Volume 28, Number 1 (Spring 2014)


Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Prosecutorial Discretion: Legality, Policy, and Foreign Comparison
Xiao Ming Hu

A Matter of Necessity: A One-Step Compromise Between Liberalized Trade and the Environment
William P. Hunter

To Catch a Predatory Leader
Daniel J. Mullen

The AIA and the First-to-File Provision: Consequences and Constitutionality
Shantanu C. Pathak

Following the Northern Trail: How Canada Blazed the Path for American Marriage Equality
Caroline Power


Volume 27, Number 2 (Fall 2013)


Keep Calm and Carry On: Martti Koskenniemi and the Fragmentation of International Law
Tomer Broude

Engaging the Writings of Martti Koskenniemi: Introduction to the Symposium
Jeffrey L. Dunoff

From Interdisciplinarity to Counterdisiplinarity: Is There Madness in Martii’s Method?
Jeffrey L. Dunoff

Does Humanity-Law Require (or Imply) a Progressive Theory of History? (and Other Questions for Martti Koskenniemi)
Robert Howse and Ruti Teitel

Towards a Culture of Formalism? Martti Koskenniemi and the Virtues
Jan Klabbers

Histories of International Law: Significance and Problems for a Critical View
Martti Koskenniemi

People with Projects: Writing the Lives of International Lawyers
Andrew Lang and Susan Marks

The Apology of Utopia Some Thoughts on Koskenniemian Themes, with Particular Emphasis on Massively Institutionalized International Human Rights Law
Frédéric Mégret

Private Lawyer in Disguise? On the Absence of Private Law and Private International Law in Martti Koskenniemi’s Work
Ralf Michaels

The International Law That Is America: Reflections on the Last Chapter of the Gentle Civilizer of Nations
Samuel Moyn

Deconstructing Fragmentation: Koskenniemi’s 2006 ILC Project
Sean D. Murphy

Is International Relations Corrosive of International Law? A Reply to Martti Koskenniemi
Mark A. Pollack

The Empire of Security and the Security of Empire
Kim Lane Scheppele