TUARC has a 224.8 MHz output/223.2 MHz input VHF and a 442.8 output/447.8 input UHF analog FM repeaters both with a 131.8 Hz CTCSS tone required for access. The VHF repeater is an ICOM IC-RP2210 with 20 watts of transmit output power. A Wacom WP-652 four cavity 220 MHz duplexer provides approximately 15 watts to a Hustler G7-220 7.0 dBd vertical antenna. The UHF repeater is an ICOM IC-4410 with 25 watts of output power which is attenuated and inputted to a Mirage B-1018 100 watt 440 MHz power amplifier providing 65 watts of transmit power output. A Wacom WP-678 four cavity 440 MHz duplexer provides approximately 45 watts to a Comtelco BSL450ZL 6 dBd vertical antenna.
The S-COM 7330 three port repeater controller links the ICOM VHF and UHF repeaters and provides a speech library, macro scheduler, logic and real-time clock functions.
The ICOM VHF and UHF repeaters have an internal power supply. An Astron RS-35M 35 ampere, 13.8 volt power supply is used for the Mirage RF power amplifier and the S-COM 7330 controller.
VHF repeater vertical antenna VHF/UHF repeaters UHF repeater vertical antenna