Tag Archives: collections

Working with Faculty to Meet Their Library Collection Needs  

Scholarship and teaching about the performing arts is continually changing. Temple Libraries’ new librarian for Music Performance, Becca Fulop, has worked hard to get to know her faculty – in particular their needs in library collections. She wanted to learn more … Continue reading

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Notes from the Field: Collections and Collective Action

Last week I participated in a symposium on the changing mission of academic libraries. While not directly related to assessment or strategic planning, those practices are implicit as we explored together “the mission of academic and research libraries in the … Continue reading

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Assessment for Planning: Special Collections Research Center Uses Data to Drive Location Decisions, and More

Planning to move the Special Collections Research Center  from its current space to the new library building takes careful planning, with different challenges than the general collections. For one, there are manuscripts AND books to be stored, with collections that … Continue reading

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How Are Our Books Being Used?

Last week’s final Assessment in the Real World workshop began with a report of book circulation – ¼ million data points detailing the circulation of books published in English and purchased from 2003 to 2013. Fred Rowland (RIS librarian for … Continue reading

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