


  1. Ravi, S., R. S. Van Pelt, J. Li, J. B. Sankey, A. Bhattachan, T. Sankey, G. S Okin, S. L. Collins, and P. D’Odorico, Internal feedback mechanisms driving shrub-grass dominance: from shrub encroachment to exotic grass invasions in North American deserts. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023 San Francisco, CA, December 2023.
  2. Leonard, J. S. Ravi and S. K. Mohanty, Preferential Emission of Microplastics from Biosolid-applied Agricultural Soils: Field Evidence and Theoretical Framework, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023 San Francisco, CA, December 2023.
  3. Khatei, G., T. Rinaldo, R. S. Van Pelt, P. D’Odorico, and S. Ravi, Wind Erodibility and Particulate Matter Emissions of Dry Salt-Affected Soils Under Diverse Atmospheric Humidity Conditions, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023 San Francisco, CA, December 2023.
  4. Taboada, S., C. Rydzewski, R. Bertel, D. E. Bloom, B. Towner, W. Schenk, A. Cagle, N. Thomas, C. Merheb, C. Choi, J. Macknick and S. Ravi, Developing an Inclusive Learning Community Focused on Agrivoltaic Research, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2023.
  5. Rydzewski, C., C. Merheb, J. Macknick, and S Ravi, Evaluating the environmental co-benefits and tradeoffs of urban agrivoltaics in Philadelphia, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2023.
  6. Choi, C. S., J. Macknick, J. McCall and S. Ravi, Multi-Year Analysis of Physical Interactions between Solar PV Arrays and Underlying Soil-Plant Components in Vegetated Utility-Scale Systems, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2023.
  7. Merheb, C., S. Ravi, and J. Macknick, A Global Synthesis of Multi-use Solar Energy Projects: Synergies and Tradeoffs, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2023.
  8. Thomas, N., S. Taboda, J. Macknick, and S. Ravi, Multi-year field study on the impacts of managed sheep grazing on soil health at solar energy sites, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2023.
  9. Ravi, S., J. Macknick and C. Merheb, A Global Synthesis of Multi-use Solar Energy Projects: Synergies and Tradeoffs, AgriVoltaics World Conference June 2024, Denver CO.
  10. Merheb, C., C. Rydzewski, C., S., Ravi and J. Macknick, Evaluating the environmental co-benefits and tradeoffs of urban agrivoltaics in Philadelphia, AgriVoltaics World Conference June 2024, Denver CO.
  11. Choi, C. S., J. Macknick, J. McCall and S. Ravi, Multi-year monitoring of microclimate and PV performance in utility-scale PV systems with co-located native vegetation in a humid continental climate, AgriVoltaics World Conference June 2024, Denver CO.
  12. Choi, C. S., J. Macknick, J. McCall, R. Bertel, and S. Ravi, Multi-year monitoring of microclimate and PV performance in utility-scale PV systems with co-located native vegetation in a humid continental climate, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 2024, Long Beach, CA. (Invited)
  13. Ravi, S., R. S. Van Pelt, J. Li and J. Sankey, Interactions among  res, vegetation and aeolian processes in changing landscapes: From shrub encroachment to exotic grass invasions, 2023 ESA Annual Meeting, Portland, OR,  USA, August 2023. (INVITED)
  14. Archibald*, L., Khatei, G., J. Caplan, R. S. Van Pelt, P. D’Odorico and S. Ravi, Compounding e ects of salinity and compaction on hydraulic properties of roadside stormwater control measures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, April 2023.
  15. Ravi, S, Combined land use of solar energy and agriculture (Agrivoltaics) for socioeconomic and environmental co-benefits, The International Environmetrics Society (TIES), February 2023 (Virtual) (INVITED)
  16. Ravi, S, Soils and hydrology of solar farms in midwestern US, Chesapeake Bay Program’s (CBP) Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) Workshop: Best Management Practices to Minimize Impacts of Solar Farms on Landscape Hydrology and Water Quality, April 2023, Manassas VA, USA. (INVITED)
  17. Van Pelt, R. S., S. Ravi, G. M. Zhang and P. D’Odorico, Salinity and Sodicity Effects on Soil Erodibility and Dust Emissions, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Soil Erosion Research Under a Changing Climate, January 8-13, 2023, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, USA.
  18. Leonard, J., S. Ravi and S. Mohanty, Airborne microplastic exposure in marginalized urban communities: source and resuspension mechanisms, AEESP 2023, Boston, MA.
  19. Van Pelt, R. S., S. Ravi and P. D’Odorico, Salinity Effects on the Threshold Wind Velocity Necessary to Initiate Erosion, Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) International Annual Conference, 20223, Des Moines Iowa, USA.
  20. Raabe, M., J. S. Caplan, L. Toran and S. Ravi, Amending Bioswale Soil Media with Biochar Mitigates the Negative Effects of Compaction on Hydraulic Conductivity, 2022 Storm Water Management Sympoium, Villanova, PA, USA.
  21. Bertel, R.,  C.S. Choi, J. Macknick, J. McCall, S. Ravi, The extent of vegetation-driven panel cooling and consequent increase in electricity generation from solar PV sites depend on climate and soil properties, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2021.
  22. Choi, C.S.,  M. Carbajales-Dale, S. Ravi, Land and water footprints from expansion of utility scale solar–Regional to local perspectives, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2021.
  23. Towner, E.,  T. Karas, J. Janski, J. Macknick, S. Ravi,  Managed sheep grazing can improve soil quality and carbon sequestration at solar photovoltaic sites, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2021.
  24. Raabe, M., J. Caplan, S. K . Mohanty, L. Toran, S. Ravi, Biochar alleviates the negative impact of compaction on hydraulic conductivity in a roadside bioswale, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2021.
  25. Koutnik, V., D. J. Leonard, J. Glassman, A. Novoselov, H. C. Koydemir, D. Tseng, A. Ozcan, R. Bertel, S. Ravi and S. K Mohanty ,What controls the distribution and mobility of microplastics in stormwater treatment systems in urban areas? American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2021.
  26. Sankey, J, B., T. Sankey, J. Li, S. Ravi, G. Wang*, J. Caster, A. Kasprak, Quantifying plant-soil-nutrient dynamics in rangelands: Fusion of UAV hyperspectral- LiDAR, EGU General Assembly April 2021.
  27. Li, J., S. Ravi, G. Wang, S. Van Pelt, T. Gill and J. Sankey, Woody plant encroachment in southwestern US: Drivers, feedbacks, and conceptual models, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-2995 April 2021.
  28. Sankey, J, B., T. Sankey, J. Li, S. Ravi, G. Wang*, J. Caster, A. Kasprak, UAV remote sensing of plant-soil-nutrient dynamics in burned rangeland, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2020.
  29. Ravi, S., J. Li, S. K Mohanty Particulate matter emission mechanisms from biochar-amended soils: A potential contaminant transport pathway, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2020.
  30. Stewart, J., K. M. Shakya, S. Ravi, J. Wilson and C. Choi, PM2.5 Chemical and Microbial Community Composition and Structure at Suburban and Urban Sites in the Greater Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Region,  American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2019.
  31. Ravi, S., I. V. Buynevich, J. Li, J. B. Sankey and G. Wang, Magnetic susceptibility-based tracer for quantifying aeolian transport-vegetation interactions,  American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2019.
  32. Bloom, D. E., C. Choi,  Y. Li, J. Macknick, J. McCall and S. Ravi, Interactions between solar photovoltaic arrays and the underlying soil-vegetation system,  American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2019.
  33. Mohanty, S. K., D. J. Leonard, B. Sharratt and S. Ravi, Gone with the wind: Aeolian transport of microplastics,  American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2019.
  34. Macknick, J.,  G. Barron-Gafford, S. Ravi, A. Knapp, A. Garrett,  J. McCall and S. Herbert, Combining Agriculture with Solar Energy for Food, Energy, and Water Benefits: Lessons Learned from 25 Field Studies of the DOE InSPIRE Project,  American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2019.
  35. Wang, L.,  K. F. Kaseke, S. Ravi, W. Jiao, T. Shuuya, and G. Maggs-Kölling, Convergent vegetation fog and dew water use in the Namib Desert,  American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2019.
  36. Burger*, W., G. Wang*, D. Grandstaff,  S. Ravi, J. Li, J. B. Sankey, and S. van Pelt, Spatial analysis of post-fire sediment redistribution using rare earth element tracers, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC, December 2018.
  37. Choi*, C.,  S. Ravi,  I. Serigar, F. Dwiyanti and J. Macknick, Combined land use of solar infrastructure and agriculture for socioeconomic and environmental co-benefits in Indonesia, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, Washington DC, December 2018.
  38. Wang*, G., J. Li and  S. Ravi, The Reversibility of shrub encroached grasslands under projected long-term droughts, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA, Washington DC, December 2018.
  39. Wang*, G., J. Li, S. Ravi, and  J. Sankey, Fire changes micro-scale stable isotopes of soil nitrogen (N) spatial heterogeneity in a grassand-shrubland transition system, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, Washington DC, December 2018.
  40. Buynevich, I., A. M. Jaskot, S. I. Bolysov, S. T. Hasiotis, C. S. Sparacio, A.  A. Derkach , K. A. Kopcznski, and S. Ravi, Zoogeomorphic structures as water-level indicators in coastal settings, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, Washington DC, December 2018.
  41. Cagle*, A., C. S. Choi*, S. Ravi , J. Macknick, and R. Bickhart, Impacts of Solar PV Arrays on Physicochemical Properties of Soil, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2017.
  42. Choi*, C., J. Macknick and S. Ravi, Opportunities for co-location of solar PV with agriculture for cost reductions and carbon, water, and energy footprint mitigation in the tropics, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2017.
  43. Wang*, G., J. Li, S. Ravi, D. Dukes*, H. Gonzales*, J. Sankey and S. van Pelt, Effects of Fire on the Plant-Soil Interactions in Northern Chihuahuan Desert, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2017.
  44. Ivgi*, S. I. and S. Ravi , Quantifying changes in connecting along a shrub-grass ecotone using LiDAR: Implications for desertification control, Drylands, Deserts and Desertification 2017, Combating Desertification and Dryland Management-Theory and Practice. Sde Boker, Israel, November, 2017.
  45. S. Ravi , On the ecohydrologic interactions within “fairy circles” in the Namib Desert, Drylands, Deserts and Desertification 2017, Combating Desertification and Dryland Management-Theory and Practice, Sde Boker, Israel, November, 2017 (INVITED Speaker).
  46. Ravi, S. Solar-Agriculture colocation: Synergies and Tradeoffs, The 6th IPB talks on Complexity and Sustainability Sciences: Renewable Energy and Agriculture , Bogor, Indonesia, August 2017. (INVITED Speaker and panelist).
  47. Ravi, S., Quantifying post-disturbance dust emissions in changing landscapes, Association of American Geographers 17th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 2017.
  48. Ravi, S. Quantifying post-disturbance dust emissions in changing landscapes, Propagation of climate and tectonic signals through landscapes (6th Annual Amtrak Club Meeting), State College, PA, May 2017. (INVITED Keynote speaker).
  49. Ravi, S., L. Wang, Kaseke, K., and I. Buynevich, Ecohydrologic interactions within “fairy circles” in the Namib Desert, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
  50. Trifunovic*, B., Gonzales*, H., and S. Ravi, Impact of biochar amendment on soil hydrological properties, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
  51. Wang, L., S. Daryanto, Kaseke, K., and S. Ravi, Integrating teaching and authentic research in the field and laboratory settings, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
  52. Wang*, G., J. Li, S. Ravi, J. Sankey, D. Dukes, H. Gonzales, and S. van Pelt, Post-fire soil nutrient redistribution in northern Chihuahuan Desert, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
  53. Dukes*, D., S. Ravi, D. Grandstaff, H. Gonzales*, J. Li, J. Sankey, G. Wang, and S. Van Pelt, Quantifying post-fire aeolian sediment transport using rare earth element tracers, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
  54. Li, J., and S. Ravi, Soil texture in a coppice dune system: The relative role of aeolian and hydrologic processes, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
  55. Gonzales*, H., S. Ravi. J, Li and J. Sankey, Aeolian sediment trapping efficiencies of sparse vegetation and its ecohydrological consequences in drylands, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
  56. Ravi, S., B. Sharratt, J. Li, S. Olshevski*, Z. Meng, and J. Zhang, Aerosol emissions from biochar-amended agricultural soils, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
  57. Wang, L., S. Manzoni, S. Ravi, D. Riveros-Iregui, and K. Caylor, Dynamic interactions of ecohydrology and biogeochemical processes in water-stressed environments, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
  58. Wang, L., Kaseke, K., S. Daryanto, and S. Ravi,  Integrating teaching and research in field and laboratory settings, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
  59. Li, J., and S. Ravi, Shifting from grassland to shrubland: New insights from recent experimental studies in the Chihuahuan Desert, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 2015.
  60. Olshevski*, S., S.  Ravi, J. Li and B. Sharratt, Particulate matter emissions from biochar-amended soils: A potential health hazard? Geological Socisty of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MA, November 2015.
  61. Ravi, S., J. Macknick, D. Lobell, C. Field, K. Ganesan and R. Jain, Colocation opportunities for renewable energy and agriculture in northwestern India, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
  62. Ravi, S., J. Macknick, D. Lobell, C. Field, M. Elchinger, and B. Stoltenberg, European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, April 2015.
  63. Ravi, S. G. Okin and T. Huxman, Land degradation patterns induced by biological invasions: Untangling the climate-soil-vegetation feedback, European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, April 2015.
  64. Ratajczak, Z., P. D’Odorico, J. B. Nippert, N. Brunsell, S.  Ravi, Collins, Leading- and misleading-indicators of grassland to shrubland regime shifts, Ecological Society of America Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN, August 2013.
  65. Ravi, S., M. Dale, D. Lobell and C. Field, Impacts of large solar installations on water resources and food security, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting December 2013.
  66. Ravi, S., M. Dale, D. Lobell and C. Field, Impacts of large soalr installations on water resources and food security, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting December 2013.
  67. Ravi, S., D. Lobell and C. Field, Tradeoffs and synergies between biofuel production and large-scale solar infrastructure in deserts, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting December 2012.
  68. Ravi, S., Dust and ecosystem processes: Integrating dust, ecology and human dimensions, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, August 2012. [INVITED]
  69. Law, D., S. Ravi, D. D. Breshears, G. A. Barron-Gafford, and T. E. Huxman. Evapotranspiration partitioning: Competition between abiotic & biotic components of the water budget, AGU Chapman Conference, Tucson, AZ, 2011.
  70. Ravi, S., D. J. Law, A. Wiede, G. A. Barron-Gafford, D. D. Breshears, K. Dontsova and T. E. Huxman, Ecophysiological responses of native and invasive grasses to simulated warming and drought, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
  71. Sankey, J., S.  Ravi and S. L. Collins, Resilience of the spatial patterning of soil resources in creosote-encroached grassland, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
  72. Sankey, J. B., Germino, M.J., Glenn, N.F., S.  Ravi,, Wallace, C.S.A., 2011, Quantifying biogeomorphic response to fire at micro-biome scales. Fire Ecology Conference, Snowbird, UT, November 2011.
  73. Law, D., S. Ravi, D. D. Breshears, G. A. Barron-Gafford, and T. E. Huxman. Evapotranspiration partitioning in a warmer world: Natives lose out to invasives in a shift to evaporation dominance? Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, August 2011.
  74. Gallas, G., K. Dontsova, J. Chorover, E. Hunt and S.  Ravi, University of Arizona. Nutrient uptake and carbon release by exotic and native Arizona grass species under different temperature conditions, Ecological society of America Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, August 2011.
  75. Dontsova, K., G. Gallas, E. Hunt, J. Chorover, and S. Ravi, Plant-mediated weathering of granular basalt, European Geosciences Union, Vienna, July 2011.
  76. Ravi, S., Addressing Global warming challenges in drylands: Integrating ecophysiological mechanisms with ecohydrological feedbacks, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, August 2010. [INVITED]
  77. Ravi, S., Interactions between geomorphic processes and vegetation at desert margins, 40thBinghamton Geomorphology Symposium 2009 – Geomorphology and Vegetation: Interactions, Dependencies, and Feedback Loops, Blacksburg, VA, October 2009. [INVITED]
  78. Ravi, S., and P. D’Odorico, Aeolian processes at the plant-interspace scale: Implications on patch dynamics, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, August 2008. [INVITED]
  79. Ravi, S., Aeolian processes and ecosystem structure/function in warm deserts, 18th Annual Wildland Shrub Symposium, Logan, May 2010. [INVITED]
  80. Ravi, S., T. M. Zobeck, P. D’Odorico and M. Baddock, Effect of vegetation type on post-fire enhancement of wind erosion in semi arid landscapes, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2010.
  81. Baddock, B., T. M. Zobeck, P. D’Odorico, S. van Pelt, S. Ravi, T. M. Over and A. Bhattachan, Responses of wind erosion to disturbances in a desert scrub grassland: grass vs bush cover and a snap shot in to recovery, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2010.
  82. Quade, W., S.  Ravi, A. Weide, G. Barron-Gafford, K. Dontsova and T. E. Huxman, Ecophysiological responses of invasive and native grasses with simulated warming, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2010.
  83. Wilcox, B. P., L. Turnbull, M. H. Young, J. Williams, S.  Ravi, M. S. Seyfried, D. R. Bowling, R. S. Scott, T. Caldwell, J. Wainwright and M. Germino, Ecohydrological consequences of grasses invading shrublands: Comparing cold and warm deserts, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2010.
  84. Gallas, G., K. Dontsova, J. Chorover, E. Hunt and S.  Ravi, Soil weathering, nutrient uptake and carbon release by exotic and native grass species under different temperature conditions, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2010.
  85. Ravi, S., P. D’Odorico, S. C. Collins and T. M. Zobeck, Fire- aeolian erosion feedbacks, International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR VII), Santa Rosa, Argentina, July 2010.
  86. Baddock, B., T. M. Zobeck, P. D’Odorico, S. van Pelt, S.  Ravi, T. M. Over and A. Bhattachan, Hoof, teeth and fire: The effects of disturbances on wind erosion in a desert scrub grassland, International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR VII), Santa Rosa, Argentina, July 2010.
  87. Ravi, S., and T. E. Huxman, Desertification patterns induced by coupled geomorphic and vegetation interactions: the case of biological invasions, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2009.
  88. Ravi, S., T. E. Huxman, J. Espeleta, P. D’Odorico and S. L. Collins, Resource redistribution patterns induced by rapid vegetation shifts and their impact on desertification, AGU Chapman Conference on Examining Ecohydrological Feedbacks of Landscape Change Along Elevation Gradients in Semiarid Regions, Sun Valley, ID, October 2009.
  89. Breshears, D. D., J. P. Field, J. J. Whicker, S.  Ravi, T. E. Huxman and P. D’Odorico, AGU Chapman Conference on Examining Ecohydrological Feedbacks of Landscape Change Along Elevation Gradients in Semiarid Regions, Sun Valley, ID, October 2009.
  90. Huxman, T. E. and S. Ravi, Ecohydrology of vegetation conversion and ecosystem consequence, Society of Range Management Annual meeting, Albuquerque, NM, February 2009.
  91. Ravi, S., Fire-erosion feedbacks, AIMES-YSN Workshop: Cultural Uses and Impacts of Landscape Fires: Past, Present and Future (Analysis, Integration and Modeling of Earth systems-Young Scientists Network), Boulder, Colorado, July 2008. (limited to 25 selected participants worldwide). [INVITED]
  92. Ravi, S., and P. D’Odorico, Fire-Vegetation-Soil erosion Interactions: Implications on Land Degradation at Desert Margins, MYRES 2008: “Dynamic Interactions of Life and its Landscape”, Meeting of young researchers in earth sciences, New Orleans, May, 2008 (limited to 40 delegates worldwide). [INVITED]
  93. Ravi, S., T. E. Huxman, P. D’Odorico and S. L. Collins, Resource redistribution patterns induced by rapid vegetation shifts and their impacts on land degradation, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 2008.
  94. Ravi, S., P. D’Odorico L. Wang, S. L. Collins, C. S. White and G. S. Okin, Resource homogenization in degraded arid landscapes induced by fire-erosion interactions, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 2007.
  95. Ravi, S., P. D’Odorico, L. Wang, S. L. Collins, C. White and G.S. Okin, Hydrological and aeolian controls on the dynamics of “resource islands” in fire-prone arid landscapes, International Workshop on Environmental Changes and Sustainable Development in Arid and Semi-arid Regions, Alashan Left Banner, China, September 2007.
  96. Ravi, S., P. D’Odorico and G. S. Okin, Hydrologic and aeolian controls on vegetation patterns in arid landscapes, ESA/SER Joint Meeting in San Jose, California. August 2007.
  97. Ravi, S., L. Wang and P. D’Odorico, Form and function of grass ring patterns in arid grasslands: the effect of abiotic controls, COMLAND- International Workshop on Environmental Changes and Sustainable Development in Arid and Semi-arid Regions, Inner Mongolia, China, September 2007.
  98. Ravi, S., P. D’Odorico, S. L. Collins, C. White, L.Wang and G. S. Okin, Effect of fire-erosion interactions on resource island dynamics in arid landscapes, Joint Symposium on Long-term Ecological Research Programs (17thAnnual Jornada Symposium), Las Cruces, New Mexico July, 2007.
  99. D’Odorico, P., and S. Ravi, Fire induced spatial redistribution of soil resources in desert grasslands, Joint Symposium on Long-term Ecological Research Programs (17thAnnual Jornada Symposium), Las Cruces, New Mexico July 28, 2007.
  100. Over, T. M., S. Ravi, P. D’Odorico, T.M. Zobeck and B.E. Herbert, On the water repellency, humidity, fire and wind erosion in arid landscapes, Bouyoucos Conference on Water Repellency, Florida, USA, May 2007.
  101. Ravi, S., P. D’Odorico, T. M. Zobeck and T.M. Over, Feedbacks between fires and wind erosion in heterogeneous arid landscapes, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 2006.
  102. Ravi, S.,D’Odorico, B. Herbert, T. M. Zobeck, T.M. Over, Effect of fire induced soil hydrophobicity of the entrainment of soil particles by wind, International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR6), Guelph, Canada, August 2006.
  103. Ravi, S., P. D’Odorico, B. Herbert, T. M. Zobeck and T. M. Over, Enhancement of wind erosion by fire-induced water repellency: a wind tunnel study, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 2005.
  104. Ravi, S., T. M. Zobeck, T.M. Over, P. D’Odorico, The wet bonding forces in soils and their effect on threshold friction velocity of wind erosion, General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, May 2005.
  105. Ravi, S., P. D’Odorico, T. M. Zobeck and T.M. Over, Effect of Air Humidity on Soil Susceptibility to Wind Erosion, Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union, Montreal, Canada, May 2004.


Princeton University, UCLA, Lehigh University (PA), Villanova University (PA), Pennsylvania State University, Rutgers University (NJ),  University of Kansas (KS), Georgia Tech (GA), University of Arizona (AZ), University of Kentucky (KY), Duke University (NC), Stanford University (CA), University of Tulsa, Indiana University- Purdue University (IN), Kutztown University (PA), Temple University (PA), CEEW (New Delhi, India), Inner Mongolia University (Huhhot, China), Institut Pertanian Bogor IPB (Bogor, Indonesia), Bandung Institute of Technology ( Bandung, Indonesia).


  1. Ravi, S., Linking climate change, biological invasions and desertification, Lets talk science! Science for public – Biosphere 2 Spring lecture series, Oracle, AZ, March 2011.
  2. Ravi, S., Climate change and grass invasions, Buffel grass working group, Tucson, AZ, August 2011.
  3. Ravi, S., Climate change and land degradation, STEM Teacher training Workshop, Biosphere 2, Oracle, AZ, March 2009.
  4. Ravi, S., Climate change, biological invasions and desertification, Lets talk science! Science for public – Biosphere 2 Fall lecture series, Oracle, AZ, March 2011.
  5. Ravi, S., Global desertification, Rillito River Project’s Border Biosphere Art Lab at Biosphere 2, Oracle, AZ, October 2011.
  6. Quade, W., and S.  Ravi, Ecophysiological Responses of Invasive and Native Grass with Simulated Warming, Annual graduate college summer research conference, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, August 2011.
  7. Hui, J., S. Ravi and P. D’Odorico, Dust sources across the Sahel Region: Regional and Global implications, Environday, Undergraduate research symposium (best poster award), University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 2007.
  8. Quade, W., and S. Ravi, Ecophysiological responses of native and invasive grasses with simulated warming, National Conference on undergraduate research, Ithaca, NY, 2010.
  9. Ravi, Connecting the dots –“The Water –Energy Nexus” Stanford University lectures for public, Stanford, CA, April, 2013.