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High school mentees

The CARE Lab partnered with with New Jersey STEM Pathways Network, South Jersey STEM & Innovation Partnerships and Mindbytes in Summer 2021 to mentor high school students from the #NJSTEMTogether Communities Challenge talent pool. The students will have opportunities to develop their skills and provide them an avenue to extend their work beyond the classroom.


Bushra Khanam

Hello my name is Bushra Khanam. I am a rising junior at DCL STEM Academy. Like many, I have no idea who or what I want to be but what I do have is the opportunity. I have a chance to explore different areas and figure out what I want to be. I am grateful for this opportunity and want to mention that it is ok to not have everything figured out. In Summer 2021, I will be working on a ransomware project with the CARE Lab.