Tag: concerts

  • Gospels, Spirituals, and More!

    Gospels, Spirituals, and More!

    Gospels, Spirituals, and More! with Dr. J. Donald Dumpson and Friends Wednesday, April 19th 12:00pm – 12:50pm Paley Library Lecture Hall Light refreshments served. Boyer recital credit given. Gospel Songs led by singers from the Arch Street Presbyterian Church Valerie Gay, soprano Markus Beam, baritone Dr. Clipper Erickson, piano Dr. Rollo Dilworth, composer, pianist Dr. Jay…

  • Piano Music from Around the World

    Piano Music from Around the World

    Piano Music from Around the World Charles Abramovic and his Studio Wednesday, February 15th
 12:00pm – 12:45pm
 Paley Library Lecture Hall Light refreshments served. Boyer recital credit given. On Wednesday, February 15, Paley Library’s Beyond the Notes concert series will present Piano Music from Around the World featuring professor and chair of the keyboard department…

  • Johann Sebastian Bach’s Coffee Cantata

    Johann Sebastian Bach’s Coffee Cantata

    Johann Sebastian Bach’s  Coffee Cantata Anais Naharro-Murphy, soprano Matthew Lulofs, baritone Brandon McShaffrey, director Wednesday, December 14th 12:00pm – 12:45pm Paley Library Lecture Hall Come for the fun! Come for the coffee!  (…and pastries!) Boyer recital credit given. On Wednesday, December 14, 2016, Paley Library’s Beyond the Notes concert series is happy to present Johann…

  • Classical Guitar at Paley Library!

    Classical Guitar at Paley Library!

    Classical Guitar Students of Allen Krantz Wednesday, November 9th 12:00pm – 12:50pm Paley Library Lecture Hall Bring your lunch. Bring your friends.  Light refreshments served. Boyer recital credit given. Relax. Refresh. Renew. Enjoy. At noon on Wednesday, November 9, Paley Library’s Beyond the Notes concert series is proud to present Prof. Allen Krantz and his students.…

  • Butterfly Lovers

    Butterfly Lovers

    Beyond the Notes : Temple Library’s Noontime Concert Series presents The Butterfly Lovers’ Concerto Performed by violinist Millie Bai and pianist Joy Bai. Wednesday, September 28th, 12:00pm – 1:00pm Paley Library Lecture Hall (Ground Floor) Light refreshments served. Boyer recital credit given. Beyond the Notes, Temple Library’s noontime concert series, is thrilled to open the season…

  • Beyond the Notes Announces 2016-2017 Season!

    Beyond the Notes Announces 2016-2017 Season!

    Beyond the Notes, Temple University Library’s popular and award-winning noontime concert series, announces a varied, imaginative and fun 2016-2017 season! All concerts are 12:00pm-1:00pm, Paley Library Lecture Hall. Light refreshments served. Boyer recital credit given. Violinist Millie Bai, accompanied by her sister Joy Bai, open the season with the beautiful Butterfly Lover’s Concerto. Millie will share her…

  • Platero and I Concert Contest!

    Platero and I Concert Contest!

    Answer the question below to win a $10 gift certificate! Who is Juan Ramón Jiménez? Submit your answer. Remember to cite your source for more chances to win! Find out more about our last concert in an extraordinary year of events @ your library!

  • Platero and I

    Platero and I

    On Wednesday, April 6, Paley Library’s noontime concert series, Beyond the Notes, will feature Duo MusicAleph, consisting of Temple graduate Sandrine Erdely-Sayo, composer and pianist, and Elizabeth Peña, narrator. They will perform Ms. Erdely-Sayo’s work for piano Platero y Yo, inspired by the novel by Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881-1958). Juan Ramón Jiménez, winner of the…

  • St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Contest!

    Answer this question for a chance to win a $10 gift certificate! Who was John Field? Click here to submit your answer! Remember to cite your source for more chances to win! Contest closes on Tuesday, March 15th, at 10:00pm. Good luck! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!   Find out more about the concert here!

  • St. Patrick’s Day Celebration – Words and Music from Ireland

    St. Patrick’s Day Celebration – Words and Music from Ireland

    On Wednesday, March 16, Paley Library will present music from and inspired by Ireland at its noon concert series, presented by students and faculty of the Boyer College of Music and Dance. This concert is the brainchild of Dr. Charles Abramovic, professor and chair of the keyboard department of the Boyer College. After receiving degrees…