Author Archives: Laura Toran

New sediment sampler and Wissahickon wildlife

I tried out a new sediment sampler with grad student Alex Nawotke.  The Helley-Smith sampler uses a net to catch suspended fines. We used it to collect fines in the bedload by kicking them up to create a suspension.  Alex … Continue reading

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Student summer research awarded

The summer students research assistants presented posters at the college undergraduate research symposium.  Congrats to Rachel Crowley (right photo) for winning 3rd place.  She presented on the karst research conducted this summer.  Congrats also to Paul O’Neill (left photo, co … Continue reading

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Abstracts for GSA in Denver

GSA is early this year, but we still managed to put together 5 presentations for Denver.  Three talks on karst springs, one on microbial communities in urban streams, and one on our new education grant.  Co-authors and titles are listed … Continue reading

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PO4 analyzer added to field monitoring

We now have a field deployable PO4 analyzer to monitor nutrients in our urban streams.  Postdoc  Sarah Ledford evaluated the system in the lab and we deployed on the Wissahickon at the end of July.  More data!  

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Blue Roof modified

Working with Villanova University, we have been monitoring a blue roof (rainwater storage system) on an apartment just off Temple’s campus.  The roof was draining too fast to we modified the drainage pipes to try to increase storage time.  The … Continue reading

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CO2 in springs is hard to measure

The karst research team got a visit from Hank Edenborn of DOEs NETL lab and Dorothy Vesper from WVU to learn about their CO2 sampling and logging techniques.  The loggers are very expensive and not easy to calibrate based on … Continue reading

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Sprinker test at SERC

No rain?  Just set up some sprinklers! We did that on campus to try out monitoring soil moisture during infiltration using an EM Profiler.  Undergrad Paul O’Neill is looking at this data as part of his summer research project.  Looks … Continue reading

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Longitudinal sampling on Wissahickon

We spent a day getting samples from the headwaters to the Philly border along the Wissahickon and its tributaries.  Sarah, Marley and I each took a section of the creek to sample the day.  For this round of sampling, the … Continue reading

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New REE data at karst springs

We collected samples from 16 spring in central PA and and an urban karst area just outside Philly and had them analyzed for REE.  Rare earth elements (REE) have been used in previous studies to differentiate aquifer source rock and … Continue reading

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Summer research for undergrads

I added two new undergrad research assistants to the team.  Rachel Crowley is working on the NSF karst research project and Marley Chertok is working on the William Penn Foundation urban stream project.  In addition, I am co-supervising Paul O’Neill … Continue reading

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