Volume 23, Number 1 (Spring 2009)


Justice to the Extent Possible: The Prospects for Accountability in Afghanistan
Nadia Khan

From Mao to Madison and Back: An Examination of China’s National Property Law and Its Diminished Potential
Ryan van Steenis

Trying for a Just Result? The Hissene Habre Affair and Judicial Independence in Senegal
Laura Bingham

Notes & Comments

Free Trade, Free Migration: A Path to Open Borders and Economic Justice in the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
Erin M. Worrell

International Approach to Solving the Parental Asylum Conundrum
Krisitn J. Jones

How to Clear Up Blackwater: Bringing Effective Regulation to the Private Military Industry
Peter Jenkins

Highway Funding, International Commitments, and Death, Oh My!
Elspeth Doskey

Volume 22, Number 1 (Spring, 2008)


The Fate and Its Institutional Partners: Improving the Effectiveness and Accountability of Transgovernmental Networks
Kenneth S. Blazejewski

Ghetto’ing Workers with Hi-Tech: Exploring Regulatory Solutions for the Effect of Artificial Intelligence on “Third World” Foreign Direct Investment
Wendy N. Duong

“Control” in Recognizing Law and Practice in China and the United States: An Essay on the Study of Contrast
William J. Woodward Jr. 

Notes & Comments

Is Article 31BIS Enough? The Need to Promote Economies of Scale in the International Compulsory Licensing System
Mike Gumbel

Cadbury Schweppes: A Critical Look at the Future and Futility of U.K. Controlled Foreign Company Legislation
Alex Lynden-Horn

Fear and Loathing in the South Pole: The Need to Resolve the Antarctic Sovereignty Issue and a Framework For Doing It
Kevin Tray

WTO Accession at Any Cost? Examining the Use of WTO-Plus and WTO-Minus Obligations for Least-Developed Country Applicants
Nhan Nguyen