jurisdiction Extend to Claims of Independent/Dependent Foreign Injury?
Kevin O’Malley

The Prohibition of Muslim Headscarves from French Public Schools and Controversies Surrounding the Hijab in the Western World
Stefanie Walterick