Tag Archives: Ambler Arboretum

Guest Blogger: Grace Harbison on Magnificent Magnolias

While the Arboretum is closed, Grace, a Horticulture Major in the Tyler School of Art and Architecture as well as an Ambler Arboretum Student Worker, is sharing some information about various plants that can be found around the Arboretum and … Continue reading

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Arboretum as Habitat

Seems to be a bumper crop of butterflies around this summer. Have you noticed this too? Feels like everywhere I look I find Lepidoptera in various stages of development. When I find one of these, or participate in our annual … Continue reading

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April Showers Bring…. May Showers

I love a good puddle jump as much as the next person. I am also fully aware, as I am sure you are too, that we need rain for the flowers to grow and for our trees to thrive. But … Continue reading

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Bark at the Arboretum: Kuma and Jersey Visit

The Ambler Arboretum is a popular spot for more than taking in the beauty of the trees. Seems that many folks find it a great place to walk their dogs. We welcome dogs at the arboretum. Of course, if you … Continue reading

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A Late Winter Walk

Each season I offer a mid-week walk around the arboretum for anyone interested in seeing what is going on.  From interesting seed pods and galls to flowers in all colors, here are the finds from today’s March 1, 2018 late-winter … Continue reading

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Marvelous Maples

One of the things I am very excited to get to do for the Ambler Arboretum is connect our 187 acres of natural habitat and formal gardens to the greater community. This community includes the students, faculty and staff who … Continue reading

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Autumn in the Arboretum

This gallery contains 6 photos.

According to the calendar fall is here. But when you look outside it is still a bit difficult to tell. With temperatures in the 80s and high humidity it certainly doesn’t feel like fall. Though the bright jewel-tones of autumn … Continue reading

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Summer Blues

I will be the first to admit that I am not the greatest fan of summer. Give me snow and mountains and a chill in the air any day over 95 degrees and 95% humidity. But… the flowers and fruits … Continue reading

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